The reason why he dared to be so arrogant was just because he knew the strength of Bai Yan and Xiao Longer.

This little dragon could indeed swallow a low-level person at the time, but for the intermediate level, he had no choice, but this was only a month, and the dragon's ability improved.

"I said, when you chase us on the same day, have you thought about the consequences of today?" Bai Yan approached Wu Xiong by two steps, his mouth rising, and a smile.

Wu Xiong's heart stopped beating as she walked in. A muscular face was full of horror. He hurried back, and his body accidentally knocked over the table and the wine fell to the ground.


The other people in the pub looked at each other and fled outside the museum.

Surprisingly, when these people chased and fled to the door, Bai Yan did not respond and did not stop them.

Wu Xiong bit his lip and planned to escape with everyone, but...

When he just stepped on the steps, he saw those who fled outside the pub and walked back. They all showed fear and pale face.

"What happened?" Wu Xiong hurriedly picked up the clothes of the youth, and asked for a violent violent forehead.

The young man was crying with a face: "A lot of monsters, there are many monsters outside the door..."

"Where? What are you afraid of? Is it a Hu family? Hu Jiahe has this woman also hatred, maybe I heard that this woman is not dead, specifically to find her to settle accounts."

"No... not Hu's."


Wu Xiongyi, not Hu’s, who will it be?

"Wings, the Wings of the Wings, there are so many, they surrounded the pub, we simply don't go out."

The young man was scared to cry out. This incident had nothing to do with him. He did not participate in the pursuit of the day. Why did the pub from Wu Xiong drinking today?

This is good, life must be accounted for here.

If she didn't see the shameful face of Bai Yan, she continued to approach Wu Xiong for two steps, and the smile on her lips was cold.

Looking at her cold smile, Wu Xiong swallowed hard.


Under the eyes of the public, he slammed into the ground.

"Grandma, beg you to spare me, I will not dare to ask your grandmother any trouble later. Please forgive me for my eyes and pearls. Don't let your dragon eat me." ""

He is only a middle class of the Holy Order. A person who has just been different from his strength has been swallowed by Xiaolong without any resistance. If he is replaced by him, it will be the same end.

At the thought of this consequence, Wu Xiong no longer cares for dignity, only hopes to save his life.

Bai Yan’s faint eyes fell on the young man next to Wu Xiong’s body: “You go to the Hu family and tell them that I am back.”

"Ah?" The young man stunned and his eyes turned a few times.

What does this girl mean by letting him leave the pub? Then he can't take the opportunity to escape?

Anyway, this continent is so big, this girl can never find a small person to find the whole continent, at that time, he does not have to accompany Wu Xiong to death here.

"You don't think about running away," Bai Yan sneered and hooked his lips. "I will let the eagle outside the pub follow you."

The young face is stiff and crying again: "Yes, I will inform the Hu family."

Bai Yan’s words really made him never dare to rush to escape. Otherwise, perhaps she had not ran out of the border town and was killed under the Eagle’s minions.

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