There was a crescent moon in the dark sky, not very bright, and there were a few thin clouds floating around. It seemed that tonight was not the right time for werewolves to go to the full moon.

Esther came to the outside of the church and easily jumped over the fence that was used to block him.

Esther went directly from the yard to the back hall and walked towards the only light source in the church.

Esther came to the back hall and heard the pastor talking to himself in front of a box of candles.

“Ninety-eight, ninety-nine, one hundred! There are exactly one hundred candles left! I can still earn five thousand copper coins!

Ah! This time, I have to make enough money for the rest of my life from this werewolf!

I don’t know when that damn big guy will get out! Otherwise, those dozen stupid savages will definitely buy me a lot of candles!”

The priest crossed his legs leisurely and began to imagine the wonderful life in the future.

Esther was about to take out the holy spear, but thought it was not appropriate, so he twisted his fist and walked out directly.

“Wow, you are rich, Reverend!”

“Who, who……”The pastor sat up in panic, holding the cross, and saw that it was Ai���After that, his body shook and he fell off the stool. As soon as the pastor got up from the ground, he was knocked down again by the fist that Esther had prepared.

The pastor suddenly felt something in his mouth. After spitting it out along with blood, he found two white objects.

“Teeth…teeth!” The pastor looked at Esther in horror:”What…what are you doing! I…I’m a pastor!”

“”Don’t be a priest! I won’t beat you yet!” Esther stepped forward, grabbed the priest by the collar and punched him hard.

The priest’s head shook. Although it was cloudy tonight, the priest could see the stars. The priest’s breath began to become weak, but he still said stubbornly:”You…you dare to hit a priest, God will…will punish you!”

“God? Then you must remember my face clearly, don’t wait until you see him! I can’t explain it clearly!” Esther grabbed one of the pastor’s fingers and broke it back alive.

The pastor’s howl echoed throughout the church, and his tough demeanor immediately disappeared. He wailed and begged for mercy from Esther:”Sir, sir, I was wrong, I was wrong! I shouldn’t have cheated you of your money!”

“Well! There is more!” Esther held the pastor’s other finger.

“”There’s more?”

The pastor hesitated for a moment, and Esther decisively broke off another one.

“Oh, oh…and, I shouldn’t have hired someone to frame you and stuff your room with wolf hair!”

“”Yeah!” Esther nodded and broke a finger.

“Ah…ah…, sir, sir, I’ve already told you! Why are you still breaking it? Ah…ah!”

“Haha!” Esther sneered:”Who said that my snapping of fingers has anything to do with talking to you! Did your God tell you that?”

“”Sir, Sir, you…what else do you want to know? I…I’ll tell you everything. I’ll tell you everything! Ouch! Ouch!”

The pastor cried out in pain, blood and sweat flowing down from the corners of his mouth.

“I broke a few of your fingers and you screamed and cried, have you ever thought about the pain of those people you caused by using candles when they were torn to pieces by werewolves? And now you can still sit here and count money with a smile! How dare you be a pastor?”

Esther broke another finger.

“My Lord, my Lord! What I sell now are ordinary candles. They won’t hurt anyone. They won’t hurt anyone!”

The pastor finally revealed a flaw in his words in the midst of pain.

“Now, does that mean the previous one was harmful? Tell me, what is the situation with this werewolf?”

“I……”The pastor was stuttering again when he suddenly felt the force on his last finger. He endured the pain and said it out in one breath.

“I say, I say! A while ago, I went to a village in the north and chanted sutras for a family.

When I came back, I was afraid of the legendary werewolf, so I got lost in the forest. It was dark before I even got out!

When I was running around in the forest for a while, I picked up a box of red candles!

I was thinking of lighting one to find the way. The red candles were particularly bright, but not long after they were lit, I was spotted by a werewolf!

I was running at the time, and accidentally tripped over a vine! The candle in my hand also flew out!

The werewolf flew directly at me, but it was the candle that pounced on!

The werewolf and the candle rushed to a cliff together and fell down!

I just survived and fled back to the town!

The werewolf is too dangerous, I dare not go to the forest again, and not many people in the town want me!

In order to make money, I made up a story about praying for candles.

The wolf hair was dropped by the werewolf on the ground when I was escaping. I have nothing to do with the werewolf!

I just want to make some money to eat! My lord!”

“So you just sold red candles to everyone?”

“I…I didn’t, I…I made ordinary candles to sell, red…red, it’s…I made a mistake when I took it!” The pastor was evasive.

“Red is so bright, but you can still mistake it. It’s obvious that no one believes your blessing bullshit. You spent all your money to make candles.

You don’t want to pay, so you gave away the red candles, which led to more werewolf murders and made the people of the town panic!

Then you can continue to cheat and sell your shitty blessing candles!”

After revealing the ugly face of the pastor, Esther broke his last finger.



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