“What’s wrong? Is there something you can’t tell me?

Mary’s hesitation aroused Esther’s suspicion.

“It’s not inconvenient, this thing may sound absurd! Weird!”

Sure enough! The enchanted candle is related to the little match girl – Mary

“I like to hear strange things the most, Mary, just tell me!”

Seeing that Esther was so interested, Mary slowly told him.

“My biological father died when I was very young, and my mother lived with me. Later, she met my stepfather Rod, who was in the candle business! Rod liked my mother and wanted to marry her!

My mother was also deceived by Rod’s sweet words!

After marriage, I found out that Rod was addicted to alcohol and gambling. He lost our only house and lived on the streets.

Later, we moved here after my mother’s efforts.

Later, my mother died of overwork!

But this did not cause Rod to repent, and soon his so-called candle business was ruined!

He was depressed and drunk all day long, so he asked me to go out and sell matches for a living!

But the match business was not good, and it was difficult to make a living at home!

On a winter night a year ago, Rod said that if I couldn’t sell matches anymore, he would not let me go home!

At that time, I was wearing thin clothes and almost froze to death in the snowy night!”

Mary said this, and her emotions became more and more excited.

When Esther heard this, it was connected with the fairy tale in her memory.

“I was huddled in the corner, shivering, and I thought I was going to see my mom! But suddenly I saw a talking candle!”

“What?” Esther, who was sipping tea, suddenly put down the cup and said,”A talking candle?”

“Yes! You think it’s magical too!”To this day, Mary still has an incredible expression when she talks about it again.

“At that time, I also thought it was a hallucination before I died! The candle said it could help me sell matches!

Then the candle melted a hand and sprinkled something on the matches!

It asked me to light a match, and I lit one.

After a while, I smelled a special fragrance, and I vaguely saw a roasted chicken!

But the match burned for a short time, and the roasted chicken soon disappeared.

However, the special fragrance of the matches attracted customers, and my matches were sold unexpectedly!

From then on, the candle came every day, and my matches were sold out every day!

As more and more matches were sold, I found that the wick on the candle head slowly lit up!

Gradually, Rod also discovered the abnormality and began to ask me.

I told him about the candle, and he was very excited after hearing it, and forced me to find the candle.

Then he talked a lot with the candle without me, and later he no longer asked me to sell matches.

I never saw the candle again.”

“Then he started selling matches and candles himself, right?”Esther had already guessed what was going on.

“Yes, at first he couldn’t sell any matches for a few days, and he finally sold them with me.

Later he wrote a sign saying ‘Little Match Girl’, and found it had the same effect, so he never contacted me again!”

“Logically speaking, your life should be getting better!”

“Hahaha!” Mary smiled bitterly and said,”It’s his life that has improved, not mine!”

“Aren’t you father and daughter?”

“He just thought I was a burden to him in finding a woman. Now he has found another wife and asked me not to disturb him. He will give me 100 copper coins every month for living expenses!

Fortunately, he returned the hut that my mother left for me! I am very happy already!”

Suffering has taught Mary to be content with what she has.

But this could not influence Esther, who still rationally extracted useful information.

According to Mary’s description, the gradually lit wick on the candle head is likely to be something absorbed by the bewitching candle when it bewitched humans, and the feedback increased the candle’s cultivation.

“Oh, Lord Esther, I heard you say that you need to buy some happy candles.

I really have nothing to repay you, otherwise I will take you to see Rod tomorrow.

Although I don’t have a good relationship with him, he shouldn’t make things difficult for me with a few candles!”

Hearing that Mary knew Rod’s whereabouts, Esther quickly agreed:”Thank you very much, Mary, I will come tomorrow and go to see your father with you!”

Esther thanked him and prepared to get up and leave.


At this moment, there was thunder and lightning outside the house, which scared Mary to scream.

Esther turned around and glanced at Mary:”Are you…afraid of thunder?”

“”Ah? I…I…” Mary was too shy to say it out loud. She glanced at the crack in the window and immediately stood up to explain:”I…Lord Esther, it’s raining too hard tonight. If you don’t mind, stay here for one night! We can go find Rhodes together tomorrow!”


Esther looked back at the layout of the room. There was only a small bedroom.

If he stayed, then it wouldn’t be…

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