"Miss Witch, it's fine if you are irresponsible, but you still want to take action?"

Hodder held Wanda's slender little hand and looked at Wanda in a shirt with a smile.

It must be said that Wanda wearing a men's shirt actually had an indescribable sense of contrast.

"Have we met before?"

Wanda's eyes widened, and her bright eyes stared at Hood.

For some reason, Hood gave her a sense of familiarity.

And he also had some special abilities!

Could it be that she had seen him in the Hydra laboratory?

After all, the man in front of her was very capable.

She kept thinking in her mind, but she had no relevant memory.


Hod shook his head without hesitation, kneading Wanda's skin with his fingers:"My dear witch lady, you can't get away with trying to get close to her!"

In fact, at the moment Wanda invaded just now, the power of the Phoenix automatically emerged to resist Wanda's power.

The power of the Phoenix can resist all spiritual supplies, and the power of the Phoenix and the chaos magic in Wanda's body are one of the three most ancient energy bodies.

It is also because of this reason that there is some connection and familiarity between them.


Facing Hood's repeated questioning, Wanda lowered her head guiltily.

In fact, she knew that if she hadn't used chaos magic at that time, it would never have turned out like this.

But let her be responsible?

How could she possibly give an answer to that!

Although she was indeed unreasonable in this matter.

Just when Wanda was thinking about how to answer.

Holding her wrist tightly, Hood, who was nearly 1.9 meters tall, suddenly moved forward and almost pressed on her.

The strong hormones hit Wanda in the face, making her heart beat fast for a moment. She looked up and said nervously:"Don't mess around!……"

Some inappropriate thoughts about this also came to my mind.

How long has it been since then, and now I have another thought?!

"What do you mean by messing around? Aren't you supposed to be responsible?"

Hod grinned and lowered his head, meeting Wanda's gaze.


Wanda avoided Hord's gaze in panic, hesitating and unable to speak.

Ding Dong!!!

At this time, the doorbell rang.

"Mr. Hodder, Mr. Tony Stark is here!"

The maid of the manor called out from outside.

"Why is Tony here?!"

When Wanda heard the name, her mind went blank and the hairs on her back stood up.

She couldn't imagine what would happen if Tony Stark knew about this.

Hod looked at Wanda's nervous expression and subconsciously smiled.

He let go of Wanda's hand and rubbed Wanda's fluffy hair:"Don't worry, he came to see me!"

A long time ago, Hod had already obtained a share of Stark Group through system rewards. He was also a small shareholder in it and had contact with Tony from time to time.

"That's good……"

Wanda breathed a sigh of relief.

Although she didn't know why Tony Stark was here, as long as he wasn't coming for her, it was fine.

But what Hood said next almost made her cry.

"You seem very lucky!"

Hodder moved closer to Wanda, hooked her fair and tender chin,"You must be obedient, you don't want Tony to know about this, right?"

It must be said that looking at Wanda's angry and furious look, he felt an inexplicable pleasure


Facing the burning breath, Wanda blinked her eyes and bit her lower lip, not daring to resist at all.

This guy was too despicable, and the threatening words were simply...

Boom boom boom!

"Mr. Hodder, Mr. Stark is already in the reception room on the first floor."

The maid's voice sounded outside the door.

"I understand!"

Hood responded, then turned and stared at Wanda:"My lovely witch lady, this is your last chance, otherwise I will go to Tony to complain!"


"I should be the one making the complaint, right?"

Wanda's breathing became rapid. The undulating hillside looked particularly attractive against the shirt.

Although she was indeed more proactive, why was it the other party who took advantage of her, and she even became the other party's handle.

She simply couldn't understand why the man in front of her was so self-righteous.

"You decide for yourself!"

Hodder looked at the Scarlet Witch unscrupulously.

It must be said that because of the other party's identity, he actually felt a long-lost spiritual pleasure.

""Okay! I got it!"

Wanda snorted, looked around, and found the banknotes on the bedside table.

She crawled to the bedside table and picked up a pen and paper.

As soon as she turned around, she saw Hood's scorching eyes staring at her.


Wanda cursed in a low voice, and then quickly wrote down a series of phone numbers on a piece of paper,"This is my phone number, you can call me if you have anything!"

Hood took out his phone and dialed the number with a distrustful look.

"You keep digging pushing driving like a hammer hitting in my headspace……"

After the phone on Wanda's desk rang, he hung up the phone with confidence.

Wanda was stunned at first, and then asked angrily:"You still don't believe me!"

"This is my first time after all, so I have to be cautious no matter what."

Hodder proudly shook the phone in his hand.

"Where are my clothes?"

Feeling the friction on her chest, Wanda pouted and asked.

She really didn't want to stay here for a moment.

"The clothes have been washed and placed in the closet."

"Are you leaving now? Tony is at the door."

Hodder raised his lips and glanced outside the door with a half-smile.

"I can go through the window!"

Wanda pointed at the window.

She didn't want Tony to see her in this situation.

The whole team was at the center of public opinion.

It was obviously not fair for her to show up here and do this.

"Okay, the phone must be kept open."

Hodder did not forget to remind Wanda again, and then stood there motionless, looking at Wanda.

"Turn around!"

With just one look, Wanda had guessed what Hood was thinking.

"This is my home, and I remember it!"

Hodder tapped his temple with his index finger.


Wanda gritted her teeth in anger. Every time she talked to Hood, she felt like she had met her nemesis.

She waved her right hand, and the quilt was like a curtain in front of her. She quickly changed into the scarlet battle suit.

Hood watched Wanda jump down from the window carefully, like a thief, and the corners of his mouth couldn't help but rise.

"How come this is like committing a crime?"

【Ding! You and Scarlet Witch Wanda have established a special relationship between man and woman!】

【Get reward: God-level magic talent!】..........

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