Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 883: You have to be the master of us (1)

The house of the government.

He heard that his hands were negative, and he stood in the courtyard faintly, commanding the descendants of the government to clean up the bodies of the yard.

At this moment, a guard came in a hurry and arched his fist. He said: "The owner, the defender’s family, came to see him."

I heard that my brow was light and wrinkled, and my voice was cold: "Have he said anything?"

"It seems to be saying... Wang Deqiu's father and son."

The guards looked carefully and did nothing.

Today, the government of the government, who does not know the relationship between Wang Deqiu’s son Wang Xiaopeng and Bai Xiaochen? Therefore, at the beginning, because Wang Deqiu put those people in, the illusion of the vicissitudes of life was heavy, and they all blamed him.

But don't say blame now, even a heavy word can't be said.

"Let him come in."

I heard that I was indulged in a half-sound, and even though I was impatient, I still wanted to know what happened.

"Yes, the owner."

The guards took the lead and retreated.

After half a ring, a middle-aged man walked in quickly, followed by a young man who could not see the appearance.

His face swollen into a pig's head, and his mouth kept whispering, and he was wronged and sad.

Wen Wu was shocked. He looked at the red-skinned youth and asked, "What is going on here? How was he beaten like this?"

"The head of the house."

Doing the sky pulled the youth in front of the innocent, crying a nose and tears: "You must be the master of us, you look at my son, a good person, you are bullied into this. ”

The young man greeted two voices, and his eyes contained sorrows. The expression was not too much. If it falls into the eyes of people who don’t know the truth, maybe... he will think that he really suffered a great grievance.

I can't help but say, "You shouldn't want to say that it is Wang Xiaopeng who makes your son look like this?"

Wang Xiaopeng has been listening to some of the things outside, so I think of the words of the guards just now.


This Wang Xiaopeng is a friend of his grandson. He said that he has to shelter himself.

"No," Doudatian bit his teeth. "It’s a little girl who hurts me! The little girl is too evil. I suspect that she is mixed into the illusion, and the owner is the adult. If you take the little girl, It’s not my son, but the safety of the entire illusion.”

The implication is that the young girl who hurts the young woman will threaten the entire illusion, so he comes to ask the owner to take the shot, not for himself, but for the safety of the entire illusion.

"Little girl?"

Isn't Wang Xiaofei's hand? What is the origin of this little girl?

"Doutian, can you let your son identify the little girl?"

"This is no problem," Dougan’s face raised a touch of joy. "I will send someone to find the little girl later, then..."

This words did not fall, a young voice came from not far, from far and near, and soon introduced into the yard.

"This is the first restaurant in the illusion of the government, but it has a virtual name. It is too far from my mother's pro, Longer sister, when the mother has time to cook some food for me, I can give it a piece. You, but there is only one piece."

"Thank you, Your Royal Highness."

This is a childish female voice, her voice with joy, crisp as yellow.

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