
The hall returned to soft light.

Fu Xiuyue floated up, came to Angel Man, and said, "What's going on? I've tried all the known substances in the universe, but I still can't dissolve this armor?"

Cupid replied calmly: "I'm sorry! I can't provide an answer.

Fu Xiuyue's eyes were complicated, she sighed after a while, and said: "Actually, the answer is right in front of me, but I just can't believe it...Since known substances cannot be dissolved, the only answer is naturally unknown substances... ... In the universe, there are still substances that we don't know about!

Aishin said: "Please mother to instruct the action to be taken."

Fu Xiuyue looked at the angel Man floating in the air, and sighed: "Just a set of armor makes me helpless. If we follow the usual method, we may never be able to grasp her secret."

Aishen said: "I propose to dissect her and put different parts into the life support device for additional analysis and research."

Fu Xiuyue said indifferently: "Anatomy is the lowest method, and it is also the last method, alas!

The reason why life becomes life, and the reason why angels are angels, is not because of different substances, but because of some kind of existence beyond these substances!

That is the essence of life, and that is the mystery that interests me most. Killing him so quickly would cause us to miss the key to our most important dream, to visit his wife. "

After taking a deep breath, he said: "Wake her up, I will meet her in the right eye room!"

Ruan Man "woke up".

She pretended to regain consciousness and climbed up from the elastic and soft suspended platform ground.

There is a long oval-shaped gap more than a hundred meters ahead, and a large three-dimensional ball with a diameter of 50 meters is embedded in the middle, flashing a strange color light, and the bright blue is shining brightly.

Numerous root-like giant nerve lines extend up and down in all directions toward the circle, connecting them together.

The beautiful Fu Xiuyue appeared on the right side in front of her, looked at her with a smile, and said, "Angelman, do you know where this is?"

Ruan Man stroked the bumpy armor on her body with a pretty face full of complaints, and said casually, "Isn't it just the inside of an eye!"

This set of armor is unusable!

Fortunately, there are spares on the Tianren, just carry a new set later.

It's just that this set of armor has been with her for so long, and she feels a little reluctant for a while.

"To be more precise, these are my eyes, built after my eyes."

Fu Xiuyue pointed to the nerves connected to the pupil and said: "These visual nerves connect the pupil to a cross point at the back, connect this eye with the other eye, and then lead to the visual cells in the brain. area to go.

The eyes are only responsible for collecting light, and it is these cells that actually see things.

So even with our eyes closed, we can still see things with afterimages or imagination, or see beautiful scenes in dreams that fascinate us. "

Her voice was sweet and pleasant, and her tone was full of excitement of finding a confidant.

"As for black and white and color, it is a purely subjective experience of human beings, relying on the rear of your retina composed of 125 million rod cells and 7 million cone cells

The former is responsible for distinguishing between black and white and light and dark, while the latter analyzes bright and colorful vision.

When light enters from the pupil of the eye and is sent to the retina through the nerve cord, the nerve cells immediately transmit the image to the visual cortex of the brain through an electrochemical reaction, so that we can "see" things. "

Ruan Man smiled and said, "Our angels don't study as deeply as you do."

"You don't study these?"

Fu Xiuyue seemed surprised, staring at her and said: "What in this world is more wonderful than life and evolution?"

Ruan Man still smiled and said: "Angels haven't studied so deeply, not because they don't study, but because it's completely unnecessary!"

Fu Xiuyue frowned slightly, "Isn't it necessary?"

The tone was a little annoyed.


Ruan Man pointed to his own eyes (bifh), and said: "We angels have eyes of insight, we can see clearly what you have studied, so...

Spreading his hands, his expression was helpless and beating: "We don't need to study at all!"

Fu Xiuyue's eyes burst into an astonishing light: "Look? The eyes of angels can see the subtle and complex structures inside living things?"

"That's not the case, how can I say it?"

Ruan Man seemed to be very distressed, and thought about it: "In the plane of dark matter, there will be a medium that records the behavior and thinking of creatures, the composition and structure of matter, and the evolution of the universe...

Until a god discovered this medium, and through some means, let other people feel the existence of this medium!

Through this medium, we know how to collect this information, modify this information or erase this information...

Even recreate new information!"

Fu Xiuyue's expression was a little dull, and her scalp was numb from the shock of Angel Fu.

Only when she researches so deeply to the level of God can she understand the deep meaning of Angelman's words!

Shocked because of understanding!

After a long time, Fu Xiuyue swallowed her saliva, and said with difficulty: "So, if you angels want to understand the composition of some matter, you just need to collect information about the dark matter plane?"

"That's right." Ruan Man said as a matter of course: "Is it necessary to study something that can be understood at a glance?"

"Is that god... is Jing Xing?"

Ruan Man said in surprise: "You still know my king? Oh, it seems that your goal is the earth!"

Fu Xiuyue stared at Ruan Man, said: "So you are not unconscious at all, and you have not lost the ability to move, right?"

Ruan Man shrugged.

"Then you have been hiding it and let me study..."

Fu Xiuyue's face suddenly changed drastically, and she said coldly: "God of Love, start the self-inspection program!"

Ruan Man laughed and said, "Finally realized? Too bad it's too late!"

While talking, Ruan Man's armor with bumps and holes disappeared, replaced by a brand new set of armor. He threw out the flame sword and pointed at Fu Xiuyue: "Come on, let's continue our unfinished battle!"

Fu Xiuyue's expression was cloudy and uncertain, she wanted to make a move, but seemed to have some scruples.

A strange man's voice suddenly sounded: "Man, come back when you've had enough fun."

Ruan Man stroked her chest and said respectfully, "Yes, I!"

Fu Xiuyue was shocked, and blurted out: "What did you do to Cupid?"

The man said calmly, "I'll return it to you after I copy the data inside, don't worry."

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