The next morning.

In the magnificently decorated room.

On the soft big bed, Wanda bit her red lips and opened her eyes with a painful look. What came into view was the dazzling ceiling.

Outside the French window, the midday sun shone directly on the earth.

The smooth floor tiles outside the house reflected the dazzling light, just like the sparkling waves on the lake.

""Shh, it hurts!"

Then came the pain all over her body.

It was like being run over by a heavy truck. Even her mouth was slightly painful.

Wanda looked at this unfamiliar environment with a little confusion in her eyes.

"Where is this?"

Wanda touched her clothes and realized that her scarlet battle suit had been replaced with a men's shirt with a faint scent of sandalwood cologne.

Her head was suddenly confused,"I should have gone out for a drink yesterday afternoon........"

"But after drinking, I seemed to run into......"


Thinking of this, she felt dizzy.

Wanda forced herself to continue to recall the details of last night.

But her brows were furrowed, because her memory had stopped at this moment!

Smelling the men's perfume coming from the white shirt, she had guessed that

"I shouldn't be......"

After thinking about this, she couldn't help but panic. Combined with the pain in her lower body, she was sure what had happened!...

At this moment, footsteps were heard in the wooden corridor outside the door.

The sudden sound caused Wanda's already panicked brain to suddenly crash.

She hid herself in the quilt, leaving only a small gap.

A young and handsome man in a bathrobe walked in with an aluminum tray in his hand.

On it were butter sandwiches, fried eggs, and a glass of milk.

The faint smell of butter also followed the smell into the gap of the cup.

When Hood came in, he saw that the quilt on the bed was bulging, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

""Are you awake?"

Hod asked gently.

Although they had only been together for a while, he knew that Wanda didn't like to cover herself with a blanket.

In fact, after he came back at noon, every time he covered her with a blanket, it would be pulled away.

So now he was sure that Wanda had woken up.

"Did you do it?"

Wanda puffed up her breath and poked her little face out of the gap.

Although she had forgotten a lot of things, she could still vaguely remember Hord's face last night.

""Yes, I did it!"

Hodder raised his lips and a sly smile appeared on his face.

Wanda was angry and annoyed at the sight of this.

Her face became red as if it had been smoked by hot steam.


Wanda's cheeks swelled up in anger, and she threw back the soft quilt.

She turned over and was about to get out of bed when she felt a sharp pain.


Her face turned pale at this moment. She covered her abdomen and knelt on the bed.

This tearing pain came from her abdomen, and she could only gasp.

"Are you okay?" Hood quickly put down his breakfast and sat next to Wanda:"You are too crazy, you must have been hurt accidentally!"

After all, this has been going on since yesterday evening until almost noon the next day.

It is inevitable that it will become like this, not to mention that he did an experiment this morning.

It's a pity that if it happens too frequently, it seems that there is no way to trigger the effect for the second time.

This should be the same as when he goes to taste coffee, he can only drink one cup a day.

I guess it's to prevent him from being too greedy.

"Me?" Wanda pointed at herself angrily and spat out the last two words"crazy?"

Although she vaguely remembered what happened, she couldn't remember the details.

And saying this at this time made her feel ashamed and angry.

"Does it hurt?"

Hod didn't answer Wanda's question, but looked at her with a look of pity.

It would have been better if he hadn't asked. When he asked this question, Wanda couldn't hold it anymore.

"What do you think!!!"

The corners of her clear eyes flashed with crystal clear tears.

Even her breathing became extremely rapid at this time.

This was like a spear like a dragon, how could it not hurt!

She even suspected that this damn man was the incarnation of a construction site pile driver.

He really didn't know what it meant to be gentle with women!

"Why don't you eat something first to replenish your energy."

Hod pursed his lips and said with a slightly apologetic expression.

Although it was not his initiative, it has become like this.

It is only right for him to be a caring and warm man, after all, this is his best quality.

Just when he stretched out his hand to pick up Wanda.


"Get out of my way!"

With a buzzing sound, he suddenly noticed the crimson light bursting out like a tide around him.

The furniture around him was also shaking.

Wanda's eyes flashed crimson, and her slender white arms swung violently.


A crimson beam of rage mixed with heroism suddenly rushed towards Hod.

At this moment, Wanda's eyes finally flashed a touch of softness.

The original crimson beam also softened a lot at this time.

But the red light was still surging and roaring!............

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