Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 4 Chapter 2803: The collapsed Emperor Cang (2)

Ok... more... one?

How many of these loved ones are there?

"No problem," Beimo smiled and touched the little head of Xiaotoutou. "I will get their approval, you don't have to worry."

Emperor Linger blinked his eyes: "I don't worry, why should I worry? They won't marry me or beat me, but you may be downset..."


Is this gimmick calming him or threatening him?

"But, I can tell you a secret," the emperor smiled and leaned in front of the man, squinting his eyes wide. "You just have to get my mother, it is the same as getting everyone, they listen to me." Mother's words."


The meaning of this girl is that as long as the mother-in-law recognizes him, others... are not problems?

Bei Mo suddenly lost his smile: "Shantou, you help me like this, I will not let you down, and again, I am never afraid of things, as long as they can reach you, even if they come up to give me a hundred punches. I can accept it."

"This... even if I am a mother, I will not let them beat people casually. My mother is terrible. I cried. When I cried, she would rely on me, but I will not use my tears to force my mother. You must be recognized by my mother, I recognize you, and my brother and other people are not a problem. In our family, everything is done by my mother."

The implication is that as long as Bai Yan recognizes him, Emperor Cang and Bai Xiaochen are easy to get fixed. If Bai Yan does not recognize it, then he can't get it alone.

Bei Mo was silent, and his peach blossoms flashed in a flash of light, seemingly thinking about something...


After saying these words, Linger walked out of the room, but she just stepped into the backyard of the demon king palace, and a cry of ghosts and screams suddenly broke, breaking the silence in the palace.

"Linger sister, Linger sister, are you there? I heard that you are going to marry, which **** has taken you away, let him get out and die!"

The emperor was amazed, and when he turned his head, he saw a meat ball running from a distance.

It was a big fat man, full of fat, running up and panting, really like a huge meat ball.

"Fat brother, how come you?"

Speaking of it, she has not seen Wang Fatzi for several years. Since Wang Fatzi made up his mind to lose weight a few years ago, he never looked for her again, but he hasn't seen it for a few years. How can he be fat?

"Linger sister, how come you marry so soon? That bastard! I want to kill him!"

Wang Fat’s madness is crying. He is not planning to wait for the Linger’s sister to confess after he has lost weight. But I haven’t thought that this is only a few years later, Linger’s sister will marry?

Emperor's hands clasped his chest and smiled and looked at Wang Fatzi: "Fat brother, my big brother and Bei Mo have a tie, are you sure you want to kill him?"


Wang Fatzi is dumbfounded.

Boss and the kid have a tie? Flat? Then can he be crushed by one hand?

"This, I just made a joke, haha, make a joke..." Wang Fatzi suddenly stunned. He smiled a few times. "I am here to congratulate Linger's sister. Are you really married?"

Now mentioning the words of marrying, Wang Fatzi’s heart is still a bit sour, but he is squinting his eyes and not seeing a drop of tears falling.

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