"It's actually Wanda."

Hod took a step closer and after a closer look, he confirmed that the person on his hood was actually Wanda.

He never expected to meet Scarlet Witch in such a remote place.

But she was lying on the hood, her breath was full of strong malt smell.

Even without getting close, he knew that she must have drunk a lot.


"You...how did you get so drunk?"

After hesitating for a long time, Hood pulled Wanda's hand to his shoulder, intending to help Wanda up.

Wanda, who was like a puddle of mud, raised her blurry eyes, and the area around her eye sockets was slightly red.

After noticing this strange face, Wanda asked with a choked voice:"You...who are you?"

"Miss Maximoff, you are drunk."

Hod grabbed Wanda's wrist hanging on her shoulder and lifted her up.

""No... I'm not drunk!"

Hearing this, Wanda broke away from Hood and fell directly onto the hood.

She knelt on the ground.���, shaking her head with sobs, a tear rolled down her cheek

"You need to rest."

Looking at Wanda's appearance, Hod sighed and stepped forward to help.

"I know that everyone doesn't like me.……"

Wanda raised her head suddenly, her eyes were red under her messy hair, and tears had already covered her cheeks. Her trembling voice was filled with tears, and her pitiful face was filled with helplessness.

Wanda's painful expression and words made Hood suddenly realize.

The recent events must have dealt a heavy blow to Wanda.

In order to avoid large-scale casualties, Wanda had to throw the crossbones that were about to explode into the air.

The violent explosion directly broke through the building, resulting in a large number of casualties.

It was obviously to protect more people, but what awaited her was not understanding, but endless pressure from public opinion.

"Actually, you have done very well... No one hates you."

Hood stepped forward, ready to help Wanda up, and persuaded her in a gentle tone.

To put it bluntly, Wanda's spiritual world is much more fragile than other superheroes.

It is inevitable that she will become like this. It is estimated that the public opinion on the Internet has made her begin to doubt herself.


Wanda raised her head. There was a deep ravine under her snow-white neck.

Because of this big move, the milky white snow was about to come out.


Facing this scene, Hode admired it gentlemanly, turned away, touched his nose subconsciously and coughed twice.

It's not that he is lustful, but any normal man, if he doesn't appreciate the flowers in bloom, he is not romantic.

"Are you lying to me?"

Wanda noticed Hood's evasive look very keenly and asked with a questioning voice.

If he was not lying to her, why would he avoid her gaze at this time?

He must be just comforting her!

"How is it possible!"Hodder looked at Wanda and said firmly:"No one is perfect, no one can firmly control the situation in their own hands!"

Although Wanda is very powerful, it does not mean that Wanda can do everything.

Even the big purple potato spirit can't do what he wants, let alone her.

"You... are right."

Wanda took a deep breath and nodded slowly.

She had tried her best, but... she really didn't expect……

"Don't think too much, the ground is cold, let me help you get in the car first!"

Hodder came to Wanda's side and leaned over, ready to help Wanda stand up.

Wanda nodded slightly at Hodder who was so close to her, and did not struggle, but obediently let Hodder help her to the back seat.

"Send her back to the Avengers first."

Seeing Wanda leaning on the back seat with a wandering look, Hood shook his head helplessly.

Who would have thought that he would meet Wanda in such a place.

Just as he straightened Wanda's legs hanging outside the car door and was about to close the door, a cold and slender little hand suddenly grabbed his wrist.

""What's wrong?"

Facing Wanda with red cheeks, Hood asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"Are you...what you just said true?"

"Am I really not wrong?"

Wanda's flashing eyes were like seeing her own rising star.

After that incident, she was only scorned.

The public's misunderstanding and the official's selfishness made her not know where to go. It was for this reason that she came to this secluded place to drink alone.

But she didn't expect that at this time, the man in front of her actually untied her knot.

He even stood firmly on her side.

""Yes, you have tried very hard!"

Hood said firmly.

The next second, Wanda suddenly pulled back, and a flash of red light flashed in her hand.

Then a force pushed him directly towards Wanda.

In this unexpected moment, Hood could only support his hands on both sides of Wanda's shoulders.

The two of them fell into the back seat of the car in an instant, and the faces close at hand exhaled a heavy breath.

At this moment, what came to his face was not only the aroma of wine, but also a faint jasmine scent mixed with wood fragrance.

The face so close at hand made him, who had been in the battlefield for a long time, actually beat faster.

Wanda's blue eyes, as bright as the stars, locked his sight tightly like a black hole.


Hodder opened his mouth slightly, wanting to say something

"Don't talk!"

Wanda closed her eyes, her eyelashes trembling constantly, just like a flower letting him pick them.

Hod was stunned. He never thought that this would unfold like this.

And if he couldn't understand Wanda's action, he would have lived in vain for so many years.

He didn't hesitate too much and kissed her directly.

When they separated again, the water line was connected.

Wanda blinked her wet eyes, which looked sparkling and like a lake of clean water.

She was so pitiful....

The corners of her eyes were still red and seductive. Perhaps she was nervous at this moment, and the corners of her charming lips were trembling.......

Now that things have come to this, if we back down, we would be like Liu Xiahui!


Hood clenched his teeth and turned over to close the car door.

He has always adhered to a principle: if something is offered to you, there is no reason to refuse it.

Seeing Hood's actions, Wanda exclaimed:"What do you want to do?"


Under the setting sun, the afterglow of the sunset fell on the black roof!

A black Cayenne fully demonstrated its proud shock absorber!

Despite this, it still swayed with the rhythm!

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