
In the bamboo house, Bai Yan is looking at the playful white Xiaochen and Xiaolonger. Suddenly, she heard a loud noise coming from outside. Liu Mei scorned: "What happened outside? Why is there a loud noise? You go out and see ""


Zhuque arched the arch fist and took it back. After half a ring, she pushed the door of the bamboo house and walked in. Hesitatedly said: "The queen, there are two people outside, who are coming to you..."

"Looking for me?" Bai Yan raised his eyebrows. "Then I went out to see who came to me."

As she fell, she slowly stood up from the chair and headed for the door.

Outside the house, under the **** sky, the two men trembled from the front, perhaps climbing too many roads, causing them to have a blood mark under their body, falling into the eyes of Bai Yan, exceptionally glaring.

"What are you doing?" Bai Yan brows and wrinkles, asked coldly.

The two elders were pale and trembling, and they squatted on the ground. They said, "The queen, I came to sin for you. On that day, I criticized the counterfeit goods, and let the queen misunderstand the king. Everything is mine." Wrong, I am willing to do anything, ask the Queen to sin."

"No, the queen is my fault. I did not bring the order of the king to you. In fact, the king left the palace for the release of the demon seal. He told me to come back to inform the queen that I could not do it. Only gave the traitor a chance."

The fire feathers lie on the ground, and the face is full of tears: "Thousands of mistakes are my fault. The queen wants to think about it. I have nothing to say."

He took the bamboo strips behind him, held the two palms together, handed it to Bai Yan, and lowered his head deeply, his face was dead.

Bai Yan’s hand slowly grasped the bamboo strips that the fire feathers dragged to the front. Her look was light, and her eyes were full of light that people could not understand.

It seems that the bamboo strip is out of the hand, the body of the fire feather is frozen, and he bites his teeth tightly, waiting for the impact of the bamboo.


For a long time, no pain came.

The fire feather looked up at the head, but saw a flame in the hands of Bai Yan’s hand, and it instantly burned to ashes.

"You climbed this way and suffered a lot of crimes?"

"Wang... Queen?" The fire feathers are unknown, so I look at Bai Yan. Xu doesn't understand what she means.

"That's it, then your sins have been repaid, get up."

Bai Yan has always been a distinct person in the company.

What she is targeting is only those who want to harm her.

On that day, she can be deceived, let alone the elders and fire feathers? Therefore, she never complained about them...

The body of the fire feather is as stiff as iron. Can't believe that Bai Yan has let them go so easily?

Before they came, they were ready for bruises! Nowadays, she has not smoked them and even eliminated their sins.

Seeing that the two men were lying on the ground, they didn’t move, and Bai Yan’s face sank slightly: “What? You are waiting for me to help you up?”

The fierce voice of the woman fell into the ear of the fire feather, and the fire feather immediately climbed up from the ground. His legs were full of blood and the station could not stand still.

This is the case, he is still standing on the ground, even if his legs and feet have been squatting, he has not continued to kneel down.

Bai Yan looked at the two people are difficult to support, pointing to the stone seat on the ground: "Sit, take a break and you can go down the mountain."

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