Creating life!

An absolute forbidden zone that only gods can touch!

Different from puppets and dolls created by alchemy.

Instead, it creates a living and complete creature.

Alchemical creatures created by alchemy, no matter how vivid they look, are essentially different from real creatures.

Although they have extremely high intelligence, they cannot reproduce and have no autonomous instincts.

More importantly, they have no spirituality.

No spirituality means that they cannot grow. From the moment they are born, their future is restricted by the creator.

No matter how powerful they are, they cannot get rid of this shackle.

Therefore, creatures created by alchemy are essentially just puppets and dolls that can fight.

They are not considered living creatures.

However, if an alchemical creature that can reproduce and is no different from humans is created, would it be considered a real living creature?...

From the perspective of modern science, whether it is artificial humans or clones, they are all lit up technology trees.

If we do not consider the human nature and moral issues, with the technology mastered by humans, we can easily create our own kind.

However, in the common sense of the magic world, the gods created humans and all things so that all living things can reproduce.

If humans also master this power, it is undoubtedly an act of blasphemy against the gods and stealing the power of the gods.

However, who cares about such things?

Not to mention whether the gods still exist, even if they really exist, what does it have to do with him?

The only thing he cares about now is the feasibility of this idea.

Alchemy has a long history and has appeared in its prototype since the Age of Gods.

After thousands of years of development, this skill has reached its peak under the improvement of many alchemists.

However, no one has ever used alchemy to create a real creature.

Even the weakest ant.

Even those alchemists who stand at the pinnacle of alchemy can easily create alchemical creatures that destroy a kingdom.

In a lifetime, he could not create a weak and powerless baby.

If he could do it, it would definitely be a milestone in the alchemist's highest achievement.

Just based on this point, those alchemists would have no problem worshipping him as a god.

Although it was a bit difficult,....

It's not impossible

"As expected, knowledge changes destiny. Even if you travel through time, you can't be illiterate."

Rod muttered quietly.

In order to create a complete life, he needs to master too much knowledge.

The theoretical knowledge at the university level alone is not enough to support him to create a complete life.

Therefore, he needs more books to fill in his gaps in this area.

Not only biology, but also chemistry, physics...

If he could master these important subjects thoroughly, his potion and alchemy would definitely undergo a qualitative change, reaching a terrifying level that no one had ever reached before.

In this regard, he had an advantage that no other alchemist could match.

That was, he had the whole world behind him.

He had enough knowledge and theories to verify his ideas.

"It's just learning, the worst that can happen is buying a few more books."

Rhodes took advantage of the lunch break to get a bunch of professional books on various subjects.

Then he printed out various papers and materials on the Internet.

He even went to a large library to look through materials and find books that could be used.

It took half a day, and the books in the portable space piled up into a small mountain.

Rhodes didn't care whether the knowledge was useful or not, as long as he learned it.




Take out the books one by one and sacrifice them all.

After sacrificing hundreds of books, Rhodes stopped.

He rubbed his stinging temples, and his expression was a little painful.

Although he could still bear it mentally, his brain had already reached a state of exhaustion.

The wave of cramming knowledge just now has overloaded his brain.

He feels that his brain is like a computer host that runs at a high frequency and is always on the verge of collapse.

He must now use enough time to digest the complex and profound knowledge in his mind. Otherwise

, his brain is likely to freeze.

Touching his burning head, Rhodes looked helpless.

There are only hundreds of books, but his brain is overloaded.

If he wants to sacrifice all the books in the portable space, it will take at least ten days and a half months.

How many books are there in the world?

It is estimated that he will not be able to read all the books in the world in his lifetime.

"I think too highly of myself."

I originally thought that modern science would be simpler than magic, and that you would understand it only if you really understand it.

This is much more difficult than learning magic.

The so-called magic is to find loopholes and rules between the worlds and use them.

A simple spell is actually composed of a few gestures and spells.

What effect does each gesture and spell have?

It is very easy to learn.

The real difficulty is how to finely control the magic power to release magic.

But science is too complicated.

If you don't study it carefully, you don't know what despair is.

If you study it carefully, you will find that the previous despair is not even an entry point.

However, it is not without benefits.

Whether it is alchemy or potion science, the essence is [understanding】→【break down】→【[Reconstruction].

Three step-by-step processes.

Different materials are recombined into new elements through magic.

The power of magic can easily complete the last two steps [decomposition] and [reconstruction], but the real key is the most inconspicuous [understanding].

Only with enough [understanding] can you create what you want.

It's like someone longs for amethyst.

But how to use the power of magic to create a diamond?

Pure alchemy is as difficult as climbing to the sky to create a diamond.

However, if a piece of carbon is squeezed infinitely under high temperature and high pressure with the power of alchemy, its structure and density can be changed. You can create a dazzling diamond.

Science gives the conclusion, and magic is implemented.

This is magic + science.

The books he absorbed before contained a lot of basic chemistry and biology knowledge.

After mutual confirmation, he felt that his theories of potions and alchemy had improved a lot.

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