Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 806: He is the king of the demon world (2)

Mrs. Huang did not regret to follow! These people come to the demon world, she can not rest assured, and she has lived in this place for many years, naturally to coexist with the demon world.

"Mother!" Huang Ji’s heartbreaking lungs screamed, and the painful tears smashed from his eyes.

He listened to her mother's life, but this time, he did not want to obey her.

"I let you roll!" Mrs. Huang was angry.

Her two eyes have already turned white. Now, because of Huang Xiaoying's departure, the face that was originally well-maintained is also old and decadent. But at this moment, this old face is full of anger, and the eyes are full of anger.

The yellow ruler bit his lip and stood still. He used only the hateful eyes to stare at Wei Lao and others.

"Want to go? I am afraid that he wants to go and can't go?" Wei Lao's ironic smile, looked up to the demon community elders, "You are thinking about it, down the mountain or watching me kill this old lady?"

Several elders have stopped their steps. They stood on the top of the mountain and looked at the yellow-footed horror and the old-fashioned Mrs. Huang.

"Wei Lao," the girl's impatient eyebrows, "What are we doing with these people?" I don't believe that there is any danger in this small mountain."

After saying this, she has already taken steps and is going to move towards this holy mountain with white mans.


The girl had just stepped a step and was stunned by Wei Lao.

His face was bitterly smiling and patiently persuaded: "Miss, I don't feel wrong. This mountain should be heavily organized. We don't have an agency to ensure safety. Just in case, wait here." it is good."

The four elders lied in her heart and asked her to watch Mrs. Huang’s wife being killed by this group of people. She could not do it.

If... If it weren’t for Suzaku’s preference for being quiet and unwilling to be disturbed, he would have taken everyone in the demon world into the holy mountain.

Before, she was also worried about angering Suzaku, but she did not dare to let other people into the mountains...

"This time, it seems that we are really escaping."

The four elders smiled and she walked calmly toward the mountain.

"The Yellow Patriarch, I owe you a favor before, this time, it will be returned to you."

When her persevering eyes fell to the yellow ruler, the corner of her mouth did not feel a helpless smile, and even her expression was firmer than before.

Although the four elders ranked the fourth in the elders' group, they were the youngest ones. They were elected to the elders group because of their outstanding talents, and ranked fourth in terms of strength.

Before this, the four elders were seriously injured once, and Huang Huang accidentally saw her and saved her life.

This kind of kindness, she will always remember it!

Mrs. Huang saw that the four elders were about to walk down the holy mountain. Her voice was urgent: "I don't need people to save! You have to go! I can't count a life! You are going!"

The pace of the four elders did not hesitate, and in a flash, they have already stepped down the mountain.

This time, Mrs. Huang was finally panicked, and her remorse filled her heart, which made her very worried.

She is not afraid of death, naturally she will not regret any decision, but... As soon as she thinks that her selfish behavior has dragged on others, her face becomes pale and she looks at the four elders in panic.

"Ha ha ha!"

Wei Lao was not extinct to such a degree that he pushed the old lady Huang’s palm away and became a flash of lightning. He was already behind the four elders.

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