After three months, the sun is just right.

Within the peach blossom forest, Bai Xiaochen sat on a rock not far away, his hands dragging the gang, and a pair of bright and innocent eyes stared at the copper door in front.

After a long time, a tender sigh slowly sounded.

"Mothers have already gone to this holy place for more than three months, why haven't they come out yet, and the morning is so good to miss the mother."

Bai Xiaochen licked the small mouth of the powder, boring his feet in a boring manner, this is the first time he left Bai Yan for so long...

"His Royal Highness."

Xiao Longer pulled out a small head from the side and said with a smile: "I found a fun place here, do we want to go together?"

"I don't go," Bai Xiaochen shook his head and sat firmly on the rock. He dragged his gang in both hands, his voice was tender and innocent. "I have to wait for my mother to come out, and now I will not go anywhere."

Xiao Longer bit his finger and his eyes turned curiously to Bai Xiaochen.

She did not understand her mother's love since she was a child. The queen only left for three months. Why did the little prince miss her like this?

"His Royal Highness, I will accompany you to wait for the Queen to come out." Xiaolonger’s face raised a lovely smile, and he found a position next to him and sat down with his heart, waiting for Bai Xiaochen to wait for Bai Yan.

The sun shines through the mottled light of the peach blossoms and falls on the bodies of these two little buns. It is extraordinarily beautiful and beautiful, quiet and warm.



At this moment, a little bit of shaking around the mountain, the two little guys sitting on the rock almost rolled down.

Not far away, the serenity of the bronze door gradually began to shatter, shaking the entire ground is shaking, Bai Xiaochen hurriedly took the hand of Xiaolonger, so that her little body did not fall to the ground.

However, when Bai Xiaochen looked up, the copper door that was originally standing in front of it was turned into a ruin and collapsed to the ground.

This scene made Bai Xiaochen scared. After half a ring, he returned to his heart and madly rushed to the copper door that collapsed on the ground. His eyes were full of blood, and the childish voice was tearing his heart.

"Mother pro!!! You come out!!! You come out, mother!"

Xiao Longer stood in the back of Bai Xiaochen. What happened in front of her eyes could not be sustained in her heart. The tears of the beans rolled down from her eyes. Finally, Wow cried out.

The bronze door collapsed, and the queen... can't come back again?

Do not! She does not want! She likes the queen so much, she never wants the queen to leave her!


The movement of Taohualin was so great that it disturbed the other people in the Holy Land. When Churan and San Lao and others arrived, they only saw the white and white dragons and Xiaolonger who were crying.


Zheng Qi stunned and hurried to Bai Xiaochen's side. He held down the little guy's trembling shoulder and asked anxiously: "You told the teacher, what happened?"

At this time, Bai Xiaochen had already screamed and cried, but his eyes were red, and he was staring at the bronze door turned into ruins. His voice was weak and weak and disappeared at any time.

"The copper door has collapsed."

Churan was shocked. He rushed to the front of the copper gate and looked at the bronze door turned into a ruin. He muttered: "How could this happen? How could the holy place collapse? What happened in this holy territory?" ”

"The Lord, the bronze door collapsed, what are the consequences?"

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