Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 946: Looking for a dead Hu family (four)

"It turned out to be the patriarch of the eagle family. The little girl just watched her eyes and didn't recognize it. Are you coming to my father?"

"No, no, I just want to ask the girl who is wearing jade on your waist. Where did you come from?" Yu Xiang said with a smile.

Hu Mei stunned, her heart flashed a strange emotion, she held the jade tightly, with a hint of vigilance in her eyes.

"This is my jade."

"I don't know if Hu girl doesn't know. In the demon world, what is the identity of the silver fox?" Yu Xiang hooked his lips and his face didn't see any extra emotions. "Silver fox is a fox in the aristocracy. In the demon world, there are only three silver foxes, the king, the princess, and the little prince. So, I saw the silver fox on your jade, which is very strange."

The reason why Xiang Xiang dared to conclude that this jade is the income of the queen, but also because of the silver fox on the jade, the entire fox family, no one dared to use the silver fox as a pattern.

Hu Mei’s heart trembled, and her heart was a little annoyed. She knew that she would encounter a monster in the border town. She would never wear jade on her body.

Originally, she always thought that apart from the Hu family in the border town, there would be few other monsters to hang out. These monsters appeared only to fight humans.

I don't know what kind of wind I was pumping in, but I ran to the border town to stroll around and bumped into her.

"Yu Shu, who said that the jade carving on the silver fox means that this jade is not mine? Who stipulates that I can't paint silver fox? I am loyal to the king, and his image is jade, it is not surprising. ""

At that time, she also explained to Hu Baiwei, fortunately, Hu Baiwei believed her, but let her avoid excuses.

"Yes? That's a pity..." Yu Xiang sighed with a sigh, and said, "Not long ago, Wang was in danger outside. He happened to be saved by a passing woman, but the king was seriously injured at the time. Qing, can't tell who the person is, just give him the jade that she carries with me. I thought you were the savior of the king..."

Looking at Yu Xiang's eyes, he said nothing about the lies. The guard behind him was dumbfounded. He looked at the family leader and didn't understand why he was lying.

Hu Mei snorted, she squeezed the jade in her hand, and lowered her eyes slightly, and a glimmer of light flashed through her eyes.

Half-sounding, she raised her sly scorpion, biting her lip, and looking like a word.

"Hu Yu, what do you have to say to your uncle, don't lie."

Yu Xiang’s expression is very kind, just like Hu Mei’s as a prostitute.

"Yu Shu, actually, I don't want to marry you, that day..." Hu Mei's eyes were tangled. After all, he sighed and said, "I did save the king that day, but I don't want to ask for a report. I don’t want to say anything, but Uncle can treat me as a relative and a prostitute. I don’t want to stare at you. I just ask the uncle to tell the king..."

Hu Mei eased her emotions and her eyes were full of helplessness: "After all, my sister made a mistake in the past, and Wang should do whatever he wants, and I have no face to see him."

"Hu Ru female, you don't have to worry, my uncle will not tell the king." Yu Xiang laughed twice and raised his hand and patted Hu Mei's shoulder.

Hu Meiyi, she just talked casually, you really do not tell the king?

Her original intention is to climb up by this life-saving grace. How is Yu Xiang so stupid?

Although Hu Mei’s eyes flashed anxiously, even if Yu Xiang still saw it clearly, his mouth was hooked and he continued to move quietly.

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