"No, I don't want to intervene in other people's feelings, let alone these things need to be solved by themselves, but..." Bai Yan paused, and his lips smiled. "You can tell the big cousin, just say... ... Feng Wei is now in the Holy Land."

"it is good."

The eyes of Chu clothes are bright.

When she spent a period of time in the country of the fire, the image of the people of the Blue House was excellent. None of them dismissed Bai Yan with a son. Instead, it hurt her like that.

Perhaps it is really a good man who has a good report, so that the Blue House has such a privilege. If it is not for them, the drug door will not be taken care of by the Blue House because of gratitude.

"Right..." Chu’s clothes showed the beautiful face of a young boy, and asked, "White Yan, do you have a white scorpion, I have... I haven’t seen him for a long time."


When Bai Yan’s heart trembled, she clenched her fists tightly, her heart filled with infinite worry, but she finally shook her head.

"At the beginning, my nephew left the country of the fire without saying a word. I have sent the Fenglou and the demon sect to him. I still don't know where he went, but I believe that I have to wait. When you are strong enough, you will definitely come back to me."

She wanted to let the day into the Holy Land, but since she heard that she had a close relationship with the Holy Land, she was reluctant to borrow her power and refused her proposal.

The boy has always wanted to rely on his own strength to support her for a day!

Perhaps it is to recall the goodness of the youngsters. The face of Bai Yan raised a warm smile, and her heart was warm and radiant.

"You don't have his whereabouts?" Chu clothes slowly exhaled, and my heart was disappointed.

Bai Yan stared at the face of Chu Yiyi with disappointment, and the light flashed in her eyes. She hurriedly pressed the shoulders of Chu clothes, and there was a hint of joy in her eyes: "Clothing, you and your nephew..."

"Ah?" Chu Yiyi looked at Bai Yan with a happy look, and reacted slyly. She quickly stepped back two steps and quickly explained, "White Yan, don't misunderstand... I am very white. Innocent, I am just worried about him."

Bai Yan’s smile went deep into the eye. He raised his hand and took a picture of Chu’s clothes. “Although I can’t be your nephew, we still have the opportunity to be a family. This is a very good phenomenon.”

"..." Chu clothing looks awkward.

This misunderstanding of Bai Yan is indeed very deep.

Bai Xiaochen didn't know where to find the small head. The small face of the powder carving jade was full of innocent smile.

"Sister Chu is concerned about cockroaches, and she must also like cockroaches. Maybe it will not take long, the morning child will call her sister Aunt Chu."

"Aunt, aunt."

Xiao Longer shouted two words in the back of Bai Xiaochen. Her childish voice was back in the empty courtyard, and the clothes that had been stunned were suddenly red-faced.

"Morning, what are you shouting? And you little guy, even if I have anything with Bai Yu... No, I have nothing with him. I just make a metaphor. Then I can't be your aunt. ”

Xiaolonger made a grimace and smiled: "The queen is more gentle in my heart than my mother. Even though I have been calling her queen, I have already treated her as a mother."

"舅娘, you see that I look good, my talent is not bad, my character is good, although it is cold to people, it is only for strangers," Bai Xiaochen took the hand of Chu Yiyi, smiled small The face is like a flower. "If you don't, you will take it."

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