When Hood turned his head to look at Wanda, he was shocked to find that the smile on Wanda's face had frozen.

Although he hadn't started yet, he had already been caught!

Wanda's expression now clearly showed that she already knew there was someone upstairs, and it was a girl's voice.

He really didn't expect that Gwen would call him at this most critical moment. He originally wanted to find a reason to trick Wanda away, but now it is obvious that there is no way to trick her.


Anger has emerged in Wanda's smile, and she can even hear the sound of teeth clenching.

She also noticed that Hood's clothes were completely wet, and that sentence clearly meant that he was taking a shower.

Hood's preference for being in the bathroom also came to mind. Could this be........

"My dear Hood, there seems to be a girl calling you upstairs."

Wanda took a deep breath and looked into Hood's eyes with forced calmness.

However, from the bag in her hand, it can be seen that this dress is probably not for her.

Because Hood didn't know when she would come over, and she came over tonight because she missed Hood.

But she didn't expect to encounter this incident. Emotions such as grievance, anger, and unwillingness surged in her heart.

She didn't even know what to do in her confused heart, and even wondered if she had heard it wrong.


Hodder said with a stiff expression:"It should be the maid."

At this moment, he felt that his head was like a paste and couldn't turn around.

It's not that he didn't react fast enough, but the feeling brought by these two people was completely different from the previous girls.

Before meeting Wanda, he had encountered such things more than once, but his heart was not moved.

But what he didn't expect was that he was actually panicked at this time.

""Hodder, you give the servants a day off today, and there won't be any servants at night."

Wanda's body was trembling slightly, her eyes were filled with pain, and her eyes were slightly red at this moment.

She had guessed it, but she just didn't want to admit it. She hoped that Hodder could use a reason to deceive herself.

But this reason was so poor that she couldn't deceive herself even if she wanted to.

She only felt a pain in her heart. She had obviously fallen in love with him, but this happened.


Hodder held her hand and wanted to say something.

But Wanda pushed Hodder away.

She walked upstairs quickly with the bag of clothes in her hand.

Since there was no way to deceive herself, she had to see it with her own eyes.

Because even she herself didn't know what she should do now.

There was only one thought left in her mind, who was it? Who was better than herself?

"Little witch, even if you are anxious, there is no need to be so anxious!"

Hodder gritted his teeth, forced a smile, and quickly caught up.

He could feel Wanda's current emotions, like a powder keg.

He was not even sure whether Wanda would tear Gwen alive the moment she saw her.

Because he knew very well what kind of power Wanda would burst out when she was angry.

Although nothing really happened, Gwen was indeed taking a shower in the room upstairs.

Although he said that he did not start, once the two of them bumped into each other, nothing could be explained..........

"Don't stop me, I want to go up!"

The faster Wanda walked, the more pain she felt in her heart, and her voice became hoarse and choked.

She was afraid that she would not be able to hold back and would burst into tears. This was her first time... the first time she liked someone so much. It had not been long, but it was her true feelings.

Soon, she came to the door.

A familiar smell drifted across her nose. It was the smell of perfume that appeared when she and Hood had dinner together.

She stopped and paused outside the door, as if there was another world outside the door, and once it was opened, the whole world would be overturned.

""Wanda, listen to me."

Hodder came behind Wanda, his eyes full of complexity.

He didn't want to, but he was very big, and one or two people couldn't hold it.

He originally wanted to let Wanda accept it slowly, but he didn't expect that this day would come so soon.

He was usually smart, but he didn't have any way.

But despite this, he didn't stop Wanda from opening the door.

He just let out a sigh of helplessness.

After a moment, Wanda seemed to have made enough mental preparations.

She stretched out her white hand and grasped the door handle made of oak.

Twisted it suddenly, gritted her teeth and pulled...

As the door opened, everything in the room came into view.

In that classical room, everything was neat and tidy, and the room was full of life. The room was empty.

The quilt was neatly placed on the bed. Everything inside was so familiar and normal.

Looking at the tidy room, Hood finally felt relieved.

Fortunately, Gwen's clothes were not thrown around, otherwise the consequences would be even more serious.

However, the light in the bathroom was on at this time.

Wanda's eyelids drooped, and even her eyes became dim at this time.

She felt as if she had been hit hard in the heart, and she just dully shifted her gaze to the slightly transparent frosted bathroom door.

The other side of the bathroom door was covered with water mist, and it was obvious that someone was taking a shower inside.

The lips that were specially painted with lipstick turned extremely pale at this time.

"you......Bathroom mist......"

After a long time, Wanda squeezed out these words with a weak voice.

It seemed that she had used up all her strength at the moment she said these words.

This feeling made her not know where to go.

Even breathing became difficult at this moment. The feeling of chest tightness made Wanda subconsciously breathe deeply.

From her eyes that were gradually filled with bloodshot, it could be seen that her heart was far from being as calm as she imagined.


Hood held the cold hand and looked straight at Wanda.

But Wanda did not meet his eyes. She slowly put the bag in her hand outside the door. She turned around and walked outside, her steps becoming more and more hurried.

Yes, who was she? Just spending a good night together meant they were together?

She and Hood had not even confirmed their relationship. Girlfriend? She had never said that.

The relationship they had was probably the most unsightly one.

Although she was unwilling, what could she do? It was obviously she who took the initiative first.

Maybe Hood already had a girlfriend, and she was the one who interfered.

It was just that she was too self-righteous. What could she count as?

Although their hearts were intertwined, she still couldn't accept it.

Who Hood was with had nothing to do with her. It was his freedom.


At this moment, a warm hug directly embraced Wanda.

The warmth and fragrance coming from behind made Wanda so attached.

But she was still in pain, and this could not be solved by just a hug.

"you......I know."

Wanda shook her head and spoke in a hoarse voice.

She really didn't want to cry, nor did she want to show her most vulnerable side.

But she had to say that when Hood hugged her, she hesitated.

Because if he really left, it would really be over.

But could she really accept it?

"What are you doing?!"

Just when Wanda was thinking about it, she suddenly felt that she was picked up by Hord.

"Since the little witch can't wait, come on!"

Princess Hood held Wanda and turned to walk towards the bathroom.

"You... you don't want to!"

Wanda's brain crashed instantly, and there was only one thought left in her mind.

Hood was planning to come directly together?

But if so, it would simply be...

Just as she was thinking about it, Hood opened the bathroom door.

The mist immediately hit her face, which made Wanda close her eyes nervously.

Hood was really too bold, he actually carried her in directly.

"But maybe this is a good thing?"

If there are three people, one more person might reduce the workload.

"My little witch, don't you want to join us?"

"Why don't you open your eyes?"

Hodder leaned close to Wanda's ear, buried his head in her hair and spoke while breathing out hot air.


The itchy feeling blew on her ears, causing Wanda to shrink her neck slightly.

She took a deep breath and opened her eyes with trembling eyelashes.

Since she had already made sufficient mental preparations, she might see an extremely unbearable scene.

But when she opened her eyes, she was stunned.

Because there was no one in the bathroom except for the hazy water mist.

No one?!

She was completely stunned, how could there be no one?!

This was completely different from what she imagined.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be another sister in there, right?

"My lovely little witch, why are you so nervous?"

Hodder approached Wanda and whispered,"I came back from the rain and was about to take a shower, and you came. I had to open the door for you in a hurry."


When Wanda heard this, her heart was at ease.

There was a little more distress in her eyes. Obviously, the other party cared about her so much.

Obviously, there was no relationship between them, but Hood still hurriedly opened the door for her at this time.

But because of this incident, she would want to turn around and leave

"Since you want to be together so much, let’s be together!"

(I know that all the readers here are decent people and don’t like to read it. In order to save you money, I will skip it.)......... for a long time........


Hod carried the limp Wanda out and gently put her down.

"Little witch, you still need to exercise more, you are still too weak."

Hodder kissed Wanda's forehead gently, looking at her with a smile.

Facing Hodder's aggressive eyes, Wanda quickly curled up to cover them.

Although her hands were already in the right place

, the more she looked like a charming girl, making Hodder's eyes even hotter.

""Who said I was weak? I exercise regularly."

Wanda said dissatisfiedly, and then said,"It's obviously your problem!"

Every time she felt that her body did not belong to her, and even her head was like a paste. It was like being in the sea, and she could only follow the tides and tides, and there was no way to resist at all.

"But you said you wanted to make the sea surge, and even wanted to use magic!"

Hodder moved closer to Wanda, staring at her.

At this moment, the emotion expressed in his eyes reached Wanda's eyes.

She felt this emotion very clearly, and her body trembled with fear.

Because this feeling was so terrifying that she even felt that she was no longer herself.

""Shut up, stop talking!"

Although the air conditioner was on in the room, this conversation made Wanda feel hot.

It was like she had a 40 degree fever, which made her mind a little dazed.

And she had just said,"Don't go on, stop!"

How did she punctuate it? This is simply nonsense!

"Have a good rest here. I'll get you some soup to nourish your body."

After Hodder straightened Wanda, he did not forget to cover her with a blanket.


Wanda also felt a little tired, leaning on the pillow and closing her eyes.

Hodder walked out of the room carefully.

His heart was finally at ease at this time.

In order to cover up this matter, he even���The bull spell was used.

Only when one is tired enough, one will not have the energy to think about other things.

And judging from the current situation, it won't be long before Wanda falls into a deep sleep.

How did he know this?

This is common sense!

"It's time to go to the other side!"

Hodder sighed and drew a circle in the air. The dimensional gate with flowing light appeared in front of him instantly.

Inside was another room.

Judging from the decorations inside, it was about the same size as the previous room.

However, there were no personal items inside.

When Hodder crossed the dimensional gate, he saw Gwen lying on the bed, wrapped tightly in a quilt.

The little head was looking at the 85-inch TV screen not far away.

"How did I get here just now?"

Gwen had just finished taking a shower and hadn't waited for her clothes to be put on when a strange light door appeared.

Just as she was wearing the battle suit to see what was going on, the door closed.

However, she saw the surrounding scenery and realized that she was still in Hord's house.

"Uh, we had guests at home just now, so I changed to a better environment for you."

Hodder explained without blushing.

How could a seasoned lover be stumped by such a thing?

Just now, he suddenly thought of what to do, and simply teleported Gwen to the guest room downstairs.

"Oh, I was wondering why there were always banging noises coming from upstairs."

Gwen didn't think much about it. After all, it was normal for someone like Hood to be busy with work at night.

"cough cough....."

Huo De coughed twice, and his expression became a little strange.

"Um...are there any clothes?"

Gwen lifted the quilt covering her head, revealing her milky white shoulders.

She had been waiting for clothes, so she just took an extra bath and hid in bed.

"I'll give it to you."

Hod opened the dimension door directly and took the clothes from a clothing store.

After all, there was no time to buy clothes now.

"Thank you."

Gwen looked at the clothes and was a little surprised, because they were all her size.

But seeing Hood still standing there, she shyly said,"Why don't you turn around?"


Hod turned around obediently.

But at this moment, his eyes were attracted by a stainless steel decoration on the wall not far away.

It could clearly see the movements behind him.

He could even see clearly

"Imelda needs a raise!"

Hodder thought to himself, this is really polished!

Gwen didn't notice these small details.

"Thank you, this dress fits me well."

Gwen was pleasantly surprised. This dress suited her style very well.

Plus the size was right, she knew that Hood had put in a lot of effort.

Meanwhile, upstairs...

Wanda was a little sleepy waiting.


She called out, but still got no response.

After hesitating for a moment, she wrapped herself in a bath towel and walked out.

But as soon as she opened the door, she felt the magical fluctuations in the air.

The chaos magic in her body responded.

"Is there a magical fluctuation?"

She was surprised and reached out to touch the air.


The air vibrated.

Someone was casting some magic here!

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