For a long time, until the woman's face in the arms of the kiss rose red, he let her go.

"it is good."

His voice is very soft, it seems that it is only in front of her.

At this moment, it has been three times.

Even though the Emperor Cang had more disappointment in his heart, he could only let her go.

"Emperor Cang, I will go to find the next ink and Xiaolonger to leave," Bai Yanguang flashed. "But if you find the whereabouts of your nephew, be sure to let me know."

The Emperor Cangguang flashed lightly and whispered, "What is the relationship between you and the ink?"

"He lost his memory and just happened to be picked up by me. This time I reunited in the border town, I took him with me."

"That kid, look at your eyes is not the same," the emperor kissed the white lips. "When he looked at you, the light in his eyes was too great, only when he looked at the woman he liked. There will be such a look."

Bai Yan stunned: "Emperor Cang, you think too much, he doesn't remember anything, just like a young child, let alone I treat him as a younger brother."

Emperor Cang gently pinched the waist of Bai Yan: "I don't care what the little boy looks at your eyes. If he dares to hit your idea, this king will definitely smash him!"

In this life, Bai Yan can only be his woman, whoever dares to hit his idea, he will not let go!

"Is it?" Bai Yan’s eyes were full of smiles. "So how can I not see you looking for Chu Yifeng?"

When it comes to this Chu Yifeng, the heart of Emperor Cang is sour, he is full of jealousy: "If it is not the morning child to protect the kid, I have been looking for him trouble, if you are not afraid of you, I saw you that year. When he was, I must have interrupted his leg!"

His words just fell, Bai Yan wrapped around his waist from behind, and put his chin on his shoulder, his smile was full of smiles.

"Emperor Cang, no matter who I am, I only treat each other as friends, and my heart."

Since deciding to accept this man, Bai Yan has not hidden his feelings, but has said his inner feelings.

In this life, there will not be a man who will pay for her like the Emperor Cang, so she will not let him down.

The faint words of Bai Yan let the vinegar poured into the heart of the emperor disappeared, but replaced by the full satisfaction.

He never wanted much, and her guarantee was enough.

"Yan Er, the promise of the king to you, this time, will certainly keep it."

Emperor Cang looked at the white face and walked out of the door.

In this world, he must protect her safety. If there is no white face in this world, then he will live with her life and death, and never give up.

Bai Yan stared at the direction in which Emperor Cang left, sinking for a long while, and stood up from the door. She just opened the door and went out. She saw Wu Xiong standing by and waiting for her.

When she walked out, Wu Xiong’s face showed a charming smile.

"Grandma, I am here to listen to you."

Bai Yan was shocked by his appearance. Just now she only looked at the Emperor Cang, and she did not find Wu Xiong’s appearance. Therefore, the face nowadays can’t help but show up.

"How much did you hear?"

Wu Xiong hurriedly shook his head: "I didn't hear it, I didn't hear anything."

Jokes, even if he heard the voice of the two people talking about love, then he can not say it, otherwise, what is the difference between this and looking for death?

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