Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 956: Niang, there is abnormality here (1)

"Well," Bai Yan smiled lightly. "Now I will let Longer turn you against the contract. If anyone defies the anti-contract, I will not give you a second chance! In this city, there are only two people. One is the slave of the beast, and the other is the dead!"

Bai Yan’s voice was indifferent, and it fell into the hearts of everyone, but it was like thunder, and they shook their bodies. ,

at this time……

A force came from the sky, like an invisible net.

In this giant network, some people want to resist, but they just raised the idea. It seems that one hand has pinched their necks tightly, and even breathing has become extremely difficult.

Their eyes were horrified, their expressions were distorted, their bodies were in an irregular state, and their lips were biting.

Fortunately, this feeling will soon be spent, but half a ring, the invisible giant net has been opened, and their souls have engraved a deep imprint, this life can not be erased.

"Mother, success."

Xiao Longer smiled and turned to look at Bai Yan: "These people are my slaves in the future."

“It’s doing a good job,” Bai Yan’s pet touched Xiao Long’s head. “After finishing these things, I will reward you for a dinner.”

"Is it a mother-in-law?" Xiaolong’s eyes braved the light and looked at Bai Yan without hesitation.

Bai Yan nodded slightly.

After getting her affirmation, her pink face burst into a big smile.

"The elder brother said that the cooking of the mother is better than the best cook in the restaurant, but the elder brother thinks that the mother is too hard, so she did not let the mother cook."

Bai Yan touched Xiao Longer’s hand and his mouth twitched with a warm smile.

The child in the morning is always so intimate. The greatest fortune she came to this continent is that she has such a well-behaved son.

Therefore, she never regretted giving birth to Bai Xiaochen.

"Grandma, we have already heard your words, can we let us go now?"

The man's face showed a charming smile, looking at the white face with a pleased look.

Bai Yan’s cold voice swept over, and suddenly he was so scared that he closed his mouth and dared not speak another word.

"There has not been a good show yet," Bai Yan said, "What are you rushing to do? Wait until the show is over and leave."

The hearts of the people are shaking, they always feel that there will be a storm in the border town today...


The center of the city of the border town is where the Hu family is. At the moment, outside the Hujiamen, a young man is pacing back and forth. He is nervous, and he wants to step into the threshold several times. After all, he will take his foot back.


Suddenly, a big drink came, scaring the young man to shake his body. His lips were white, and he carefully watched the winged people hiding in the dark, and then turned his attention to the guards from Hu.

"District humans, what is the sneaky outside of my Hu family?" The guard's face was cold and the sword was already out, and it was placed on the neck of the young man. "Say, who sent you!"

The young man’s face was white and his legs were screaming: “I came to see Hu’s homeowner Hu Baiwei, or you let me see Hu Mei.”

The guards sneered: "Humans and monsters don't wear the sky. Do you think I will let you in? But since you are here, there is no need to leave!"

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