Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 808: He is the king of the demon world (4)

Because of the participation of all the elders, Wei Laoyi could not help them.

The girl saw this, involuntarily frowning, and then made a look to the other old people beside him.

The old men understood her meaning, and immediately pulled out their weapons and rushed toward the people.

"Old eight, be careful!" The four elders looked at an old man and rushed to the eight elders. She was shocked and pushed the eight elders aside.

Because this time exhausted her power, so that she can no longer avoid the attack of the eight elders, coupled with such a long battle, has let her exhausted, so, can only watch a long sword Penetrated the chest.

Blood rushes like a water column, splashing on the ground, and it is also reddening everyone's eyes...

The three elders madly rushed toward the old man. All the momentum gathered in the palm of his hand. Like a madman, he seemed to fight out. He slammed, and the old man’s footsteps retreated a few steps under the attack of the three elders. .

"The fourth child!"

At the moment when the four elders were about to fall, the three elders had already hugged her body. Her robes had been stained with blood, and her face was too **** and pale as snow.

"Cough!" The four elders coughed twice, and a smile appeared on the corner of their mouth. "I'm fine, don't worry, you... you still have to go to the holy mountain with Mrs. Huang."

The three elders looked at the old men who were stuck in the holy mountain, and they burst into a wry smile. I am afraid that it is too late to go to the holy mountain...


The girl passed through the crowd and walked from the back. She put her hands on her hips and raised her chin at the top, revealing the white neck.

"I will give you a chance to find the king of the demon world and see that you will become my subordinates. I will not hurt your life."


Eight elders have red eyes and sighed at the girl: "You dream, the king of our demon world, will never give you a pet! I don't think!"

"You are not him, you can't make his decision, let's not know how do you know that he doesn't want to be my pet?" The girl sneered, "The king of the demon world, it is the king of the world, but in the end, but A beast, I am a noble man, he is my pet, not buried him."

He Chuchu’s words just fell, and in the void, a gloomy voice passed down, his voice spread, and the whole sky seemed to be a gloomy piece.

"You just let this king be your pet?"

The man's voice is low and cold, but it is dull and magnetic.

He Chuchu turned his head in a strange way, looking at the purple figure standing in the void, and his eyes were striking.

She knew that the beasts were both male and female, but they did not expect the king of the demon world to be so beautiful.

His face is enough to make all things in the world lose color, as if the whole world, only he is the most eye-catching.

It’s a pity that the beautiful man who is so beautiful is a monster!

He Chuchu’s eyes were disappointing. She swept her eyes to Emperor Cang, and then turned her eyes to the beautiful woman who was in the arms of the Emperor.

The woman’s red dress was amazing, and she stood by the emperor’s body with her appearance, not inferior.

Don't even think about it, this woman must be the queen of the demon world...

"Mother," Bai Xiaochen climbed up from the back of the golden dragon. The small palm held the hand of Bai Yan, and the eyes contained innocence. "Why should she let her be a pet? Morning worry I saw her... I couldn’t eat it because I was disgusting."

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