What is fear of death?

At that time, Bai Yan’s girl will definitely avenge his hatred.

Thus, his death is worth it.

"Lord, we..." Ren Yi and others changed their faces and just wanted to say something, but Zheng Zheng raised his hand and blocked them.

"Go, we will return to the Holy Island immediately."


The rest of the elders looked white and suddenly turned their eyes to Zheng Qi.

Zheng Qi closed his eyes, and he looked at the Churan who had already rushed into the battlefield, with deep pain in his heart.

"For the Holy Land, we can only retreat! I can't let the genius of the Holy Land be buried here!"

Don't you feel bad when you leave it? But as a great elder, he has the responsibility to support Chu Yifeng as the Lord, so he must never die!

at least……

In the atmosphere of Chu Yifeng, he could not stand higher than the Holy Lord. He could not die until he had revenge for the Lord!

There was a sad anger in the entire mountain.

But Chu is already almost unable to withstand it. He saw those people who have been slow to act, and they replied with a sigh: "Come on!"


At the moment when Churan turned back, a palm of thumb fell on his shoulder, and a blood spurted out of his mouth, and his body fell back a few steps.

At this moment, everyone has slowed down.

They are here, not only to die in vain, but also the drag of the Lord, will make him distracted to fight.

Perhaps it was figured out, and everyone looked away and walked quickly toward the Holy Land.

The enemies on the opposite side did not put the holy place in their eyes. Instead, they did not stop their departure. Instead, they were savagely savage. They seemed to want to know when the man could persist.

Churan saw that those people had entered the holy place, his heart quietly breathed a sigh of relief, haha ​​laughed.

"I am very calm, I am not good enough to stop your steps, but I can save all my disciples in the Holy Land with my life."

The gust of wind swelled, and the faint ink was swaying in the wind. His smile was arrogant and arrogant, and the face was raised with a sardonic arc.

"The ancestors are on the top. Today, at the expense of the soul, I will never enter the cycle and die with this group of enemies!"

After the laughter, his momentum suddenly rose and the whole world became gloomy and thunderous.

Not far from Zheng Qi seems to have noticed something, stopped his footsteps, turned his head and looked at the mountain gate, his old face was pale, and a row of old tears fell down, his eyes sorrow.

After all, the Lord, did he still use that method?

In order to preserve the Holy Land, he would rather pay such a terrible price!

In the future, he must make the Holy Land stronger, and then revenge for the Lord!

"Boss?" Ren Yi also found something wrong, but he did not know that there was no Zheng, and he frowned. "What?"

Zheng Qi’s eyes changed from initial grief to firmness.

"Nothing," he shook his head and swept his eyes to all the disciples present. "Today's business, you have also seen that the Lord is willing to give up his life for us. In the future, you must use all your strength to cultivate and let the group harm." The dead Lord, blood, debt, blood, repayment!"

The disciples of the Holy Land are red-eyed, and the seeds of hatred have rooted in their hearts, and they have made their teeth more tenacious.

"eye for eye!"

A high-pitched voice came from the sky, passed to the door, and fell into the ears of Churan.

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