
Cao took Hanzhong, which could make Shuzhong panic and panic dozens of times a day, even if Liu Bei used iron-blooded means to kill a lot, but it still didn't have much effect.

Cao Cao's deterrence at that time was still not small.

Now Liu Chan didn't want to give Cao Cao a chance to enter Hanzhong at all.

Let Guan Ping lead 4,000 people to attack Hanzhong, it is a small and broad, compared to the self-confidence in attacking Shuzhong, Liu Chan really does not have much confidence in attacking Hanzhong, success is luck, defeat is fate.

The attack on Shu is to use regular soldiers, and the attack on Han is to use strange soldiers.

"Whether Shuzhong and Hanzhong can bloom depends on Guan Ping's luck. "

Fa Zheng arrived before Zhang Song, and Liu Bei was raising an army to set off for Zitong.

"My lord, my subordinates are willing to send envoys to Hanzhong. When Liu Bei handed over the task of envoy to Hanzhong to Fa Zheng, Fa Zheng took it over without saying a word.

Liu Bei instructed him: "Go to Hanzhong, safety is the first, and after the envoy, return to the army immediately."

Liu Chan finally let Liu Bei take him into Shu, and listening to the two of them talking next to him, Liu Chan said: "Dad, I want to go to Hanzhong with Mr. Fa." "

No!" Pang Tong was the first to refuse.

Liu Bei looked at Liu Chan: "What are you doing in Hanzhong?"

and "Go and be a proton." Liu Chan said very naturally.

Liu Bei slapped him directly, and Liu Chan hurriedly got out of the way.

"Dad, talk well, what are you doing. Liu Chan said aggrievedly.

"What do you want to be a proton? Who asked you to be a proton, is he Zhang Lu worthy?" Liu Bei said.

Liu Chan said helplessly: "Dad, why can't you help but joke." Even if you ask me to be a proton, I won't go, just kidding. When I went to Hanzhong with Mr. Fa, I naturally had big things to deal with. Otherwise, if Guan Ping's 4,000 people want to take Hanzhong, it will be difficult to ascend to the sky. Liu Chan said to Liu Bei.

Liu Bei shook his head and said, "If there is anything for Ma Jian to deal with, you stay by my side."

Liu Chan kept silent, Liu Bei had absolutely no possibility of letting go, and it was just a waste of saliva to continue to speak.

"If you kid doesn't speak, are you making a bad idea again? If you dare to escape, you don't want to stay in Yizhou. Seeing that Liu Chan was silent, Liu Bei knew what he was thinking about this cub.

Liu Chan looked at Pang Tong with a look of grievance, Pang Tong turned his head away, and said to Fa Zheng: "Filial piety, can the soldiers of the lord be mighty?"


Liu Bei beckoned to Ma Tan who was in the distance, Ma Tan hurriedly trotted over, and said to Liu Bei: "Lord, what's the matter with calling the lowly position?"

Liu Bei pointed at Liu Chan and said: "You now let him do all the things you want to do in Hanzhong."

Ma Tan was stunned for a moment, and Liu Chan said to Ma Tan with a smile: "You go to Hanzhong with Mr. Fa, in addition, the spies who are lurking in Hanzhong from Skynet, let them hurry up to complete the tasks I assigned to them before, and you will stay in Hanzhong until Guan Ping captures Nanzheng City."

Ma Tan asked, "What does the young master need to do in Hanzhong?"

Liu Chan said to Ma Tan: "You come here, I will tell you quietly."

After Liu Chan muttered, Ma Tan had a dark face and said reluctantly: "Humble and orderly!"

Liu Chan smiled at him: "Ma Tan, you should know how important this matter is, right?

Liu Chan looked around and said to Liu Bei, Pang Tong, Fa Zheng and others: "I heard it, I heard it, Ma Tan said that I will complete the task I explained in half a year."

"Time is urgent, let's go now, or don't set off with Mr. Fa." The people you need will be there to keep up with you on the road. Remember, don't expose it, once it's exposed, it's over. Liu Chan said to Ma Yan.

Ma Yan bowed to the crowd and retreated.

Looking at Ma Tan's back, Pang Tong asked Liu Chan, "What task did you give him?"

Liu Chan laughed and said: "The Wudoumi Sect is a good sect, there are more than 100,000 believers in Hanzhong, and this huge faith sect is always a little unhappy in Zhang Lu's hands.

Pang Tong had a black line in his head: "Are you letting Ma Jian mix into the Five Doumi Sect and replace Zhang Lu's position?"

Liu Chan said to Pang Tong: "Master, you also think too highly of Ma Tan, right? I'll just let him mix up as a deputy sect leader." Half a year should be enough. "

This is redundant, once our army invades Nanzheng, these sect members will not be effective, why let Ma Jian mix into it?" Liu Bei asked in a deep voice.

Fa Zheng helped Liu Chan answer: "The young master wants to stabilize Hanzhong with the strength of the sect as quickly as possible, so he has this move.

Liu Chan snapped his fingers and gave Fa Zheng a thumbs up: "Mr. understands people." "

The power of faith can become the root cause of cholera in the world, and it can also make the world peaceful, Liu Chan will not touch the minefield of the unity of politics and religion, but using the sect to temporarily control the peace and harmony of the next region, this kind of good thing is much simpler and faster than benefiting the people, slow-cooking frog style to pacify the environment and calm the people.

Hanzhong is the gateway to Yizhou, out of Hanzhong can enter Liangzhou, Yongzhou, break Chang'an, this kind of strategic advance of the Northern Expedition, the most peaceful is needed.

Liu Chan couldn't wait for the people of Hanzhong, after plowing the fields and working, when he returned home, he would burn incense and worship the Taoist ancestors, and then sleep beautifully, and there was no such thought of rebellion.

Fa Zheng also said goodbye and left, set off for Hanzhong, and began to devote himself to the first thing under Liu Bei.

The army did not stop marching, Liu Chan strongly asked to ride a horse alone, followed by Bai Yu's soldiers, swaying all the way towards Zitong unhurriedly.

Wei Yan accepted the White Water Army very smoothly, and after combing the officers in the White Water Army, it was already five days later, Wei Yan left 2,000 people to guard the White Water Pass, and according to Liu Bei's order, he led the remaining White Water Army to catch up with Liu Bei's army.

And in Jiameng, Liu Bei left Huo Jun behind and only gave him 500 people to defend the city.

Liu Chan did not intervene in this regard, and Huo Jun was about to fulfill a myth here.

The defenders of Zitong surrendered without any accident and greeted Liu Bei outside the city.

After receiving Zitong City, Liu Bei did not stay long, and went towards Fuxian, where there were Liu Zhang's 10,000 troops, defending the city, there would be a fierce battle.

Liu Zhang not only asked Meng Da and Zhang Ren to lead 20,000 troops from Chengdu, but also asked Li Yan to lead 10,000 troops to garrison Mianzhu and arrange the city defense of Mianzhu. On the march to Fu County, the news of Skynet continued to converge, and finally reached Liu Bei's hands.

Liu Chan finished reading the copy of the information sent by Skynet, squatting under the tree to avoid the scorching sun, not far from the road, the marching team stretched for several miles, some soldiers wore straw hats, some held branches on their heads, stepped on the yellow mud ground of the official road, and kicked up dust.

At the back of the line was a baggage squad, and the cries of donkeys, horses, and mules mingled with the shouts and curses of the soldiers, which were particularly harsh.

The front and back of the procession, there were constantly knights running back and forth, they were responsible for transmitting the orders of Liu Bei or the generals below to the troops at all levels in the army, or to pass the news to the main general, these heralds were the busiest.

Scouts are scattered ten miles away from the army, acting as the eyes of the army, probing the wind and grass within ten miles.

"Young master, drink some water. Bai Yubing, who was standing beside Liu Chan, handed Liu Chan a kettle to his pet.

After Liu Chan took a sip of water, he asked him, "How do you feel in the Bai Yu soldiers?"

"It's okay, it's just that the training is a little harder." Xiang replied.

Liu Chan said with a smile when he heard this: "Because the Bai Yu soldiers are the elites selected from the army, they have a training foundation, so they generally only have just entered the three-month training period of the Bai Yu soldiers, which is easy for those elites." You, a rookie, have just entered the army, and your physical fitness is not good enough, so you are naturally a little bitter. But it's okay, it's good that you get used to it, and it will be more bitter in the future.

"The young master is really comforting. Xiang Pet said to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan watched the army march for a while, these soldiers were one of the few elite troops under Liu Bei, but this march was still too loose and did not maintain the slightest formation.

"Xiang Pet, do you think such an army is elite?" asked Liu Chan.

Xiang Pet nodded without hesitation and said, "Of course it is." Don't look at their loose march, after going to the battlefield, the young master will know the difference between the Yizhou army and the lord's 10,000 people. Liu

Chan didn't say anything, when he grew up and could lead the army, he could try to train the army in the way of later generations, if the training effect was good, and the actual combat effect was comparable to these elites, Liu Chan could implement the whole army.

"Young master, Fu County has sent a letter. A Skynet spy rode over and handed the latest information to Liu Chan.

Liu Chan quickly scanned the letter and scolded: "Loser, what are you burning grain, grass and ordnance for?" That's all our stuff, whoever burns it will go to Yongchang County to open up wasteland." The

Skynet spy in charge of delivering the message asked weakly: "Then what should I do, young master?" "

Didn't the deputy general beside Liu Bi be bribed by us? Let him lead his troops to directly capture the city gate and open the city to surrender." Liu Chan said.

Skynet Spy: "Young master, isn't this too rude."

"Fuxian Tianwang arranged for more than 300 people to go in, plus the officers and generals at all levels who were bribed, is it difficult to get together 2,000 people? 2,000 people can't take a city gate, so I'll die." Isn't it an idiot to play this kind of thing of burning grain, grass, and ordnance to confuse people's minds under such extremely advantageous circumstances? Skynet will do things simply and rudely in the future, and its reputation will be raised, and the enemy will feel frightened when he hears it. Let's go and give the order. "


Xiang Pet asked curiously: "Young Master, Fu County can arrange so many Skynets, are there more in other cities

?" "I want to know?"

"Hmm." Xiang nodded to the pet.

"How about entering Skynet?" asked Liu Chan.

Xiang Pet hurriedly shook his head, and Liu Chan said: "Then it's decided, you come to pick up Ma Yan's position." "

Xiang Pet:"??".

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