These words, Huoyun and Xiaoling have already answered several times, naturally remember all that should be said, plus her disgusting expression, but let everyone believe her remarks.

"What?" The fire cloud stunned and stunned, glaring at his red lips, her body trembled, looking at Bai Yan's eyes with undisguised disgust, "You... you actually do Out of this, your martial art must be shamed by you!"

The crowd was stunned, and everyone looked at Bai Yan’s eyes with disgust, and even the person who was standing next to her suddenly pushed away.

I am afraid that I will be defiled by this woman.

Xiaolong’s little face is red, she wants to tear the woman’s hateful face forward, but she stretches out a hand and pulls her tightly.

"Queen..." She turned her head and looked at Bai Yan with grievances. The little eyes still did not forget the evil servant's eyes.

This time, Bai Xiaochen did not have the impulse of Xiaolonger. His small mouth smacked a sinister arc, and his big eyes flickered and flashed: "Little Dragon, you wait for a good show."

This group of people want to frame the mother? Then, before they do this, can they inquire about the identity of the mother?

"You just said, I am bribing a holy disciple? I don't know where the disciple is, can you call him out?" Bai Yan's lips are shallow, and a smile is swaying on her lips. Watching the fire clouds.

The fire cloud gave a look to the maid beside him. The maid stood up and cleared her throat and said, "Can Liu Gongzi ask you to come out to testify? If such a woman enters the holy place, it must be tarnished. a place of holiness."

At the moment when the voice fell, not far from the platform, a Qingpao man stepped out slowly. He leaned back with one hand and smiled toward the crowd.

"This is the case, I Liu Liu is not willing to say more, after all, this matter is too disgraceful," Liu said with a smile on his face, and said with a sense of justice, "But... since the maid of the fire cloud girl has opened Then I will definitely come out to testify!"

Liu Han’s eyes slowly turned to Bai Yan. His brows were light and wrinkled. He said with a strong heart: “Girl, I know that you are not talented, so I’m in a hurry, and in order to be selected for this lower side, I’m going to sit in the line. It’s impossible to sell my own conscience because of this! Please ask the girl to leave on her own! So I won’t start to catch people!”

The smile on his face just disappeared, and the seriousness of his face was even solemn.

"This uncle."

Daddy, the sound of a milky milk came, let Liu Han's brow wrinkle tighter and tighter, staring at the little milk buns in front of him.

"Uncle, have you ever taught you, the bad boy who is lying will be miserable!"

Liu Han’s face changed, cold channel: “It’s no wonder that Niang is the kind of virtue. This child is really rude. What kind of person is what kind of child.”

Bai Xiaochen smiled, but his big fox eyes passed through a touch of cold.

"Uncle, the morning child just tells you that the bad boy who lie will be very miserable. If the uncle does not lie, then the morning is not for you, or is the uncle afraid?" Bai Xiaochen's little face is shining brightly, "Another You are filthy in the morning, and the morning is very polite to call you an uncle, who is not educated?"

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