The god-level magic talent is extremely important to Horde.

Phoenix power, chaos magic, and fairy power are all three ancient energy bodies.

They are familiar with each other, and they are all the best energy bodies for practicing magic.

Having one of them, even if it is just a small fragment, will have extremely strong power.

Now with the blessing of the god-level magic talent, it will make rapid progress in practice.

Horde now has the god-level magic talent plus the power of the phoenix.

It is simply a holy body for magic practice, even Ned Leeds's talent is far inferior.

The most terrifying thing is that he doesn't even need to draw power from the demons of other dimensions.

The magic in the Marvel Universe is not created out of thin air, but draws power from the demons of other dimensions.

And this also requires a corresponding price!

Only the wizards and the sworns of Kamar-Taj are allowed to borrow magic power from the dimensional demon Vishanti.

It's just that the cost of borrowing magic power from Vishanti is very small, so it is white magic.

If it is black magic, it will cost a heavy price, even the soul.

But Horde doesn't have to pay any price!

"Wait! That's not right!"

Just as Hod was excited, the smile on his face suddenly stopped.

Because he remembered the most important thing.

"Even if I have god-level magic talent, it's useless! I don't have a magic book.……"

This is equivalent to having a gun but no ammunition.

Although when playing with Wanda, it is indeed possible to use magic to deal with Wanda's chaos magic.

But this is just using the power of the Phoenix to crush it directly.

Although it can be mobilized, it is also purely the use of energy.

"It seems that we have to think of a way!"

Huo De sat cross-legged on the chair, thinking secretly in his heart.

"If I remember correctly, the Holy Earth seems to be in New York!" If

I remember correctly, a temple of Kamar-Taj is in Manhattan, New York.

According to the timeline, the future Sorcerer Supreme Doctor Strange is also in the Holy Earth!

The Holy Earth must have the magic book he needs!

The Holy Earth is one of the important temples.

In the Marvel world, it is the main residence and base of Doctor Strange. It is a center dedicated to Doctor Strange and his team to study magic, research and protect the earth.

And its biggest role is to provide a safe place for Doctor Strange and other guardians to train and store knowledge.

To protect the world from the invasion of evil forces.

"But how to get in is a problem……"

Hod stroked his stubble and thought to himself.

If I remember correctly, part of the interior of the Holy Earth is open to the public!

You can buy a ticket and join a guided tour to enter the temple.

Although Kamar-Taj does not get involved in the secular world, it also needs to make money.

Maybe this will give you a chance to get in touch with those magic books.......


A building in Manhattan exuding a quaint atmosphere

"Everyone, slow down, don't be in a hurry, line up and follow me in one by one!"

The fat man in the lead was waving the small red flag in his hand. He forced a smile on his honest face and led a group of people inside.

He seemed to be a tour guide, but the style of his clothes was extremely simple.

At first glance, it looked like the clothes of monks in the past.

Although it seemed a bit out of tune with modern society.

But when I saw the words"Welcome to the Magic Library" on the plaque next to the door, everything seemed to make sense.

""So professional! Even their work clothes look so immersive!"

The little girl held her mother's hand and exclaimed with wide eyes.

Everything around them was amazing to the tourists.

This kind of ancient building was something they had never seen before.


At the end of the team, Hood, wearing a casual black sportswear, looked at the fat man leading the way.

He really didn't expect that the great wizard who managed the Kamar-Taj Library would have to come out in person to receive guests.

This made him sigh at the impermanence of the world.

The king led everyone into the temple.

The ancient and long-standing atmosphere hit them.

What caught the eye was the ancient European style, and there was a magnificent ceiling on the top of the hall.

Around the library, there were many apprentices in monk robes who were cleaning with their heads down.


Wang stopped and turned to the tourists and said,"You can read the books on the first floor, but be careful not to damage them, otherwise you will have to pay for it!"

"This magic book is just for people to read?"

Hod looked around with a surprised face, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

But in just a moment, he realized why he did that.

Let alone other things, a genius like Doctor Strange needs to receive guidance from the great wizard before he can understand it.

Not to mention a group of ordinary people who have no talent for cultivation.

And from the current performance, it can be seen that the magic books on the first floor are not that important.

It is estimated that even if they are copied by outsiders, there will be no impact.

Otherwise, the king would not say that the damage only requires compensation.

Most of the people who come here to visit are magic fans.

After getting permission, the tourists all dispersed. They opened the books and flipped through the magic books on the bookshelf.

They were very curious about these books for learning magic.

But most people just took a quick look after flipping through the books.

They couldn't understand the contents at all, so they just put them back.

Hod followed the others and stopped in front of the bookshelf, pulling out a magic book and checking it out.

On the side, Wang stopped and watched quietly.

Seeing the confused looks on everyone's faces, he couldn't help but shake his head in disappointment and sighed helplessly.

There are indeed very few people in this world who can master magic and feel magic.

"What's that expression on your face? Do you expect a group of children and a group of middle school students to understand ancient books?"

Just as Wang was sighing, a voice suddenly came from the side.

The sudden voice made Wang tremble violently, and the flesh on his cheeks could not help but move slightly.

He turned his head and saw a man wearing a red cloak standing silently behind him.

This man was very tall and thin, and looked to be in his thirties. The beard on his cheeks was slightly yellow. He had a typical British appearance, and even his gestures were a little elegant.

"Stephen, you walk without making any sound?!"

Wang couldn't help but complain. He didn't even notice Stephen Strange appeared behind him.

"I came to take a look."

Doctor Strange Stephen Strange glanced at the crowd coldly and said arrogantly:"Even I can't teach myself, let alone them."

His talent gave him the capital to be proud. After all, he was the most promising disciple of Ancient One.

In his opinion, Wang's actions were just a waste of time.

When he first started learning magic, he made rapid progress, but this was only possible with a guide.

Even if these ordinary people have some magical talents, it is impossible for them to learn by themselves without the guidance of a guide.

"I'm just trying to find some talent."

Wang shrugged and spread his hands helplessly.

Although the possibility is very low, who can say for sure?

"Don't waste your time. Use this time to buy me a sandwich later......."

As Stephen spoke, he fumbled in his pockets, paused, and said with a straight face,"Wait until those guys pay the sightseeing fee, and then you can just deduct it!"



Wang was about to say something when a strange noise suddenly sounded around him.

Suddenly, a violent buzzing sound resounded throughout the temple.

"Wow! Oh my god, what is going on!"

"Look, there really is magic in this world!"

"Mom, this is really amazing! I want to learn it too!"


Visitors who were reading books around were all shocked by the scene in front of them.

This was the first time they had seen such a scene in real life.

""What's going on?"

Stephen frowned and looked towards the direction of the sound.

But when he saw the scene, his blue pupils shrank sharply. He saw a dazzling and brilliant ancient golden light, like a meteor flying in the night sky, unfolding a circular portal in the air.

And standing in front of this golden light was a young man with a calm expression.

It was the dimensional gate!

What made their heartbeats even faster was......

He actually opened the dimensional door with his bare hands!

He didn't use the power of the hanging ring!!!......

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