Adorable Treasured Fox: Divine Doctor Mother Overturning The Heavens!

Vol 3 Chapter 974: Accepting the border town (five)

Wu Xiong’s cry was extremely miserable. People who did not know thought that his wife and daughter had been raped.

"Grandma, I am useful, I am really useful, I am much more useful than the Hu family. You are not trying to lead the attack on the gods? I can take you in the past, you want to go to the gods, you must pass the heavenly forest, I I am familiar with the forest of the day and can make you less detours."

Emperor Cang looked at Wu Xiong and said in a low voice beside Bai Yan’s ear: "National teachers and elders have ever been to the demon world."

The implication is that they are also familiar with Tianzhisen and do not need others to lead the way.

Wu Xiong’s face became more and more white, and the horrified body trembled.

Although other people sympathize with him, no one speaks for him. After all, this is his self-confidence.

"Grandma, I have other uses, I... I know people in the realm of God. I can mix into the realm of the gods and help you."

Bai Yan’s hand supported the gang, and smiled and said: “Why do you know someone who has been thrown into the border city? What if you can return to the realm of the gods, why are you still in the border town?”

Wu Xiong’s mouth was pumping, and it seemed to be unspeakable. In order to save his virginity, he finally said: “I was a young lady who was hooked up and was thrown into this place, but I have a cousin. In the family, he promised me, I will find a way to let me go back..."

Bai Yan’s mouth is rising: “It seems that your identity does not help us.”

"No, no, my cousin's family is a big family. You want to know what news I can find for you, and the lady is also very affectionate to me. She must be waiting for me to go back..."

Bai Yan looked at Wu Xiong, who was crying with a face. Twilight lightly turned a few times: "Give you a task. If you can finish it, I will let you be a slave."

"What mission?" Wu Xiong's eyes lit up.

The look of Bai Yan is dignified: "Help me inquire about a person."


"Bai Ning!"

She wants to know, this Bai Ning, is not her mother, and she is in the realm of the gods.

Wen Yan, Wu Xiong took a deep breath, not just inquiring about the individual, this task is not difficult.

"Grandma, you can rest assured, I will definitely call you Bai Ning, you will wait for my good news."

Wu Xiong’s face showed a flattering smile, nothing is more important than keeping a chastity.

Fortunately, this time, he saved his chastity...

Bai Yan’s lightly swept to the people present and continued to tell: “You can follow the rules of the family at a later time. In addition, you will not let anyone know, especially if you are in the realm of God. An acquaintance inside."

"Whoever advertises out, I am afraid... the end is not just a ghost."

The woman’s voice was arrogant and arrogant, and everyone’s body trembled. They all bowed their heads and dared not speak.

"Additionally..." Bai Yan paused and screamed. "If there are demon animals in your house, they will be released immediately. If they follow you with their own, then it will be counted. I know that there are people who bully the monsters. The same is true for the end!"

If the monsters follow the Lord by themselves, then they both voluntarily, she can't control them, but if those monsters are forced, don't blame her for the beast!

"Can you understand?" Bai Yan saw these people silent and asked again.

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