She believes that one day, she will be able to meet with the brothers, and ... the queen of the past will also return strongly!

"Morning, little dragon, let's go."

Bai Yan smiled stunnedly, she held Bai Xiaochen in one hand, and Xiaolong’s little hand was hand-drawn, and her eyebrows were full of smiles.

"Mother, where are we going?" Bai Xiaochen screamed with a pair of bright, innocent eyes, curiously looking at the white head with a small head.

"Go to you..." Bai Yan paused. "The crisis in the demon world has now been lifted. I want to go back to the Holy Land."

"Return to the Holy Land?" Bai Xiaochen's big eyes flickered and flashed. "Is it possible to see that it is dry? Morning is good to miss Cognac and Chu sister."

Bai Yan talked with the fingers of Bai Xiaochen's brain, but his tone contained a pet: "How many times have I been with you, that is your dry sister, you called her sister, then she is not a small one of us?"

Bai Xiaochen’s little hand touched his small head, and his face was pitiful: “But...Sister Chu doesn’t let the morning child shout, or he will not set fire with the morning child...”

After saying this, Bai Xiaochen suddenly reacted, and his eyes confessed: "Mother, you just got it wrong, the morning didn't want to set fire... The morning is just..."

"No need to explain!" Bai Yan sneered, "I always thought that Chu clothing was broken with you, I did not expect you to arson in your bones! Very good, I will tell you this thing, your teacher of the day The Treasure House is burned and you have a responsibility!"

"Mother-in-law..." Bai Xiaochen pitifully yelled, and the grievances pulled the sleeves of Bai Yan. "Morning child knows wrong. Can you not talk to the teacher?"

"Hey..." Bai Yan caressed his chin, "Look at the mood."

When she fell, she took the hands of two milk-carved milk dolls and smiled and walked outside the bamboo house.

That is, the seal has been lifted, and the sky of the demon world still presents a blood red, such as being in the **** sea, and the blood color shrouds the whole world...


Within the main hall, Emperor Cang's head was held in the palm of his hand, and the person reporting underneath, his overbearing momentum enveloped the entire main hall, so that the person reporting underneath had already sweated and shivered.

Suddenly, a red dress reflected in the eyes of the Emperor Cang, his domineering cold light gentled down, the robes were shallow, and they had already reached the woman's side, raising her hand and pulling her into her arms.

"How come you? I am not letting you rest in the holy mountain?"

His voice is more gentle than ever, as if the whole world is not in her arms.

"I have one thing to tell you, I want to go back to the Holy Land."

"Well, this king will accompany you back later."

Emperor Cang frowned and stunned for a while, only then loosened, red lips rose, and a smile.

"No need to."

Bai Yan shook his head. "I will go back when I go. You should have a lot of things to deal with. You don't need to go back with me."

At that moment, Bai Yan’s mind revealed what she had said before the Lord.


She and the Emperor Cang's strength is too different, she must upgrade her strength as soon as possible before she can fight side by side with him.

And now, with her, the only way to improve strength is to return to the Holy Land!

"Are you afraid that I will fight with Chu Yifeng?" The voice of Emperor Cang was sour.

Chu Yifeng also has an unusual position in Bai Yan’s heart.

That was the person who appeared most at her side in the time she needed the most help. It was enough to make him jealous.

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