Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 847: Open the holy world, sharpen the back dragon (3)

Chu Yiyi nodded cleverly: "Then I went to find the morning children, and this time, Bai Yan is no longer, I have to take care of the morning."

As soon as he heard that Chu Yiyi planned to take care of Bai Xiaochen personally, Zheng Qi’s old face was pumped a few times. He hurriedly grabbed the hand of Chu’s clothes and laughed twice: “This is no longer necessary, Ren Yi and Qi Shurong. The old man will look after him, you don't have to worry."

Handing Bai Xiaochen to Chu clothes to take care of? What did she do in addition to taking him to the fire? Therefore, in order to preserve the treasure house of the Holy Land, he must not let this **** close to Bai Xiaochen.

Chu clothing did not think so much, after Zheng Qi pushed two, she turned and left.


In the peach blossom forest before the Holy Island, Churan with one hand and back, I don’t know what to talk about with the elders beside him. At this moment, he saw the red woman who came slowly from behind, and raised a touch of lips. Smile.

"White Yan, are you here?"

When Bai Yan walked to the front of Churan, he stopped and nodded slightly: "I heard the master said that the holy place has been opened."

"Yes," Chu Yan frowned, his slightly worried eyes swept to the front. "This holy place is different from the little holy world. It should be said that the little holy world is only a replica of the Holy Land. Therefore, in the territory of Xiaosheng. In the face of danger, you can be sent out, but this holy world is different..."

He sounded a sigh and sighed: "If you are killed in the Holy Land, then there will be no more of your existence in this continent. So, Bai Yan, are you ready to enter the holy world?"

"Seeking in the rich and the dangerous, I am white, never a timid person."

What about the danger?

How can she be afraid?

"Ha ha!" Chu Ran laughed twice. He patted Bai Yan’s shoulder and smiled. “You are not the person I was optimistic in the past. I believe that you will be the only one who can walk out of the holy world. ?"

Bai Yan smiled lightly: "The Lord, I am not in the time, the morning and the little dragons trouble you to take care of."

"Do not worry, I have always regarded the morning as a grandson. In this holy place, no one dares to find him." Chu Ran promised.

Bai Yanhan Yan, she is not worried that someone is bullying Bai Xiaochen, but worried that Bai Xiaochen bullied others...

"In addition, you should never let Chu clothing take care of the morning."

If Bai Xiaochen arrives in the hands of Chu Yiyi, when she returns from the holy place, perhaps the entire holy place will become a ruin...

"I know."

Churan feels the same as the nod.

Even if there is no such thing as Bai Yan, he will also ban Chu clothing and too little contact with Xiao Chener, otherwise ... no need for half a month, this holy place should be rebuilt.

This baby girl, no other skill, the strength of the disaster is extremely strong.

"I'm leaving."

After the talk was finished, Bai Yan turned his head slowly, his eyes fell to the front of a bronze mirror with white light, and walked slowly toward the mirror.

When she entered the mirror, the light of the mirror disappeared, became very ordinary, and stood quietly in the peach blossom forest...

"Lord, this... really nothing will happen?" An elder's expression was nervous and scared. "If the white head makes a mistake, Zheng Qi will come to us to fight."

Chu Ran raised his eyebrows: "You forgot the performance of Bai Yan in Xiaosheng's territory? She is the only one who can stay in Xiaosheng for so many months...and..."

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