"Let me kill this group for you?"

Emperor Cang glanced at the thoughts in Chu’s clothes.

Chu Yiyi desperately nodded.

"I can help you. In the future, you will not help Chu Yifeng any more, by the way..." The Emperor Cangton paused, and his voice was low. "Tell the king to speak good words in front of Yan, let her promise to be small with the king." fox."

Chu clothing nodded again: "Do not worry, my brother, I will definitely stand on your side, I will not help my brother."

If Chu Yifeng heard the words of Chu Yiyi, it is estimated that... I will have a white-eyed wolf sister.

at this time……

The group came again, and the Emperor Cang did not keep his hands. His sleeves burst into flames and banged toward the group.

In an instant, the surrounding land was ignited by the flames, and everyone was trapped in the encirclement of the flames and could not escape, and the painful mourning came from time to time.

Chu clothing saw this scene, some difficult to swallow, it is no wonder that Bai Yan will choose Emperor Cang, this strength ... afraid that his brother will not be as good as him.

"You are the husband of the white-headed, the father of the morning?"

Churan finally recovered, and he was shocked to see the purple-haired silver-haired man standing in front of his eyes, and his eyes flashed a surprise.

Before, he did not associate Emperor Cang with Bai Yan. After all, it is not a secret that Chu Yifeng pursues Bai Yan. If this man is really a white-faced husband, how can he just save his father? ?

But nowadays, he feels that he is a gentleman's heart, and this man can get the favor of Bai Yan, and it is certainly not the kind of little belly chicken.

Emperor Cang once again turned his gaze to Chu Ran: "Where is Bai Yan?"

His questioning ignited the fear in his heart, and his face was flustered: "Bai Yan returned to the medicine door, but I heard these people say that a stronger strongman went to the medicine door, if Let Bai Yan meet them, I am afraid it will be fierce."

In an instant, Emperor Cang’s face was gloomy and horrible, and it was covered in a cold atmosphere.

Waiting for the second sentence, the purple figure has disappeared into the sky, leaving only the chilly atmosphere in the air...

"Hey, you just said that Bai Yan is dangerous? Is it true?" Chu clothing was so scared that she hurriedly grabbed the hand of Churan and asked in a panic.

Churan’s heart is deep: “The strength of this man is not low. If he can catch up, Bai Yan will not be in danger, he will be afraid...”

I am afraid that he will not have time to go to the medicine door.

"No... he can definitely catch up."

Chu clothing tightly holding the powder punch, constantly comforting himself in the heart, perhaps this comfort has worked, her mood is better.

"Right, you said before, you and Bai Yan's brother..."

Suddenly, Churan seems to think of something and asks: "Is it true?"

I don't know why, when I heard the words of Chu Yiyi, his mind slammed into the scene of the **** and a small buns igniting everywhere, scaring him to shudder.

This girl is still not married for a lifetime, lest he bring out a little witch.

"Of course..." Chu Yi’s mouth slammed, "Fake."

"That's good."

Churan quietly relieved.

"Hey, what do you mean by this?" Chu clothes glared at each other, "Are you afraid that I can't match him?"

"No, I think it's better not to harm the pure boy."

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