"Yes, Wang."

The fire feathers sighed and turned and walked toward the door, but when he was about to walk to the door, the sound of the gentleness of the Emperor was heard behind him.


Turning the head of the fire feathers, look at the Emperor Cang: "Wang, what else do you want to order?"

"This king can't worry about the queen, you let the other beasts of the border town go to protect the queen, and everything will be subject to the king's jade."


Fire feather arched the fist and led the life back. When he retired, he found that his forehead was full of cold sweat.

Fortunately, before the king specially made the identity jade for the queen, this jade is a proof of her identity, there is this jade in hand, the monster does not dare not from her orders.


at the same time.

Above the demon mountain, a pink pig moved the fat body and shuttled through the jungle.

Behind the pink pig, the teenager hurriedly chased its footsteps. He really couldn't figure it out. This little thing is so obese, why is it still running so fast?

Immediately behind the young man, there is a big one and a small one.

The woman's face is full of love, the red dress wins fire, and her hand is holding a little girl with a pink jade. The pace of the two is not urgent, it is like walking.

"Little pig, have you found a family?" The young man frowned, his clear eyes were like water, clean and clear.

His voice is very beautiful, like the clear spring in the mountains, flowing.

The pink pig turned his head and looked at the boy. He screamed twice. Then he continued to walk forward, twisting the fat body and walking his way back.

Suddenly, a family in front of it was printed in the eyes of the piglet. It almost reached the excitement, and with a bang, it rushed toward the family.

The pig's mood is very embarrassing. Over the years, it has been wandering with the ink, never knowing who the relatives are. Now he has a chance to reunite with his loved ones. How can he be indifferent?

Just as the body of the pig was about to rush into the family, in an instant, two rays of light fell from the sky, and immediately, two cold swords were placed on the piglet.

"Who? Dare to break into my wing?"

The piglet’s emotions, which were just excited, were scared by this, and it’s screaming, and the voice was full of sorrow, spread throughout the mountains.

Not far away, the ink that was walking slowly, heard the scream of the pig, and was shocked, and rushed to the direction of the pig with the fastest speed.

The face of Bai Yan’s scorpion sank, and the little dragon was hugged in his arms. His body shape flashed, and in a few steps he had already surpassed the ink, and shaped like lightning.



The piglet was framed by two guards who descended from the sky. The four hooves were firmly entangled together, and they cried with screams and shouted.

At this moment, neither of the two guards found out. When the pig cried, the **** clouds in the sky changed, and the sky was a little darker than it was just now.

"Let it!"

A few steps between Bai Yan, she had already fallen in front of the pig. She was so cold and shivering.

The pig saw the rescue, the tears of excitement, and it was no longer afraid of the two guards, and they stunned them.

"Great courage!" The winged servant's face was expressionless and drank. "Our wing family, is also the land that can be arrogant, etc.? Immediately, you will be able to spare you a life!"

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