
Hu Mei’s eyes shot a cold mang, and sneered: “A big courage, dare to pretend to be the queen of my demon world! You know what kind of sin is pretending to be a queen?”

"My mother was originally a queen!"

"Oh," Hu Mei satirized the lips. "I only heard that the queen gave birth to a son. I never knew she had a daughter. You just want to pretend to be a queen. You have to find a boy to pretend to take a daughter. What kind of?"

Seeing Xiao Longer's anger is unclear, Bai Yan lifted her small arm, her palm was raised, and a jade with a demon word appeared in her hand.

"Can this thing prove my identity? Now, let the Hu family owner come to see me!"

Hu Mei stunned. She looked down at the jade in the hands of Bai Yan. There was a doubt in her eyes: "What is this? I have never seen it. Do you think that with such a jade, you can pretend to be a queen? Girl, you can count I should not use such a means to love the king."

She sighed and was a thing that didn't know how to live and die. I thought that if I took a piece of jade, I could prove that she was a demon? Is this woman when she is stupid?

The face of Bai Yan was black and black. When Emperor Cang gave her jade, it was not so.

He said that this piece of jade proves her identity as a demon, as long as it is a monster in the demon world, she will surrender to her through this piece of jade.

As a result, this jade does not work?

Of course, Bai Yan did not know that Hu’s family had been expelled from the Fox family, and even the demon world did not have any monsters to go with it. This jade is also specially designed by Emperor Cang for Bai Yan. The Hu family did not see it. Not surprisingly.

"I have seen shameless people, I have never seen such a person," the waitress on the side snorted and said with sarcasm. "If you want to be a king, you should use your ability to fight. Be bold and pretend to be a queen."

"Hey, the king won't have such a vision. If you are like this, I am afraid that it will be sent to him. He will not look at it more..."

In the eyes of Xiao Longer, the anger was surging, and the little face was red with anger. Her angry eyes stared at the group of maids, hateful.

"You will nonsense, I will kill you! My mother is a queen! You have no eyes and no jade."

"You..." The maid was about to worry, but Hu Mei raised her hand and stopped her movement.

"What do you care about with a child? Our Hu family is always in the air and will not care too much with a group of whimsical people. You don't have to say anything more," Hu Mei smirked, and the sly scorpion turned to Bai Yan, "Girl, you Let's go, I won't see you."

Xiaolonger clenched her fist tightly. Within her small body, there was already anger, and her eyes flashed a white light, staring at Hu Mei.

"You stink like this..."

The maid saw Xiaolonger glaring at Hu Mei, and her gas came forward. Her hand just pointed to Xiaolong’s little nose. She opened her mouth and sipped, biting her finger.


The maid screamed in pain, and the voice was heartbreaking: "Smelly girl, you let go, you hurry to give me a mouth!"

Xiaolonger bit her finger, and she didn’t let go. The blood flowed down the knuckles and slammed into the ground.

Another maid came forward and wanted to work on Xiaolonger. However, her hand had not yet fallen, and Baiyan’s hand had firmly gripped her wrist.

At this moment, everyone can hear the sound of the maid’s skeleton, which is so clear with the afternoon sky...

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