Blue's father's throat rolled a little, after all, he couldn't say anything, but a pair of old eyes were full of gratification.

"Where was the grandfather, how was Nangong?" Bai Xiaochen remembered his little friend who had not seen him for a long time. He raised the small face of the powdered jade.

At that time, Nangong was bullied by the bully in the palace. When he passed by, he could not hold back, so he saved him. Then the mother kissed him as an apprentice because of his talent. Since then, Nangong has stayed with them. By the side.

Only when they left the country of the fire, they did not bring the Nangong Temple, so Bai Xiaochen had not seen him for a long time.

"Don't you know?" Blue Master was amazed. "When the baby was out, the Nangong Temple was brought along. He has already left the country of the fire. I don't know where I went."

His old eyebrows wrinkled and a sorrow appeared on his old face.

"However, the nephew left for so long, there was no audio, and I didn't know where he went..."

"My grandfather, I am planning to go out and look for my nephew after my grandmother's birthday. At that time, I will bring him back in good condition!"

In this world, in addition to Emperor Cang and Bai Xiaochen, Bai Yu is her biggest concern.

Blue's old man's frowning brows came loose, and he laughed twice: "With your words, your grandfather will be relieved."

Bai Yan smiled, just thinking of the unknown white, her heart was slightly sinking.

If it is a day, he should come back for so long. Why is he still missing his trace?

If the Emperor Cang knew about Bai Yan’s inner worries, he raised his hand and held her shoulder: "You don't have to worry about day, he won't have anything. If you don't feel relieved, I will wait for you to find him." ""

"it is good."

Bai Yan nodded slightly, her face raised a smile: "Grandfather, grandmother, I may not be able to send you when I arrive, but the people of Magic House will send you back to the Blue House."

The old lady of Blue is reluctant to hold the hand of Bai Yan: "Shantou, I haven’t seen it for so long, and I’m going to be separated. I will come back later to see my grandmother."

"I will."

Bai Yan carefully pulled out his hand and looked at the Emperor Cang. Then she took a side of Bai Xiaochen to say goodbye to the Blue House and walked outside the door.

When he got outside the door, Bai Yanfang stopped to move: "Dang Cang, do you have something to do?"

Emperor Cang nodded: "I want to go to the secrets to practice before the morning, so I intend to send him in. At that time, I will accompany you to find the day."

When Bai Yan was silent, she was really worried about the day, and if she did not go out to find him, she would not be secure.

Emperor Cang saw the white face of his eyes, his red lips rose, smiles and charms: "Yan, you really want to find, you can go ahead, I will chase later, but... you must have the dragon Take it with you."

"Little Dragon?" Bai Yanyi, looking up to the Emperor Cang.

Emperor Cang's eyebrows are deep: "The identity of the little girl is not very general. You will take her with me, and I will be more assured."

He understands that even if he stops, Bai Yan will certainly sneak away. If so, it is better to directly promise her, when he will send the morning to the secret, and then pursue.

"Mother," Bai Xiaochen’s big eyes were filled with tears. The little face and the little cat seemed to be pitifully pulling her sleeves. "The morning can’t bear you..."

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