"He obviously is the one who needs more protection, but he protects me for the second time! In the past, I did not say goodbye and caused great harm to him. He should have blamed me, but never complained about me. ......"

"Emperor Cang, with my current power, can give him enough protection. He wants to make me feel peaceful with himself."

"White is my brother, my only younger brother in the world! He was injured outside. How can I not feel sad, don't worry?"

Bai Yan’s heart hurt with the injury of the white scorpion. She bit her lip tightly, and even the voice shook with her voice.

Emperor Cang was distressed with the body of Bai Yan, raising his hand and tearing the tears on her face: "Yan, believe me, believe in white, he will not be dangerous, certainly not!"

And he will never let his little nephew be in danger.

Bai Yan hangs down her throat, and her eyes are stretched and firm for a long time. She only raises her head and flashes a calendar in her eyes.

"Emperor Cang, I want to go to the realm of God."

Emperor Crow frowned: "Now?"

"Yes, I want to go to the gods, my mother, and my nephews. They may all be in the realm of God. I have to go and get them back."

Looking at the woman's resolute face, Emperor Cang was silent. His fingers stroked the white silk of the white face. For a long time, the slow opening: "Wait for a while, is it good?"

"Emperor Cang?" Bai Yan was shocked and looked up at Emperor Cang.

"You give me another time, although I can't take the whole godland during this time, but I can make you feel peace of mind in the realm of the gods."

Emperor Cang's eyes were deep and tender. He kissed her forehead: "Promise me, give me some time. At that time, I will accompany you to the gods to find my mother-in-law and the little sister-in-law."

"it is good."

Bai Yan knows that Emperor Cang does not trust her to go to the realm of the gods. She can only temporarily resist the desires in her heart. The bright eyes are like stars and glow.

"I am waiting for you for a while. During this time, I will let my strength go further."

When she breaks into the gods, she will have greater protection after going to the realm of the gods.

At least, only she has enough strength to protect her loved ones in that place. If it is not enough, maybe... just dragging them down.

Emperor Cang smiled lightly. When he didn't see it, he was flashing in the phoenix.

It seems that the plan must be advanced, and since the people of the gods dare to move his little sister, then he must... let those people taste the bitter fruit!

Emperor Xiaoyun looked at Bai Yan’s worry about the white scorpion, and a beautiful big eyes showed an envy.

There is a feeling of a sister... It’s so good, she’s all white.

If it is ok, she really wants to exchange the Emperor Cang to the white sergeant as a brother, and then exchange the white face for her sister...

In this way, she does not have to be intimidated by the Emperor, and there is a sister who loves, how good?

"Yan, are you tired?" Emperor Cang did not notice the expression of Emperor Xiaoyun. He looked at the exhausted color of Bai Yan, his brow wrinkled and asked.

Bai Yan nodded. "I don't know why, I am always sleepy. It may be too tired. It doesn't matter. I will rest and rest."

When I heard this, Emperor Cang was relieved: "It’s okay, I will help you to rest first. Although this house cannot be compared with the palace of our demon world, it can only be used now..."

After saying this, Emperor Cang carefully raised the white face and walked outside the hall.

After half a ring, it disappeared into the glory of the setting sun.

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