Bai Yan’s eyes contain a shallow smile: “Before I said this, I have a question to ask you. When Emperor Cang once said, I want to beat the gods to me, but I don’t. I know, what is the relationship between the monster and the gods, and how do you join forces?"

Originally heard that Bai Yan claimed that Emperor Cang had to lay down the gods to her, the mouth of the elders of the winged family slammed a few times, and immediately heard her next words, the old face suddenly glimpsed.

"Impossible! The king has ordered, the demon world and the gods are not in the same position. If there is a monster, they will surrender to the realm of the gods and dispose of it for the traitors!"

The beast is united with the gods? joke! This is simply not possible!

"Oh," Bai Yan caressed his chin and smiled. "Why did the foxes of Hu Weiwei join forces with the people of the borders to chase me? I was forced into the demon mountain."

"Hu Baiwei?" The elders of the winged family were angry and gnashing their teeth. "This bastard, he dared to do this kind of thing!"

The **** Hu Buwei, the queen left home because of some misunderstandings, let the king be heartbroken, but also exhausted the mind to re-purchase the queen.

As a result, this **** made this out again? In case the queen once again misunderstood, who is responsible for this responsibility?

The elders of the Yi nationality Xu thought of the grief of the Emperor Cang of the day, and they panicked and hurriedly explained: "The queen, you must not misunderstand, the confession of Hu Baiwei has been expelled from the palace, and the demon world can not accommodate him! His Behavior does not mean that we are demon world, you must believe in the king, his love for you, our entire demon world is moving, he can not hurt you."

Bai Yan suddenly laughed: "The elders, I naturally know that this matter has nothing to do with Emperor Cang, after all... Hu Baiwei’s daughter claimed that I wanted to entice the Emperor Cang by Hu, and that Hu Baiwei only listened to his daughter’s words."

The elders’ anxious face was stunned after hearing this.

The queen needs to borrow Hu Buwei to get on the king? This... idiot says dreams!

She is the queen, the most noble woman in the whole demon world, what is Hu Baiwei? A person who can't be accommodated by the demon world.

"Queen, you..." The elder's face was full of shock. "Did you take the jade that the king gave you to Hu Buwei?"


When it comes to this, Bai Yan’s heart is very depressed. She took out Yu Pei and threw it to the elders.

"When the Emperor Cang gave me this jade, I said that the demon people have seen this Fang Yupei. I just need to take it out. The monsters don't dare to follow, but this jade looks like nothing."

"How can it be?"

The elders took Yupei and asked in a wrong way.

Bai Yan shrugged his shoulders: "Hu Baiwei's daughter claimed that she had never seen this jade, and she even said in front of Hu Weiwei that this jade was stolen from her hands, so... Hu Weiwei would kill me."

The elders shook their heads: "No, Hu Baiwei should have seen the appearance of Yu Pei, and General Huo Yu was sent to the house of everyone."

He closed his eyes, holding the jade tightly in his palm, and inputting a force into Yu Pei. In an instant, there was a strong oppression in Yu Pei, scaring the elders to slam on the ground.

Half a ring, his face recovered a little.

"Jade is true. In order to prevent the monster from imitating this jade, the king specially sealed his power in it. If the beast enters the instinct into it, you can feel this power, so as to prove the true and false of jade. ""

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