Yan Pu closed the window stupidly and said to Fa Zheng: "Thank you for being filial."

Fa Zheng said to Yan Pu: "Such a mother-in-law, why don't you take a leave of absence?

I share her weal and woe. Yan Pu waved his hand and said.

"Since it's a matter of life and death where we're in adversity, why do you want to come to such a land of wind and moon?" Fa Zheng said.

Yan Pu swore and said, "I have never had an affair with a woman here, and every time I come, I drink and listen to small songs, and I never dare to have other ideas. "

You'd better keep it for the order room. Let's go, see you another day. Fa Zheng said goodbye and left.

Yan Pu said to Fa Zheng: "Xiaozhi, you used the strategy of Ming Xiu Plank Road to secretly Chen Cang this time, right?"

Fa Zheng was stunned for a moment, and he didn't know why: "What is Gong Cao talking about?"

Yan Pu looked at Fa Zheng, and Fa Zheng smiled: "It seems that Gong Cao still doesn't trust me." "

The lord means that he wants Liu Bei to enter Hanzhong with a proton.

Fa Zheng said without hesitation: "Don't even think about it, my lord has a son, and there is no possibility of being a proton." "

Is this something that Zhang Lu has already decided?" Fa Zheng asked.

Yan Pu said: "Negotiation, negotiation, naturally there is a negotiation." "

There's nothing to talk about when it comes to delivering protons. But you can talk about it differently, doesn't your lord have a daughter who is eighteen years old, why don't you and I just be a matchmaker, how about marrying this daughter to my lord?" Fa Zheng asked Yan Pu.

Fa Zheng's words were originally about the proton, but who knew that Yan Pu actually pondered.

"To be honest, I don't think it's impossible. Yan Pu said to Fa Zheng very seriously.

Fa Zheng walked away.

Yan Pu didn't think about going home at all, but came to the Heavenly Master Palace overnight.

told Zhang Lu what he talked about with Fa Zheng, Zhang Lu's reaction was indifferent, and after listening to it, Zhang Lu said to Yan Pu: "I have thought very clearly, so agree to Liu Bei's conditions." Let Fazheng come over tomorrow.

Yan Pu said worriedly: "What if Liu Bei doesn't keep his promises? This time, both sides only made a verbal promise, but did not make a covenant. "

Hanzhong is the gateway to Yizhou, if Liu Bei does not keep his promises, I will vote for Cao Cao with a county in Hanzhong and 100,000 households, and I will see if Liu Bei can sleep in Yizhou." Zhang Lu said very generously, he already had the heart to vote for Cao Cao in his heart.

Yan Pu knew Zhang Lu's thoughts and retreated.

It's just that it's hard to go home back, Yan Pu looked at the moonlight above his head, with a sad face, and finally endured great grief and set foot on the way home.


Since it is in this Heavenly Master Dao that believes in the Dao of Immortals, pretending to be a god and a ghost is the fastest way to raise one's worth and spread one's fame.

After finalizing the character he wants to expose, Ma Jian needs the help of Skynet, and without the help of these people, some of the miracles he wants to make cannot be completed.

A symbol was carved on the door of his residence, and Ma Jian sat in the house and waited quietly.

His whereabouts should be under the monitoring of Skynet, and in this village of thousands of people, there is definitely a stronghold of Skynet.

didn't let Ma Jian wait long, and a man dressed in tatters walked in.

Ma Jian drove and said: "Let's go, I haven't fired yet, and I have nothing to eat."

"See sir. Ma

Tan was a little surprised and said: "This Huangsha Pavilion is comparable to a small county town, how can you make a child in charge?"

Sister Hua is the person in charge here.

"What about her?" Ma Tan said dissatisfiedly, this leader didn't show up to see him, but let this little flower come, doesn't he look down on himself?"

"Sir, Sister Hua already knew that you were coming, but she couldn't leave, so she specially ordered me to come and see you when you want to see us." Xiao Xiaohua said.

Ma Jian said with a dark face: "I asked you where she is?"

Xiao Yuhua saw that Ma Tan's face was dark, and quickly said: "In Yangping Pass."

"What is she doing in Yangping Pass?" Yangping

Pass is located in the west of Nanzheng, and it is Yangping Pass fifty miles west after passing through Chuyang, and it is more than a hundred miles away from the Huangsha Pavilion in the middle of Chuyang and Nanzheng.

(Here, you may have played some Three Kingdoms games, Yangping Pass is in the north of Hanzhong in the game, in fact, it is not, the northern part of the Hanzhong Basin is the Qinling Mountains, if you want to get out from here, you can only take the Keigu Road, and a little further east you can go to the Meridian Valley.) Yangping Pass is in the west, it is a big road out of Hanzhong, passing through Liangzhou, and entering Sanfu through Sanfu. If you are interested, you can search the map and take a look)

Xiao Zhaohua replied: "Sister Hua is a tour of our township, this time chasing a cattle thief, all the way to Yangping Pass."

"I haven't heard of it. If she comes back, let her come to me. Ma Tan said to Xiao Yuhua.

"Howler. Xiao Xiaohua hurriedly ran out.

It seems that this Skynet spy has forgotten his identity, and he is more enthusiastic about doing your job than Skynet's work, and there is no need to lose his temper with a little flower, and when this woman named Sister Hua comes back, she must be taught a good lesson.


Liu Bei's army has been staying in Luo County for ten days, and there has been no siege, Liu Bei had the idea of attacking the city before, but was persuaded by Pang Tong, and now is not the time to attack the city.

"Isn't Zhang Ren suspected yet? Liu Chan walked around Liu Bei's barracks, looking at the information that had just arrived from the city.

Pang Tong was lying on the desk to deal with military affairs, and Liu Bei went to inspect the barracks.

Pang Tong said to Liu Chan: "It is not advisable to be in a hurry, it will arouse the suspicion of the people in the city, so wait a little longer." "

I really want to go to the city and see this good show. Liu Chan said regretfully.

Since Zhang Ren returned to Ruoxian after defeat, Liu Xun still trusted Zhang Ren very much in the first two days, but as time went on, rumors began to rise in the city, saying that Zhang Ren was Liu Bei's person, and he returned to Ruoxian County in order to follow the example of Fuxian and Mianzhu and let Liu Bei enter the city when Liu Bei attacked the city.

Liu Xun began to suspect Zhang Ren, coupled with various factors, Zhang Ren was relieved of his military power by Liu Xun and let him stay at home.

At the same time, worried about the lurking of the fine work in the city, which was not conducive to the next battle, Liu Xun began to search and carry out the work intensively, and the people in the whole city were panicked, arresting batch after batch of people, including ordinary people, businessmen, soldiers, and officers, for seven or eight days in a row, complaining, and none of the real Skynet spies were caught.

Even so, Liu Xun did not stop, and still went his own way, and he was bound to wipe out all the details in the city.

There are countless unjust, false and wrongful cases caused by this, and countless people have become unjust souls.

Zhang Ren sat at home and sighed, the guards around him were almost investigated, and several suspects were still locked up.

There are many people in the city who want to escape, but this county town cannot enter or exit, and whoever wants to run out is undoubtedly a spy.

"The head of the family, Zhang Qi was arrested by the search team. A personal guard hurriedly came to tell Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren was furious when he heard this: "Didn't Zhang Qi just be released, did he clear his suspicions? Why was he arrested again?"

"I don't know, those dog thieves in the search team said that Zhang Qi might be Liu Bei's work, and there is no reason."

Zhang Renqiang held back his anger and said, "Let's go, follow me to have a look." "

The search party was easy to identify, and although they were wearing armor, they all had red scarves tied around their arms, and they searched everywhere for suspicious people like mad dogs.

"At the gate, Zhang Qi was on duty today, and the group of mad dogs were going to arrest Zhang Qi when they saw him. The soldiers led Zhang Ren to the gate and said to Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren's personal soldiers were surrounding the three search teams and refused to let them go, and the two sides were in a state of confrontation, and when they saw Zhang Ren coming, the leader of the search team said to Zhang Ren: "General Zhang, did you ask these brothers to prevent me from arresting the spies, did you instruct the general?" If it was instructed by the general, then please go with us, we suspect that you have an affair with Liu Bei.

Zhang Rentie's face was blue: "There must be evidence to speak." "

Evidence? It is rumored in the city that you are a spy planted by Liu Bei in the city, and this is the evidence.

Zhang Ren sneered: "Rumors? It is rumored that you are still Liu Bei's meticulous work, otherwise why would you go around arresting people loyal to the lord and disturbing the order in the city, isn't this something that only meticulous work can do?"


Zhang Ren now they don't dare to arrest at will, and they have to ask Liu Xun to order Zhang Ren to arrest him, but these soldiers around Zhang Ren are not like ants, let them knead them.

If Zhang Ren dared to stop it, Liu Xun would inevitably order Zhang Ren to be arrested.

"Zhang Qi was only released yesterday and has been cleared of suspicion. Zhang Ren said.

"That's not up to General Zhang, we investigated and learned that Zhang Qi has another suspicion. If the general can come up with money to prove Zhang Qi's innocence, then it is naturally possible. The soldiers of the three search parties all smiled obscenely.

Zhang Ren laughed angrily: "It turned out to be asking for money." "

Go, go get them money. Zhang Qiyi's life, worth 50,000 yuan, is all given to them. Zhang Ren said.

The soldiers of the three search teams were smiling, they had tried and tested this trick repeatedly, and they had accumulated a lot of wealth, and as long as they were not in this city full of enemies, they would be able to live freely in any city they went to in the future.

Zhang Qi was let go, several sacks of money were sent over, and the three of them happily carried the money on their backs, said goodbye to Zhang Ren, and left quickly.

"A bunch of scum. Zhang Ren scolded.

The surrounding soldiers were also indignant.

"The head of the family, why don't we go back to Chengdu, if this county continues like this, it will definitely not be able to hold it. Anyone can figure it out, there is such a big chaos in the city, there must be Liu Bei's fine work behind, but after grasping it for so long, many things have intensified, and I suspect that not a single fine work has been caught. Zhang Qi said to Zhang Ren.

Zhang Ren said angrily: "Shut up, this is not something you should worry about." "

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