Therefore, after hearing the report of the guards, the guests all talked about it...

"Master Father, Second Master, Three Masters," Bai Yanguang flashed lightly, and a cold mang flashed through the eyes. "If you fight later, you can help me protect the Blue House."

"Apprentice..." Zheng brows his brow and wrinkles. After seeing the face of Bai Yan's firm face, he sighed. "Well, I will protect everyone in the blue house and make sure they are unscathed!"

When Zheng Qi’s words fell, there was a smirk outside the door. The laughter was light, but it was like a magic sound, which shocked the eardrum as if it had been penetrated, and the face was extremely ugly.

Bai Yan saw the pale face of the blue family and other people, his face changed suddenly, and quickly walked up to them and took out a bottle of medicinal herbs.

"Grandfather, you will send the medicinal herbs down and let them take it. Don't stand up anyway later."

This medicinal herb can resist the pressure of the imposing manner. If it is taken down, the oppression of those people will have no effect on the blue family.

Master Blue was unkindly collected, and he frowned: "Is those enemies very strong?"

"Grandfather, don't worry, I will solve it."

After Bai Yan gave the medicinal medicine to the blue master, he walked to the center of the hall.

In an instant, the entire hall was turned into a quiet.

Under this tranquility, a burst of rain fell from the sky and covered the entire ground.

Under the rain, the woman in white is like a flying fairy. Her face is beautiful, elegant and pure, and behind the woman, there are countless white maids, followed by...

"Fantasy, holy place, medicine door, these three forces of people, it seems that they have arrived."

The voice of the woman in white is also elegant, her blue silk is rising with the wind, and the hair is decorated with a white feather, which is purer and more beautiful than the white lotus.

"You and the people who came to the trouble before are a group?" Wen Wu asked for a face, and asked with a serious face.

The white woman chuckled: "You said the Wu family? They are just one of my dogs. I don't even bother with the dogs."

"So why are you here?"

"No, I just want three places, the government of the illusion, the holy island of the Holy Land, and the medicine court of the medicine."

Holy Island?

The white face is scornful, is this holy island related to the spiritual environment?

Moreover, she told her before she heard that her three major forces had something to say to her, and she had to wait until the people of the Holy Land and the medicine door arrived to inform her.

It’s hard to be done, it’s also related to these three places...

From the beginning to the end, Chu Ran did not change his color. From the beginning of several old man disputes, to this day, he only slowly tasted the tea in his hand, and there was no mood fluctuation on the handsome face.

"It doesn't matter if you think about it now. I can give you time. Give me an answer after three days. Don't say that people in my spiritual environment are not close to people."

The white woman was lightly sleeved and smiled and told the people behind.

"let's go."


Suddenly, a light drink stopped the pace she was about to leave.

The light feathers turned indifferently, and the line of sight looked at Bai Yan. He smiled and said: "What else is this girl? Is it enough for three days to think?"

"I just want to tell you a word, this illusion is not the place you want to come, you want to go," Bai Yan smiled and smiled. "Since it comes, don't leave anything, you want to leave?" ”

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