On the chaotic street, several vehicles on fire made sounds of burning materials bursting from time to time.

Pungent black smoke and dust drifted in the air. Apart from these sounds, the almost deserted street was extremely silent.

The burly figure raised his mouth and squeezed the car door with an indifferent look.

Gwen Stacy, who was lying on the ground, looked at this figure with wide eyes. Who is this person?

She has never seen this person before. This person should not be a superhero!

But this person can easily block the huge force of the lizard man.

"this......How is this possible!"

The lizard Connor's erect pupils suddenly shrank into needles.

The super power he had worked so hard to obtain seemed so unbearable in front of this strange man!

Just now, in order to be able to directly deal with the ghost spider, he had clearly used all his strength.

But the man in front of him blocked it with just one hand, and his left hand was in his pocket, looking very relaxed.


Hodder raised the corner of his mouth, and said with a sneer:"You are so weak, why don't you stay in the sewer? Why are you wandering around here?"

While he was speaking. A blue light appeared on his wrist. If you look closely, it is clearly a pattern of a bull's head.

This is clearly the power of the bull talisman!

Possessing the bull talisman will gain the power of strength and super physical strength.

The powerful bull magic can make the holder powerful, greatly increase the physical strength of the whole body, and greatly enhance brute force.

At the same time, the striking force, impact force, physical attack destructive power, etc. will be greatly improved.

Although it may not be enough to face the strong men of the universe.

But facing the enemies on the surface, it can be said that it is already at ease.


""Damn you!"

Lizard Connor roared. This kind of humiliation was simply unbearable for him.

The huge tail swung violently and hit Gwen on the ground fiercely.

Gwen saw this powerful blow and supported his hands on both sides of his head to dodge.

In a flash,

Hood kicked the lizard with his foot, and when he raised his foot, there was a huge sound of wind!


The lizard man was like a kite with a broken string, and he smashed into the wall of the street next to him.

The broken wall collapsed, leaving a huge hole.

"This power!!! Is this a carbon-based creature?!"

Gwen was stunned. She had just faced the lizardman and felt his terrifying power.

He was so powerful that he could tear a car apart.

But in front of this young man, he was easily defeated?!

She even saw a hint of satisfaction in the young man's expression.

It was as if he had just killed an ant.

Gwen even wondered if she was dreaming. This was not a power of the same level.

"How long are you going to lie on the ground?"

Hodder retracted his legs and looked down at Gwen on the ground with a calm expression.


Gwen was stunned at first:"Oh......Feel sorry....."

She came to her senses at this moment and found herself still lying on the ground.

But just as she was about to jump up, she suddenly felt a surge of hormones.

This mysterious man actually knelt on one knee and picked her up.

The sudden princess hug made Gwen's brain buzz instantly.

Her brain was a little out of order, and her face under the mask became extremely hot.

She never thought that this man would do this!

This was the first time she was picked up in this way.

"That......"Well, I'm fine! I can do it myself!"

After a moment,

Gwen stammered and shouted, her body twisting involuntarily.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, but every move seemed so ambiguous.

Through the thin ghost spider suit, she could even feel the warmth from the man's palm.

This made her heart beat faster, and the big eyes on the mask widened slightly.


Hodder nodded slightly, turned aside with a calm expression and let go of Gwen.

"Are you okay?"

Wanda, who was not far away, glared at Hood fiercely before turning her gaze to Gwen.

Although Hood was serious now, she felt that Hood was not so kind.

"I'm fine."

Gwen turned her gaze to the woman walking towards her from a distance.

When she saw this person, her eyes widened.

"you......Are you the Scarlet Witch?! I actually met an Avenger!"

"I am your die-hard fan and I have always admired you!"

"Ignore the nonsense those guys out there are talking about, I know that's not the case!"

"And......You are really beautiful!"

After seeing Wanda, Gwen forgot everything that had just happened.

She ran to her idol and chattered excitedly.

"Thank you!"

Facing the lively Gwen, Wanda smiled and nodded.

"By the way, are you also a superhero?"

Gwen turned her head to look at Hood, frowned and thought for a long time without any impression:"But why haven't I seen you before?"

Because she paid close attention to the news of the Avengers, if she had appeared on TV, she should have some memory.

But this young man had never appeared at all.

"I'm not a superhero."

Hodder shook his head indifferently, and subconsciously glanced at Gwen's figure.

85, 56, 90.

Tsk tsk tsk!

For this age group, this figure is very good!

Although Gwen's height and figure are not as good as Wanda's.

But Gwen has a completely different aura.

If Wanda is melancholy and charming, then Gwen exudes a youthful aura everywhere.

Just like an 18-year-old college student.

Just as Hodder was admiring the beauty, there was a sudden sound of gravel behind him.���There was a noise.

The lizardman slowly walked out of the hole, panting and looking at the people.

Seeing these three people standing here chatting, he was so angry that his whole body couldn't stop shaking.

It was clear that they didn't take him seriously at all!

"I almost forgot you were still here."

Hod retracted his gaze and looked at the lizard man with displeasure.

He was reminiscing about the beauty of his youth, and this broken lizard man actually jumped out again and again.

This really ruined his mood.


Lizardman Connor was furious. He was extremely angry at Hord's contempt and rushed towards Hord like a madman.

Bang, bang, bang!

When the angry lizardman ran, every step he took would cause the ground to shake slightly.

Even the ground where he ran would leave cracks.

""Hod, be careful!"

Wanda looked at the fierce scene and couldn't help but warn.

This monster looked like he was going to fight to the death.

"He is very powerful, be careful......"

Gwen also took a fighting stance, ready to support at any time.


But before he could finish his words, a scorching ray shot out from Hord's eyes.

This terrifying light seemed to be able to penetrate everything in the world.

With great power, it directly penetrated the chest of the lizard man.

At the moment of penetration, green blood splashed out.

The lizard man looked down in disbelief, his pupils trembling constantly.

A huge blood hole was left in his abdomen.

Through the blood hole, you can still see the scene behind...................Dividing line................. ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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