Wu Yi watched Zhang Song walk out of the city gate, wiping the sweat from his forehead, he had really taken a risk just now.

When he approached Zhang Song, he pointed out the identities of the servants behind him, and the ring-headed knives of those people were already out of the sheath, so Wu Yicai took a few steps back, and then hurriedly made a gesture of please, and then asked his subordinates to lead the horses to Zhang Song, and the servants collected the knives.

Wu Yi is also a person who practices martial arts, and he can see through the people who also practice martial arts, those few domestic servants, walking like a tiger, where there is a look like a domestic servant, those people must be one in the army, there are many such people in Yizhou, but they will definitely not be reduced to Zhang Song's attendants, they are all in Yizhou's pastoral mansion.

Walking up the city wall, Zhang Song's has already gone away.

"Big brother, don't drive out of the city in such a hurry, what's the purpose?" Wu Yi's brother Wu Ban was Wu Yi's deputy, and he had been staying on the city tower and had never gone downstairs.

Wu Yi said: "Zhang Song had an affair with Liu Bei, and this time it was the incident that made him go out of the city in such a hurry.

"Don't drive us with kindness, we have to help him." Wu Ban was only nineteen years old, because of his bold chivalry in Chengdu City, Wu Yi was afraid that this younger brother who followed him from Chen Liu into Shu would become bad, so he begged Zhang Song to help operate, let Wu Ban enter the army, transferred to his command, and personally disciplined.

"Don't I know? So Zhang Song can go out of the city.

Wu Ban smiled and said: "Big brother is naturally more sophisticated than me.

"Liu Bei's people had contact with me some time ago, but they were reprimanded by me. Wu Yi said.

Wu Ban was surprised for a moment, and then speculated: "The housekeeper who was beaten ten sticks by you and thrown

out of the house is Liu Bei's person?" Wu Yi shook his head: "He had an affair with Liu Bei's people lurking in the city, and told me that Liu Bei's people in the city wanted to talk to me, but I didn't agree, so I drove him out of the house."

"You must not talk nonsense about this outside with your fox friends and dogs. Wu Yi said.

Wu Ban scratched his head and said, "Big brother, I have a sense of proportion, and I will definitely not tell these things." "

There was silence for a long time, the wind on the city wall blew the flags and hunted the flags, and the huge clouds in the sky shrouded the city wall, but it was also shady, but standing on the city wall and looking at the endless plains and farmlands outside the city, I felt that it seemed to be brighter.

"The land of abundance, the land of fish and rice, this is a place of great achievements. Wu Yi looked at the abundance, and said in the distance.

"Big brother, do you want to rebel? If you have this mind, the younger brother is willing to drive for you, as long as the eldest brother makes me a hussar general at that time. Wu Ban said with a smile.

Wu Yi scolded:

"What nonsense?" "What do you think of that big brother

?" "What do you think of Liu Bei?" Wu Yi asked Wu Ban.

Wu Ban thought for a while and said: "I heard that when Liu Bei was young, he was weaving mats and selling shoes, and he was poor, and even eating became a problem? Later, the Yellow Turban Rebellion gradually became a success, but it has not been mixed much, and he has been defeated repeatedly, like a lost dog, until today, there are few princes back then, but Liu Bei has always been there, and even has the ability to compete in the world. Big brother, what do you think of such a person? I, Wu Ban, admire such a person very much anyway.

Wu Yi was silent, and Wu Ban continued: "Big brother, do you have the intention of voting for Liu Bei?"


Wu Ban was about to say more, and someone from the city came to convey Liu Zhang's order, asking to close the city gate and search Zhang Song.

Wu Yi walked down the city wall and said to Huang Quan, who came to convey the order: "Master Huang, why do you want to arrest Zhang Beijia?"

Huang Quan clasped his fists and said to Wu Yi: "General Wu, Zhang Song secretly communicated with Liu Bei and betrayed the lord, and now the lord has just ordered him to be arrested."

Wu Yi's face instantly turned ugly, Huang Quan saw Wu Yi's expression as if he had eaten a green fly, and asked: "The general has an affair

with Zhang Song?" Wu Yi said angrily: "Why does Master Huang slander people's innocence

?" "Then the general heard that Zhang Song secretly communicated with Liu Bei, why is his face so ugly?"

Wu Yi said to Huang Quan: "Master book, don't hide it, a quarter of an hour before you came, Zhang Song just walked out of this city gate, or I personally sent him out of the city."

After Huang Quan listened, he looked at Wu Yi and looked at Wu Yi with his eyes, Huang Quan was the one who strongly opposed Zhang Song's proposal to introduce Liu Bei into Shu, he once said to Liu Zhang: "General Zuo has a good name, please come today, if you want to meet him with a trilogy, you will be dissatisfied with his heart, and if you want to treat him as a guest, then a country will not tolerate two monarchs." If the guest has the safety of Mount Tai, then the Lord is in danger of being tired. But it is closed to wait for the river to clear. The

result was that Liu Zhang did not listen, but wanted to send Huang Quan out of Chengdu and make him the head of Guanghan, but he was persuaded by Zhang Song to continue to serve as the chief bookkeeper, and Liu Zhang gave up.

"General Wu, you and Liu Bei really hooked up. Huang Quan said.

Wu Yi was furious: "Master Huang convicted me with empty words, what a big official authority."

"You go to the lord to defend yourself, let go of Zhang Song, you can't escape." Huang Quan left with a cold face.

Wu Yi snorted coldly, Wu Ban had been listening to the conversation between the two not far away, Wu Ban ran over and said, "It's over, with the temperament of the lord, big brother, you will be punished this time."

"It's okay, I didn't want to do it for a long time when I was defending the city, and at most I was dismissed. Wu Yi said.

After Wu Yi finished speaking, he strode towards the State Pastoral Mansion, and half an hour later, Wu Yi had already become white when he came out of the State Pastoral Mansion.


After Zhang Song left Chengdu, he went all the way to Jia Meng, everything was rushing for time, and Zhang Song had to pass through these cities before the news of Liu Zhang's arrest was transmitted to various cities.

Fortunately, there was no danger along the way, and under the operation of Skynet, he passed through various cities and headed towards Jia Meng.

The news of Zhang Song's rebellion caused an uproar in the city of Chengdu, and people spat on Liu Bei's villainous behavior, but Liu Zhang, who was in the governor's mansion, did not give the order to expel Liu Bei.

On the second day after Zhang Song left Chengdu, Meng Da came to the Prefecture Governor's Mansion to meet Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang saw Meng Da in such a posture, naked, carrying firewood and jing, and couldn't help but exclaim: "Zidu, what are you doing here?"

Meng Da said in a deep voice: "The subordinates invited Liu Bei into Shu and led the wolf into the house, and the blame was hard to escape, so I came to ask the lord for the guilt." Although

these scholars and officials in Yizhou scolded Liu Bei for his wolf ambitions, there were also a lot of voices saying that Liu Zhang was mediocre, did not know people, and insisted on letting Liu Bei enter Shu, and the biggest culprit was Liu Zhang.

Liu Zhang naturally knew these gossips, except for his own anger, Liu Zhang had no way to suppress these rumors.

Liu Zhang's eyes lit up because of Meng Da's guilt, isn't this just a way to block the tongue outside?

Liu Zhang hurriedly helped Meng Da up and said to Meng Da: "Zidu, I am really moved that even a deputy envoy of yours can have such thoughts of worrying about the king."

"Lord, I have been friends with him for many years, but I know people and I don't know my heart, he also had an affair with Liu Bei, and he is an important chess piece planted by Liu Bei, and he has disappeared a few days ago, so he must have gone to Liu Bei. Meng Da said bitterly.

Liu Zhang sighed, and then said angrily: "This Zhang Song, I trust him so much, but he treats me like this, this person really deserves to die! Liu Bei deserves to die too! Wolf ambition!"

"The lord, now the crowd is excited, and they have asked the lord to expel Liu Bei." Liu Bei is not a good person, he must have started a rebellion, and he should have made a decision as soon as possible. The lord, the last general is willing to wear the crime and make meritorious service, and is also willing to make a military order, if Liu Bei is not removed, the last general will not use the lord to do it, and he will kill himself on the battlefield. Meng Da fell to his knees and was emotional.

Liu Zhangba clicked his mouth, sat back in his position, and said to Meng Da: "If you are asked to lead the army to exterminate Liu Bei, what are your chances of winning?" Meng Da said: "

Lord, the right time, place and people are on our side. Once we cut off Liu Bei's supply of grain and grass, Liu Bei's 10,000 people will be trapped in Yizhou, and the final result will be nothing more than being completely annihilated by us, or Liu Bei will lead the army to surrender. Lord, you must guard the gateways of Yubei County, Yong'an, etc., Jingzhou still has most of Liu Bei's department, and you can't let them attack Jingzhou. As long as the Jingzhou army is not allowed to invade Yizhou and pacify Liu Bei in Yizhou, one month is enough. Meng Da said.

Liu Zhang was overjoyed and said: "Okay, I'll give you 20,000 troops, even if you can't attack Liu Bei, you must consume it with Liu Bei, let him run out of food, and it's best to break it if he doesn't attack."

Meng Da said: "The subordinates receive the order." "

This is the Tiger Talisman, and I will transfer Zhang Ren as your deputy." Liu Zhang handed over half of the tiger talisman on the case to Meng Da.

Meng Da respectfully took it and said, "My subordinates are willing to make a military order."

After Meng Da left, Liu Zhang beckoned Du Qiong next to him and said: "Meng Da will be guilty of Jing Jing, Fa Zheng will rebel, and I will let Meng Da lead 20,000 troops to make meritorious service to exterminate Liu Bei, so that they can be gagged."

Du Qiong took the order and left.

Meng Da walked out of the state pastoral mansion, looked at the half of the tiger talisman in his hand, and sneered at the corner of his mouth, this time it seemed that he had overfulfilled the task.

After Du Qiong spread the news, there was an uproar in the city of Chengdu, and the Skynet spy sent the news back to Jia Meng as quickly as possible, waiting for the next move of the lord and the military advisor.


Liu Chan is playing against Pang Tong in the shade of the tree, Liu Chan, a stinky chess basket, pestered Pang Tong to let the twelve sons, and now Liu Chan's situation is still extremely worrying.

Zhang Kai, who was originally watching from the side, ran helplessly to make medicine after watching it for a quarter of an hour.

Liu Bei came over to look at it for a while, shook his head and left, watching Liu Chan play chess was really tormenting.

After the tea time passed, Liu Chan frowned sadly: "If you lose, you lose, you won't play." This game of Go is too difficult.

Pang Tong smiled and helped Liu Chan review the game, Liu Chan threw the chess pieces into the chess basket and listened to Pang Tong's explanation.

"Go is good for cultivating the mind. As your master, I can't just teach you knowledge, I naturally need to worry about your character. Pang Tong said to Liu Chan.

"I always felt that you were as old as a demon, and I didn't need to worry about it. Later, when I see that you are still too impatient, this kind of mind is not conducive to your future growth. Pang Tong said.

Liu Chan said helplessly: "Master, I think I have a good personality."

"There is still a difference between character and heart.

"Well, if I can change, I'll definitely change. However, the country is easy to change, and my nature is difficult to change, and my frizzy personality is difficult to change for a while. Liu Chan said.

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