Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 811: Consumption also consumes energy to die them (2)

Bai Yan Yang smiled and sneered again and again: "In addition to this, there are seven real spirits, and the remedy for restoring infuriating is different from other medicinal herbs. Even if you have five medicinal products, you can take them. It’s just a shallow depth of recovery. Now, I will give it to you.”

"And I have only one request for you, even if it is consumed, it will kill them!"

The four elders and others took over the medicinal herbs that Bai Yan had thrown over. It was like a chicken blood. The whole people were excited. They looked like a hungry wolf, staring at the old men who were just arrogant.

"This group of people dare to come to my demon world to fight, we must kill them and avenge their dead companions!"

"Yes, we have to avenge those innocent people who have lost their lives and killed all those who come to chaos!"

The elders rushed toward the old man, and stopped the old man’s steps toward the emperor.

Because of taking Tianzhu Dan, the physical qualities of the elders have been upgraded to a certain level. Under the gods, there are no guns, and people above the gods can no longer seriously hurt them!

Even if you are injured, it doesn't matter. They still have the cure for Dan, and after waiting for it, they just have to wait a moment and continue to fight!

Even if the infuriating energy is exhausted, then there is still a true spirit that can be restored. Even if the true spirit of the seven products recovers very little, it is enough for them to deal with these old men...

Bai Xiaochen didn't know where to move from a bench, sitting on the side, holding a bottle of medicinal herbs in his hand, the bite of the bite of the Baba, his face with a cheerful smile, as if this battle was in front of him. He is a good show.

Xiao Longer stared at the medicinal herbs in the hands of Bai Xiaochen, and the saliva of the cockroaches fell off.

Bai Xiaochen was not as embarrassed as before. He took out a bottle of medicinal herbs and handed it to Xiaolonger.

"You want to eat and ask me to do it. This is the snack that my mother gave me. I have a lot here."

For girls, Bai Xiaochen has always been very generous. In particular, Bai Xiaochen’s lifelong dream is to want a lovely sister.

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness." Xiaolonger opened his eyes and smiled. She also took a stool and sat down, eating the medicinal herbs while watching the play.

For a time, at the foot of the whole back mountain, only the sound of the medicinal scent of the medicinal herbs swayed...

The old men are desperate.

These monsters are like eating a powerful pill. They are as strong as a cow, and their bodies are as hard as steel. Even if it is hard to cause harm to them, they immediately take the next remedy to continue fighting.

So how do you fight? Can you fight this freak?

"Miss, we really can't hold it." A yellow robe old man smiled.

This time, without the king of the demon world, they will be killed in the hands of this group of old guys.

He Chuchu’s face also showed despair.

Can this woman actually come up with so many powerful drugs? And her son and little maid, is to eat the medicinal herbs as snacks?

Even in their spiritual world, medicinal herbs are hard to find! How much is it, and it is only for that one!

"Don't stop, continue to play!" Bai Xiaochen saw He Chuchu and others all recognized, immediately jumped out of the chair, hands on his hips, "These bad guys dare to let me be a pet, but also want to distract our family, morning Children will never be allowed to leave the demon world, you are not allowed to let them go!"

Bai Xiaochen is a small prince in the demon world. His words are extremely full. Therefore, the four elders and others did not stop moving, but the more they attacked, the more fierce they attacked.

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