Led by Rhodes, Esther arrived in front of a gloomy jungle. Not long after entering, a strong wind blew around.

The strong wind made the trees creak. Every sound that sounded like a tree breaking would scare Rhodes so much that he raised his good arm to block, fearing that he would be hit by the falling branches.

After walking a distance, the two came to a path blocked by tree trunks. Several thick tree trunks tilted left and right, completely blocking the way.

“Look, Lord Esther, I didn’t lie to you! This is really impossible to get through!”

Rod looked at Esther who was going to find the candle fire spirit in a menacing manner. He knew without guessing that Esther was not just asking for the happy candle.

Therefore, Rod still didn’t want Esther to reach his candle processing factory hidden deep in the forest so smoothly. After all, the candle fire spirit was an important thing for him to make a fortune and contact the nobles.

But Esther seemed determined to find the candle fire spirit. After a simple observation of the surrounding environment, he instantly drew his gun and fired several shots, breaking the tree trunk blocking the road.

Then he stepped forward and kicked hard, opening a gap that people could pass through.

Rod was shocked to see Esther’s strong destructive power. He was suddenly glad that he had only held on for a while in the villa, otherwise it would not be the tree trunk that exploded at this time, but his own head.

“”Boss Rod, let’s go, lead the way!”

Hearing Esther’s call, Rod swallowed his saliva and followed tremblingly, not daring to think about escaping anymore.

Strangely enough, after Esther and Rod passed the area where the tree trunks collapsed, the raging wind slowly died down.

I thought there would be a rainstorm after the wind, but unexpectedly, the clouds in the sky began to dissipate.

Esther looked up, and behind the thin clouds was a full moon, which made the originally dim forest path a little brighter.

However, Esther had been walking with Rod for almost an hour, and had not yet arrived at the candle factory that Rod mentioned.

Esther looked at the bushes around him that were making some noises and began to get suspicious:”Rod, why haven’t you arrived at your factory yet?”

“We are here, we are almost there!” Rod hurriedly explained, fearing that Esther would get angry and shoot him again:”After all, this is what made me rich, so I hid it a little deeper!”

Seeing Rod’s timid look, Esther believed Rod’s words and walked with him for a distance.

Rod and Esther squeezed through a bush and came to a relatively open area.

“Hey, Master Esther, that’s my factory ahead!”

Rhodes pointed to the rectangular factory building ahead with a faint light.

Esther looked in the direction of Rhodes’ finger and saw a house of only a few hundred square meters.

“So small? Is it a factory?”

“Hahaha, sir, that candle spirit is quite capable. I don’t need to hire any workers. It’s the only one inside!

And now my happy candles are luxury goods. The quantity doesn’t need to be large!”

Rhodes explained to Esther with a smile.

Esther raised the holy spear and pointed it at the back of Rhodes’ head:”Let’s go to the factory and ask the candle spirit to open the door!”

“”Okay, okay!” Rhodes agreed again and again:”Lord Ayse, you…you have to hold it steady! My…my head is not as hard as that tree trunk!”

“Stop talking nonsense and get going!”

Rod took a deep breath, came to the factory door and knocked.

The candle spirit sitting on the rocking chair in the factory jumped down, took two cautious steps forward, and said in a human voice:”Who is it?”

“It’s me! Brother Candlelight!”

“Oh! Boss Rod!”The candle spirit jumped towards the door excitedly, because Rod’s arrival meant that he could absorb human spirit again. The factory door opened, and Esther saw a half-human-sized cylindrical white candle with a mouth, eyes, and hands. It was almost the same as the talking candle that Mary had described to him, except that the slightly bright spark on the top of the candle was now a blazing flame.

The candle spirit looked at Esther holding a gun behind Rod, and immediately jumped back a step alertly.

“Brother Zhu Huoling, he is here to buy happy candles. Have you given birth recently?”

The flame above Zhu Huoling’s head flickered, and he sensed a strange aura on Ayser.

“Oh, happy candles! The others, come in!”

The candle spirit didn’t seem to be on guard against Esther.

But when Esther and Rod approached the factory room, the candle spirit suddenly accelerated and jumped forward, pulling a switch, the door closed instantly, and then a lot of smoke sprayed out around.

Rod in front of Esther suddenly began to laugh crazily, his body swaying from side to side.

“This is! A state of ecstasy! These smokes are……”

At this time, behind the thick smoke, the evil and sharp voice of the candlelight spirit came

“You have something strange on you. You are not here to buy happy candles! Humph, you want to deceive me? You will drown in the illusion!”

The flame on the candle flame spirit’s head burned more vigorously, and the smoke around it became thicker.

Just when the candle flame spirit was proud, a bullet flew out from the smoke.

The candle flame spirit did not dodge at all, and let the bullet hit his body. The bullet only embedded in the candle flame spirit’s body a little bit, but did not penetrate.

“Hahaha, ordinary human weapons can’t hurt me so easily now!”As soon as the candle flame spirit finished speaking, the place where the bullet hit began to melt and produce wax drops.……



Thanks to the monthly ticket support from Shuiping, Be Careful on the Road, and Yihuayishijie.

Thanks to all the readers for their flower comments and other data support.

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