"You came?"

"I'm coming!"

"You shouldn't be here."

Yang Ning's face turned dark: "Didn't you ask me to come?"

"Cough... It's crossing the stage." Jing Xing flashed embarrassment, looked at Yang Ning in front of him and Yang Yan in the wheelchair, and said, "A good news and a bad news, which one should you listen to first?"

Yang Ning frowned and said, "Is there something wrong?"

In memory, Jing Xing just took his blood and completed the transformation of his sister. Could something unexpected happen now?

"Brother..." Probably hearing the reproach in Yang Ning's tone, Yang Yan yelled lightly, and said to Jing Xing, "Let's hear the bad news first."

"The bad news is..." Jing Xing picked up a test tube and said, "There is no dark energy in your blood!"

"How is it possible?" Yang Ning was confused: "You told me yourself that I can absorb dark energy!"

Jing Xing sat on the chair, shrugged and said: "Maybe some kind of change has taken place in the future, maybe your strength is not enough to cause transformation... In short, what you rely on now is still your own biological energy! Have you eaten recently?" a lot of?"

Yang Ning nodded and said, "Yes, I ate a big bucket of rice for the last meal."

"Look, the bioenergy provided by eating is enough to support your current activities!" Jing Xing put the test tube back, stood up and said, "Are you recalling, do you eat a lot in the future?"

Yang Ning shook his head: "Twelve years later, I no longer need to eat."

"Understood now? I have no memory of the future, so I don't know what happened to you in the future, leading to the evolution from bioenergy to dark energy, but now you don't have dark energy!"

Yang Ning frowned and said, "Could it be that without dark energy, my sister can't be transformed into an angel?"

"Oh, that's not true, I have already synthesized the angel gene." Jing Xing pointed to a tube of injection on the table and said.

Yang Ning: "..."

Yang Yan: "..."

The brother and sister were breathing heavily, and stared at Jing Xing, as if they were about to hit someone.

"Cough!" Sensing the danger, Jing Xing hurriedly said, "The next good news, do you want to hear it?"

"... Tell me!" Yang Ning gritted his teeth and said.

"The good news is that I got a piece of dark iron and synthesized two copies of the dark gene, so my hands were itchy for a while, and I improved the original female angel gene that I had prepared to become a generation of angel gene."

Yang Ning and Yang Yan looked at each other with different expressions.

Yang Ning, who knew the future, had an uncontrollable surprise and excitement on his face.

Yang Yan, on the other hand, was at a loss: "Is there any difference between the two?"

Jing Xing touched his chin and said: "What's the difference... the lifespan has been increased to ten thousand years, the wings have evolved into wings of time and space, implanted with eyes of insight, other powers, speed, etc., have been greatly improved, and get rid of oxygen , the body realizes self-circulation, the body can resist all kinds of radiation, and can survive in the universe..."

Yang Yan's mouth couldn't help but grow wide, as if he was listening to a scripture.

"Don't be too happy too early." Jing Xing waved his hand and said, "I've locked the eye of insight for you, because your current brain can't bear the huge data collected by the eye of insight. Once you open your eyes, your brain will Crash directly!

And I am only responsible for activation, the energy will be replenished by yourself after you activate the angel gene. "

Only then did Yang Yan come back to his senses, and subconsciously asked: "How to add?"

"Basking in the sun, touching the socket is fine..." Jing Xing couldn't help laughing and said, "Of course, the fastest thing is hormones, after all, it's a racial talent."

"Hormones?" Yang Yan's expression was dull.

"When people are excited, they emit hormones... Especially men, just hook up a little bit in words and actions. Of course, the easiest way is to find a man to sleep with!"

Yang Yan and Yang Ning both changed their faces at the same time, their eyes became dangerous, Jing Xing quickly said: "Of course, you can also enjoy yourself, watch a small movie or something like that!"

Yang Yan raised his head in embarrassment: "Brother, is this...really reliable?"

Yang Ning said coldly: "It's the first time I've heard of it, but... no wonder you will have that kind of personality in the future!"

Jing Xing spread his hands and said innocently: "It's not my fault, who makes the current human civilization, the application of energy, still stay at the primitive level of boiling water!"

Yang Yan thought for a while, and then confirmed: "After injecting this, is it really as powerful as you said?"

Jing Xing kept Yang Ning: "Ask him!"

Yang Ning nodded, bent over and whispered in her sister's ear.

After a while, Yang Yan's eyes lit up: "Give me an injection!"

Jing Xing picked up the injection tube, put a pad on his hand, and said suddenly: "Yang Ning should be aware of the preciousness of this generation of angel genes, so how can you repay me for paying this?"

Jing Xing, who had always been very talkative before, suddenly talked about repayment, and Yang Yan was stunned.

Yang Ning said indifferently: "I'll give my sister to you...and give it to you again!"

"Brother!" Yang Yan said loudly, "You are not afraid..."

Yang Ning patted Yang Yan's shoulder and said, "He's not that kind of person."

Yang Yan fell silent.

On the contrary, Jing Xing had a strange expression: "I gave your sister an angel gene, and in the end I will raise a sister for you...Are you stupid or am I stupid?"

Yang Yan's eyes widened suddenly, with a dissatisfied expression.

Yang Ning twitched the corner of his mouth: "Then what do you want to do?"

"As I said before, I synthesized two dark genes, one for making a generation of angel genes, and one, I made this instrument!"

As he said that, Jing Xing took out a tablet the size of a mobile phone, and said: "I input several materials into it, which are not found on the earth, only in the universe, and this instrument can detect those materials within a certain range!

After you become an angel, go to the universe, in the solar system, and help me find these materials! "

Yang Yan: "...That's it?"

Jing Xing glanced at her, and said: "Don't promise so readily, in the lonely universe, there is only you alone, that kind of loneliness and fear... I hope your psychology is strong enough!"

Yang Yan smiled: "Look at me, without a strong heart, I would have committed suicide a long time ago!"

Jing Xing looked deeply into Yang Yan's eyes.

Yang Yan did not back down, his eyes were firm.

"make a deal!"

Jing Xing nodded, walked over, and inserted the syringe in his hand directly into Yang Yan's neck:

"When you wake up, you will be an angel!"

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