Advent Of The Gods: Opportunity Was Robbed At The Beginning

Chapter 78: Establishment Of The Angel Legion

Countless silver lights shot out from Fu Xiuyue's body in all directions, then retracted in a flash, and exploded into a ball of silver lights, wrapping her tightly.


The red flame slashed heavily on the cocoon wrapped in silver light, sending out a violent explosion.

Fu Xiuyue smiled coquettishly, and a shadowy lightning came in front of Ruan Man in an instant, with a silver light flashing, attacking her!

Ruan Man swung the flame sword, cutting off the silver light continuously.

However, there were too many silver lights, and finally some fish slipped through the net and hit Ruan Man's body, blowing her away immediately.

Fu Xiuyue was obviously motivated to kill, and compared to the last time she was captured alive, she shot more recklessly.

Ruan Man was knocked into the air and landed on a huge nerve line connecting the eyeball and retina with a diameter of eight meters.

Before she had time to fight back, countless silver lights swarmed over her, completely submerging her.

These channels created by imitating the "one zero zero" pseudo-optical nerves are made of several rare metals mined by fallen civilizations in countless galaxies.

Specially transport energy to the pupils, accumulate a huge amount of energy, and then launch it from the pupils, which can destroy any enemy ships with malicious intentions, which is stronger than the protective walls made by general synthetic vaults.

But under the bombardment of Yinmang, it didn't appear to be very strong, and it was directly cracked and shattered in a short time!

Taking advantage of this gap, Ruan Man disappeared directly.

Appearing behind Fu Xiuyue, the flame sword slashed heavily on Fu Xiuyue's beautiful neck.


Fu Xiuyue was chopped off like a cannonball and hit another nerve duct.

Both sides come and go.

The right eye room where it was located was already in a mess, with damage everywhere.

However, neither Fu Xiuyue nor Ruan Man was injured.

God is unkillable!

At least neither of them has the means to kill the other.

If the "God of Love" is still there, Fu Xiuyue can join forces with the "God of Love" to suppress Ruan Man.

But "Love God" lost contact with her......

The "God of Eros" was modeled after Fu Xiuyue's brain. Every nerve, every cell is connected to Fu Xiuyue's brain.

It can be said that in this universe, the "God of Love" is the intellectual brain that belongs exclusively to Fu Xiuyue, and no one else can use it except her.

Wanting to invade the "God of Love" is tantamount to invading Fu Xiuyue's brain... The spiritual power of transforming people is countless times that of ordinary people, even gods cannot invade it.

The intellectual brain, which is the least likely to be invaded, was actually invaded silently!

Fu Xiuyue directly lost her biggest support.

"Forget it, I can't kill you, and you can't kill me, so I won't waste you."

Ruan Man was a little disappointed, and said: "Perhaps my king has the means to kill you... you don't dare to come, do you?"

"Hmph! Don't say whether I will go to Earth or not. It's too much for granted that you want to escape from here!"

Fu Xiuyue snorted coldly, countless silver lights spread out, enveloping Ruan Man layer by layer.

Ruan Man just smiled faintly, and then disappeared without a trace.

Fu Xiuyue was stunned, and after thinking for a moment, she exclaimed in disbelief: "Could it be that he entered the anti-space?"

"Reply to the link, the self-test is complete!"

Connecting with the "God of Love" again, Fu Xiuyue finally breathed a sigh of relief, and hurriedly said, "How's the result of the self-examination?"

"All the data in the database have traces of duplication, and no data has been destroyed."

"No damage?" Fu Xiuyue said in disbelief: "Who are you, he invaded you, just copied the data, but didn't destroy it?"

"Yes mother, please instruct the next step."

Fu Xiuyue was silent.

If the database of "Eros" is completely destroyed, Fu Xiuyue will lose her greatest arm.

Why didn't the other party do this?

Is there room left?

Or...don't care?

"Hehehe. 11

Fu Xiuyue suddenly laughed out loud, and said, "It seems that if I continue to go to the earth, there is a real possibility of falling! Death, what a strange word...

Let's go, let's go to Earth!"

"To all angels, and all civilizations!"

In the dark communication, Huang Xiang's voice was transmitted to all unused brains.

At the same time, the Earth civilization, Elaf civilization, Apocalypse civilization... and even the gray star civilization on the orbit of Mars, all have Jing Xing's huge projection bust.

The huge star projection makes Jing Xing's phantom look down on the life of the entire planet like a god...

Jing Xing's voice also spread across the planets:

"I am Jing Xing, I will create the Angel Legion, I am the Commander, Angel Yan is the Holy Left Wing, Angel Man is the Holy Right Wing, and the twelve high-ranking angels are the Angel Guards.

"Angels and all civilizations, please cooperate actively. After the legion is completed, I will lead you to conquer the universe.

"The only belief in this universe of angels, the universe, will be filled with legends of angels."

"Constant self-improvement, social integrity will become the belief of angels, the only order in the universe."

"I will set a test, and those who pass the test and successfully arrive at the Sky Blade will become members of the Angels.

"Draw your swords, gentlemen!"

The interstellar projection is gone!

But the commotion brought by it could not be subsided for a long time!

Today, the main city of Elifer civilization has initially entered the industrial age.

June* Rosalind, whose temperament had become mature, suddenly stood up from the throne, ignored the strange eyes of all the ministers, and said excitedly: "I want to become an angel! After me, Wang Quan will disappear completely!"

The Apocalypse Civilization Council held an emergency meeting, and Ji Yuzhi returned directly through the worm bridge that Angelman had just built to attend the meeting.

"We must occupy a seat in the Angel Legion, there is no doubt about it!"

Ji 1.8 Yuzhimei glanced at everyone, and seeing that they did not object, she said: "I have roughly understood the selection criteria for angels, and don't think about those with treacherous thoughts. The purer the heart, the more likely it is to become an angel."

Our apocalypse has a large number of people, distributed on various planets, we must bring suitable people to try it..."

Earth is the most positive side.

Because the country has clearly announced that there are 10,000 places on Earth.

Tian Rong, Lei Qi, Yin Yin and the others looked at each other and could see the firmness in each other's eyes.

They were angels in the previous life, and in this life, they will definitely be angels again!

Hongyao couldn't wait to start the "return plan", she must pass the angel's postgraduate entrance examination!

Even those who once remembered were heartbroken

Maybe they still have a chance!

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