Half a ring, Emperor Cang released her lips, fingers stroking the white hair of the hair, raised the lips and said: "These people, let me deal with."

"it is good."

Bai Yan smiled, her smile was beautiful, so that everything in the world was completely eclipsed.

Emperor Cang released his hand, and the cold twilight swayed and fell on Hu Weiwei and Hu Mei.

"Hu Baiwei, this king allows you to assist the Queen, are you so helpful?"

His voice was domineering, and through heavy pressure, Hu Buwei could not lift his neck and sweated.

"Wang...subordinate, subordinate sin..."

"You made a mistake, a crime can be solved?" The beautiful face of Emperor Cang has no expression on his face, and his expression is cold. "Even if Hu Jiawan is no longer able to recover, he can't make up for your mistake!"

Even if Hu Jiawan is no longer able to make up, you can't make up for your mistakes!

Hu Baiwei closed his eyes desperately. He knew that this time, the Hu family was completely finished.

"Yu Xiang," Emperor Cang's voice was cold and the tone was very cool. "The order of the king of the king, the Hu family, are not allowed to enter the demon world again. After that, they are no longer the demon of the demon world!"

"Yes," Yu Xiang respected the fist and said, "What about Hu Buwei's father and daughter?"

Emperor Cang's lips evoke a cold arc of evil: "They? Throw into the Dragon Cave for food."

Dragon Cave?

Hu Buwei’s body slammed, and the pupil suddenly expanded, looking at the man’s gloomy face in horror.

Is the king so unrequited? Want to completely obliterate them?

At this moment, his heart was smashed, and his white face was as dead.

"No, I don't want to go to the Dragon Cave."

Hu Mei panicked and climbed to the front of the Emperor Cang, squatting his head, his head smashing his blood, and a blood stain on the ground.

"Wang, please spare me, I know it is wrong. I will never dare any more in the future. I beg you, I don't want to go to the Dragon Cave. Those dragons are abnormal, they will kill me."


The Emperor Cang sipped a cold, and an imposing rush came over Hu Fang’s chest, knocking her back a few steps, and the blood spit out, so that even a complete sentence could not be said.

"Insulting the king of the king, this is the price!"

Emperor Cang's voice is domineering, but he has inscribed an indelible wound on Hu Mei's heart.

She raised her eyes in grief and stared at the peerless man like a demon god.

Emperor Cang no longer looked at her more, turned and looked at Bai Yan, his gloomy face and then saw the woman behind him, bursting into a stunning smile.

"Yan, can you miss me?"

After Bai Yan looked at the Emperor, she did not find the little figure, and she was quite disappointed in her heart. Therefore, she did not even ask.

"Don't you come with you in the morning?"

Emperor Cang’s face was black and black: “You just think about the kid, don’t miss me at all? The kid will have his wife, and the king is the one who will be with you forever.”

At first thought of Bai Xiaochen occupying the largest weight in Bai Yan's heart, and he... can only be divided into a little corner, sour can't help but take it out of his heart.

Yes, he is jealous, or the fault of eating his own son.

Therefore, Emperor Cang is determined to let Bai Yan give birth to a younger sister, so that he will not worry about his wife.

"Don't make trouble, what about the morning?" Bai Yan raised his brow and asked.

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