Wanda looked around at the ever-changing interior of the room, her eyes full of wonder.

"Is this the effect of Chaos Magic?

She had never thought that Chaos Magic could produce such a change. She even couldn't believe that this was the power in her body.

"All of this is the effect of chaos magic distorting reality!"

"I just used the original power of chaos magic based on my understanding of it!"

Hod nodded slowly and answered with an affirmative expression.

In fact, he did not deliberately control all this. To be precise, he just led Wanda to get familiar with this power.

After saying that, he took the initiative to let go of his hand.


As the scarlet light disappeared, everything in the room began to recover at a speed visible to the naked eye.

"How do you know so much about it?"

Wanda was more curious about the mysterious man in front of her.

Because Hood knew his power even better than she did!

"We have already had negative contact, how could I not understand."

Hodder raised the corner of his mouth and stretched out his hand to pinch Wanda's little face.

Because Wanda was thin, he always thought that there should be no flesh.

When he pinched it, he found that it was much softer than he imagined. After pinching it, he couldn't help rubbing it twice. It felt really good to touch, white, soft and tender.

"Stop playing~ Stop touching me!"

Wanda's face was so red from being touched that it seemed like steam was coming out of it.

She knew that Hood was teasing her on purpose, but she couldn't help but think of what happened last night.

Especially after the energy blending, she found that she was not so resistant to Hood's contact.

On the contrary, when she was in contact with Hood, she would feel at ease.

Especially after what happened just now, she found that the two seemed to have a lot in common.

"Okay, hurry up and let me control... Chaos Magic."

Although I already knew that the energy in my body was magic, it was still a little hard to accept for a while.

"The studious little witch is destined to become great!"

Hodder stopped and looked at Wanda with a gentle look:"You have to feel its existence and pay attention to its senses. It is not a simple energy, but an ancient magic!"

To control this energy, it is not only necessary to understand how it works, but also to calm down and comprehend it.

It's like a car. If it is pushed by external force, it will be very difficult.

But if you sit in the car and step on the accelerator, it will go much faster.

"Re-understand it?"

Wanda suddenly realized.

She had just used it as an ordinary energy body or psychic ability. She had never thought of using this method to feel the chaos magic in her body again.

If Hord didn't tell her, she would probably never make any progress in her life.

But now she knows that the power of chaos magic can even affect reality.

Then when they contact each other next time, they will also develop in this direction.

"Well, my lovely little witch is much more savvy than I thought!"

Hodder nodded with satisfaction:"Let's get started! If you make a mistake, you will be punished!"



Wanda was stunned for a moment, then she reacted suddenly, and her ear tips turned pink.

Even if she hadn't been told in detail, she could guess that this punishment would definitely be very humiliating!

"Turn it into anything else!"

Hodder casually placed the cup on the table beside him:"Let's start!"


Wanda took a deep breath, and her eyes became solemn.

She opened her hands, and a scarlet light suddenly bloomed in her hands.


As a scarlet light flashed, the cup was suddenly concentrated.


A crisp sound rang out, and the cup shattered to the ground in an instant.


Wanda pouted and murmured with a look of disappointment.

She didn't expect that she would face failure at the very beginning.

"It's okay!"

Hod pinched Wanda's little face and picked up another cup:"Feel it carefully!"

Encouraged by Hod, Wanda's eyes also flashed.

She tried again, focusing the chaos magic in her body on the cup.

But the next second, the cup shattered again.

Seeing this scene, Wanda became visibly disappointed.

"Don't worry."

Hod sat next to Wanda and said softly,"Chaos magic is not purely constructive or destructive. It can create everything, but it can also destroy everything and turn everything into nothingness."

"Creation and destruction?"

Wanda frowned and pondered secretly.

These two things sound simple, but they are completely opposite.

Hord held Wanda's hand, and energy burst out of his palm, and the two energies merged.

"But you are more destructive now, and not constructive at all"

"Chaos magic is like the harmony of yin and yang"

"What you need to do is to make the two reach a balance point so that they can be transformed and merged freely."

As he spoke, the broken cup began to overlap at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then recovered as before.

Looking at the scene in front of her, Wanda subconsciously opened her cherry mouth.

Although she knew that chaos magic could do it, she didn't expect it to be so simple!

"You mean a balance point?"

Wanda bent down and picked up the cup on the ground, and found that it fit perfectly without any cracks.

"Do you want to try it?"

Hod took the cup from Wanda and put it on the stool in front of him.


Wanda nodded without hesitation, closing her eyes for a while before opening them again.

She opened her hands and carefully recalled the feeling when Hord used chaos magic just now.

The bright scarlet light enveloped the mug.

Buzz buzz buzz~

This time, accompanied by the buzzing, the mug did not break.

Instead, it kept twisting and changing, and the things around it were constantly twisting.

At this moment, the other half changed and turned into a square box.


When Wanda saw this scene, she excitedly hugged Hood beside her and cheered.

She really didn't expect that she actually succeeded.

This means that she can further control her energy.

However, in her excitement, Wanda didn't notice that her actions made Hood's expression gradually become subtle.

Hood felt what happiness was in the true sense.

Until Wanda suddenly found that Hood seemed to be a little bit wrong, when she looked down, her movements instantly became extremely stiff.

""Witch, I helped you a lot, how do you want to thank me?"

Hord put his hand on her shoulder with a wicked smile, and the two looked at each other.

Creaking, creaking, creaking... the sound of the wind came and went.

It rained that night, and the wet rain streaked across the window.

And the pear blossoms in the rain on the tree in the house...................Dividing line................. ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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