Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 836: She is the mysterious referee (5)

"Let him roll to see me!" Chu clothes squinted at her eyebrows, and there was a slight disappointment between her looks. As the person around her was leading her life, she hurriedly said, "Wait, don't let him come to see me." I don't want to see him. You send him directly to Elder Zheng Qi, and they will be disposed of."

"Yes, little princess."

The guards took the lead and retired, and her words basically confirmed the fate of Lin Yahan’s mentor...

"You," Chu Yiyi pointed to another guard at the side, raising the white chin. "You will drag Liu Han with this Lin Yahan and wait for disposal! You will have a few personal malpractices, and you will count the white." On the head, I still want to be safe and sound? Dreaming."

Lin Yahan was soft and fell to the ground. He closed his eyes slightly, and then slowly opened, falling on the pale face of the fire, helpless smile.

I am afraid this time, he can't help the cousin.

"Little princess, white Yan girl."

Liu was shocked and walked forward, and once again, he slammed into front of them and slammed his head.

It’s just that the head is broken and I don’t know.

"I know it is wrong. I really know it is wrong. Please spare me this time. I will not dare any more in the future."

"Rao you?" Bai Yan sneered, and the light dawn gazing at the young man who fell to the ground, said with a blank expression. "If I am not the referee of this competition, then your rape, will you succeed?" ”

Liu Yiyi, indeed, if Bai Yan is not a referee, but an ordinary disciple, perhaps she has been driven out of the Holy Land by him, and she is defeated...

"So, if you change to another person, how do you get off the court, you don't need me to say that you know," Bai Yan's foot, stepping on Liu's head, stepping his head on the ground, the voice is cold, " And because of the malpractices of these people, maybe how many excellent disciples have been lost in the Holy Land when we don’t know, how can you surpass such people?"

Whether it is the Magic House, the Medicine Gate, or this holy place, it is her home.

She does not allow anyone to bully in her place, and not to let the Holy Land miss the genius because of these people's actions.

Today, she is going to kill chickens and monkeys, so that the Holy Land will be restored to peace!


Bai Yan’s ankle was on Liu’s head. In an instant, Liu’s body flew out and slammed into the pillar on the side. He spit blood, his face was white, and there was no humanity.

His eyes were magnified by horror, and the red dress that looked at the character floated into his eyes, but could not resist.


Bai Yan's fingers hooked Liu's arm and twisted it hard. Everyone only heard the bones screaming loudly. He squirted a bright red blood again. Immediately, a heartbreaking cry rang through the sky and his hair was stunned.

"My holy place has always been fair and just, and I will never allow any incidents of malpractices to happen!" Bai Yan's light dawned on the audience, his voice was calm. "If you let me know about it, let him be like him."

Bai Yan recovered, and a sword light was shot inside the sleeve, and Dan Tian of Liu Liu was directly shot. For a moment, his dantian burst and his body fell to the ground.

Before, the three masters even washed the holy land, but unfortunately the threat was not enough. It was just to expel the violators. Yes, some people are willing to take risks! For some treasures of wealth, I will not hesitate to make a fuss again.

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