Hod looked at Gwen hanging on him, and raised his head to look at Wanda's covetous expression.

No, sister, come down!

He felt that Wanda in the air could tear him alive.

Especially that look, it was like the wolf saw his meat being taken away.

But feeling the ball hitting people, he really didn't want to let go for a while.

What's more, it was directly clamped on his body, which made him feel inexplicably refreshed.

He finally realized what excitement was.

"Cough cough cough……"

After a long while, Hood smiled awkwardly and patted Gwen's thigh:"Okay, you can let go of Miss Ghost Spider."

It must be said that he could even feel the young girl's rebound after these two pats.

This feeling made Hood almost want to learn from Wukong and take out his weapon.

He really didn't dare to be naughty, because God knew how angry Wanda would be.

"Oh, sorry, I was too excited just now!"

Gwen quickly let go of her hand, and was actually touched by Wukong's weapon when she came down.

I didn't expect that someone with such great ability would actually carry a gun with him.

She couldn't help but think secretly in her heart.

After all, a person with such strength would actually be so vigilant.

But she was too excited just now, and just remembered that it was Gwen who was familiar with Hord, not Ghost Spider.

""Okay, Tony will come and deal with the situation later."

Wanda suppressed her anger and walked to Hood and said in a muffled voice.

Moreover, she could also sensitively perceive that Gwen's mental fluctuations towards Hood were strange.

Although Hood did not take the initiative to hug her, he was still full of jealousy.

Even in this short sentence, Hood could feel the jealousy contained in it.

"Witch, those media reporters seem to be here to interview you!"

Hodder suddenly noticed the reporters in the distance and quickly changed the subject.

He didn't want Wanda to continue to dwell on this matter.

Because he also knew that Wanda could vaguely sense the fluctuations in his heart.

"But not this time……"

Wanda was stunned, because this time she was just watching the show.

If she accepted the interview like this, it would be inappropriate no matter how you look at it.

"I don't like to be in the spotlight, and now the Avengers need to change their reputation."

Hod shook his head. Although the last incident made the public opinion outside a certain improvement.

But it is still limited after all. If he gives up the credit this time, it will be a good thing for Wanda.

What's more, he has already received the system's reward.

Facing such troublesome reporters, it is better to leave it to Wanda to deal with.


Wanda looked at the sincere look on Hood's face and finally nodded.

Hood was right, because the Avengers really needed these positive things to keep their attention.

"Then Ghost Spider and I will go first!"

Hodder turned his eyes to Gwen, and a barely perceptible smile flashed across his lips.

Wanda could only nod helplessly and stay to deal with these reporters.

As soon as the two left, a large number of reporters immediately surrounded them.

"Scarlet Witch, did you deal with the monster yourself this time?!"

"You are simply our New York hero. It is said that the monster is more than ten meters tall. Is it true?"

"You didn't retreat when facing such a terrifying monster. Was it because of the people?"

"Did you suffer any serious injuries in this incident?"


Because the reporters didn't dare to approach until they saw the monster in the distance disappear.

So they didn't know what happened at the scene.

Seeing that only Wanda was there, they naturally thought that all of this was done by Wanda.


Wanda is really not good at lying. She has a look of wanting to say something but not being able to.

But she remembered what Hood said, and finally she could only smile stiffly and nod.

Looking at the reporters' questions, she was really overwhelmed.

Fortunately, Tony and Steve arrived at the critical moment and drove all the reporters away.

They also set up a cordon at the scene.

""Wanda, are you okay?"

Steve came to Wanda with a shield in his hand and asked solemnly.

From the situation at the scene, it can be seen that this must be a very difficult battle.

Even the ground and everything around were affected.

It can even be said that even the entire street was almost destroyed.

"I... I'm fine, I'm not hurt."

Wanda pursed her lips and shook her head.

She was watching the whole fight, and Hood alone was able to handle it all.

"You are really getting stronger and stronger!"

Steve looked around and couldn't help but sigh.

Even Banner in anger was probably no better than this.

Everywhere he looked, everything was destroyed beyond recognition.

"I didn't kill that monster."

Wanda took a deep breath and shook her head to deny it.

Although Hord asked her to admit it, she didn't want to lie to her friend.

And if it was her, it would be very difficult to deal with this monster.

The fire alone would make her helpless.

"Who is that?"

Steve asked with a puzzled look on his face.

He didn't expect that there was someone so powerful.

"I...a mysterious person."

Wanda shook her head awkwardly. She didn't know how to explain the existence of Hood.

"That's enough."

Tony, who had just dealt with the media, came here and looked at Wanda deeply, his mouth slightly opened, wanting to say something but stopping.

But in the end, he turned his head away and forced himself to hold it back.

He knew very well that Wanda was definitely not lying. This mysterious person has always been the one he wanted to know the most.

He helped Wanda learn to control magic, and stood up to save the people at this time.���

The more this happened, the more confusing this person's identity became.

He wanted to ask, but what Huo De said came to his mind again.

It would be better to wait for her to speak.

"Scarlet Witch!!!"

"Scarlet Witch!!!"

"Scarlet Witch!!!"


Wanda looked back in confusion, and saw a large group of people holding banners and shouting"Scarlet Witch!" outside the cordon.

"Those outside are all your fans."

Steve looked at Wanda's puzzled expression and said with a smile:"Go and leave them an autograph and take a photo."


Wanda nodded and smiled as she walked over to take a photo.

However, she didn't notice at all.

At the back of the crowd, there was a pair of strange blue eyes staring at her.

Those eyes were full of greedy desire.

"Chaos magic is really on her."

The figure in the crowd was Agatha.

The woman's eyes fell on the dust that the Barbarians turned into within the cordon.

She couldn't stop smiling, and her whole body was shaking with excitement:"There is actually the power of the Phoenix!"

What kind of opportunity did God give me!

Chaos magic and the power of the Phoenix appeared at the same time!

Agatha's eyes were cold.

She wanted both of them!...................Dividing line................. ps: Brothers, if you think it's good, please give the author some free flowers. I will be very grateful. If one person gives me flowers, no matter how many flowers I give, I will add another chapter.

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