A dark passage leading directly to the underground

""Sure enough!"

Looking at the dark tunnel, Rhodes' expression was not surprised.

Since Little Red Riding Hood's grandmother chose to study potions here, the place where the potions were tested must not be too far away.

If nothing unexpected happens, this should be the secret room where the old witch tested the potion.

Rhodes changed his clothes and took out a large flashlight from his personal space.


The light flashed, and the strong light directly made the passage as bright as day.

Follow the narrow staircase and walk down.

After about thirty steps, the sight suddenly brightened.

A secret room of hundreds of square meters came into view.

Swish! Swish! Swish!

On the wall, candles burned naturally, illuminating the dim environment.

Rhodes looked inside the secret room.

The secret room was very large, with all kinds of herbs and strange things placed on it.

Dried bat specimens, various animal corpses.

There were also two silver wolves with silver-white hair in cages.

Silver wolves are a different species among wolves, and their blood contains pure wolf blood.

Fresh blood drawn from a purebred silver wolf is the key ingredient for the wolf poison potion.

Therefore, the old witch kept two silver wolves in the secret room so that she could bleed them at any time to make the potion.

However, what really attracted his attention were the cages covered with black cloth in the corner.

Rhodes walked forward and lifted the black cloth covering the iron cage.


A loud noise came from the iron cage.

A sharp wolf claw was only a few centimeters away from Rhodes' eyes.

Rhodes held the werewolf's wrist expressionlessly and looked at the situation in the iron cage.

In the iron cage, the werewolf with scarlet eyes had a bloodthirsty madness on his face.

His body was firmly fixed to the wall by a thick chain.

His bloody body had not fully recovered yet, and it was obvious that he must have experienced inhuman torture not long ago.

There were nearly twenty iron cages like this around.

Obviously, most of the werewolves in this forest were here.

The old witch used them as experimental materials to test her own potions.

"Even the most basic humanity is gone, and living is a torture."

Rod took out the cross necklace and slowly wrapped it around his hand.

He smashed the werewolf's head with one punch.

Give salvation!

Under the purification of the holy power, the werewolf died peacefully without any pain.

""May your Lord bless you!"

Rhodes muttered in a low voice, looking at the werewolf's body, thinking that it couldn't be wasted.

If the body is left here, it will rot and maggots will grow in it soon. It is better to sacrifice it and contribute to his strength.

He can also save more lost lambs for God.

Does it make sense?

Anyway, Rhodes felt that his idea made sense.


As the werewolf's body was sacrificed, Rhodes felt that his strength increased slightly.

It was about the same as a 1% increase in himself.

If he hadn't felt it carefully, he wouldn't even be able to detect the changes in himself.

"Sure enough, I was a little too greedy."

Rod shook his head. He thought that sacrificing these werewolves would make his strength soar.

In the end, that's it?

But think about it.

The stronger the physique, the higher the level of life.

Every time you strengthen, the energy and substances consumed will increase exponentially.

It's like, can a human eat five pounds of meat and a tiger eat five pounds of meat? Would it feel the same?

A human would be stuffed to death, while a tiger would only be half full, and might even become thin from hunger.

Therefore, as he gets stronger and stronger, the gifts he gets from sacrificing ordinary fantasy creatures like werewolves will become less and less.

After sacrificing all twenty werewolves, it would be good if his physique could be strengthened by 10%.

It's a little less.

But, mosquito meat is still meat, right?

After all, with his current strength, even a 1% increase is quite considerable.

"Send warmth!"

Rhodes lifted the black cloths one by one, and sent the warmth brought by the cross to each werewolf.

Then he gathered all the werewolf bodies together and began to sacrifice!

As the deep light lit up, all the werewolf bodies slowly disappeared.

But this time there was no feeling of any increase in strength.

Instead, something suddenly appeared in his mind.

Rhodes' eyes were strange.

Although his physique did not get stronger during this sacrifice, he unexpectedly awakened a special blood talent.


Activate the hidden power in the werewolf bloodline and send out a soul-shaking roar.

It can make all creatures around fall into a state of fear and lose the ability to resist.

Moreover, the powerful sound wave power , and can even directly shock weak creatures to death.

This is a dual attack ability between the spirit and the body.

Even if you plug your ears, it cannot be blocked.

It is a very effective means of group attack.

Rhodes was satisfied.

Although he did not improve his physique, it was not bad to unlock a powerful skill. He searched the secret room and put all the materials that could be used to make potions into his personal space.

He now has mastered alchemy and can mix all kinds of potions.

Although he has some family background, he can't waste things.

On the table for mixing potions, Rhodes also found a potion manual that looked a bit old.

He flipped through a few pages.

Rhodes' casual eyes suddenly condensed.

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