"The so-called angel is actually Jing Xing's genetic modification, turning ordinary people into angels, which is equivalent to today's evolutionary, but slightly stronger than the evolutionary, but this is only the original female angel."

"Later, Jing Xing implanted a super gene on the basis of the original angel, which not only strengthened the body, life expectancy, etc., but also added many auxiliary abilities. This is a generation of angels."

"On this basis, the first generation of angels can continue to be upgraded to the second generation of angels, and the third generation of angels... I just don't know if the current Jing Xing has researched an upgrade plan."

"After reaching three generations of angels, the body has reached the limit of genetic growth, and the next step is the real "creation of gods", surpassing the limit of genes, getting rid of the limit of the body, relying on energy to maintain, almost immortal, Jing Xing said This is called a "divine body"!"

"It seems that there is still a sacred body, but in memory, only Jing Xing has upgraded to this level."

"Of course, these are the futures in our memory. At present, only Jing Xing knows how far Jing Xing has studied."

Listening to Yang Ning's narration, Ruan Man couldn't help being dazzled, and couldn't help murmuring: "It's amazing..."

Feng Yu nodded in agreement: "It's really powerful, beyond our imagination! It was precisely because it was beyond our imagination, that's why we attributed this power to the so-called "chance" at the beginning, which led us to follow Jing Xing The relationship has always been somewhat estranged.”

After regaining consciousness, Ruan Man admired her deeply, but she still couldn't help complaining: "It's the most powerful, but the mind is not very pure, otherwise, why are angels only female, and the transformation also comes with plastic surgery..."

"Cough..." Yang Ning coughed, and said, "You've wronged him. There are also male angel genes, but there are defects. Jing Xing has not been able to fix these defects until the end, so there has been no male angels."

"Then how do you explain this miniskirt?"

Yang Ning said in shame: "Actually...that girl Yan designed this."

"It's her?" Ruan Man was taken aback: "I knew that woman was crazy!"

Yang Ning became more and more uncomfortable.

Feng Yu quickly said: "Okay, since you have become an angel, and you are still a generation of angels, then you are not suitable to stay here."

"Why?" Ruan Man blurted out.

"On the one hand, you still can't control your own strength, and you will hurt others if you don't pay attention."

Yang Ning explained, "On the other hand, besides a strong body, the angel's combat ability relies more on certain knowledge, and this can only be taught by Jing Xing and Yan, you need to find them."

"How to find it?" Ruan Man was persuaded, and said helplessly: "That Yan only appeared once, and Jing Xing has never been seen."

"You are a generation of angels with dark energy in your body, try to control them."

Yang Ning said seriously: "The only ones with dark energy are Jing Xing, Yan, and you. In theory, you should be able to find them easily."

"Then... let me try?" Ruan Man tried.

"Try slowly here, we'll wait for you outside." After Feng Yu finished speaking, she led Yang Ning out of the room.

In the room, Ruan Man closed his eyes and began to try to feel the dark energy in his body.


Outside the house, Feng Yu's expression suddenly collapsed, her face was full of disappointment, and she said, "I thought it was Jing Xing, but I didn't expect it to be Yan."

Yang Ning comforted: "In the future, Jing Xing will only form the Angel Legion when he has no other choice. Now it's normal if he doesn't have that kind of thought. He prefers to do research.

What's more, isn't Yan Yan starting to act now? "

"Without the Angel Legion, I really don't have much confidence." Feng Yu lifted her spirits and said, "By the way, an organization called "Truth Society" suddenly popped up recently. Have you heard of it?"

Yang Ning spread his hands and said helplessly: "I stay in Haiquan all day, where can I hear about it!"

Fengyu explained: "They were organized by a group of evolutionists. They claimed to be new humans, and called those who had not evolved old humans. They believed that new humans should occupy the dominant position of human beings, and old humans are destined to be eliminated."

"Sounds like a religious extremist group?"

"They've been making big moves recently, especially in Qingmen City. They've started blatant publicity, and they've used various means to replace the top management of more than a dozen companies with evolutionists."

"Is there no management from above?"

"Considering that this can also stimulate those who are content with the status quo and encourage them to evolve, the higher-ups chose to let it go... The leader is called Xiao Zhen, do you remember him? He is also a chance person who can live a long life, but he has no fighting ability. "

"Xiao Zhen?" Yang Ning's face changed slightly: "It's him?"

Feng Yu was a little surprised by Yang Ning's reaction: "In my memory, he seems very inconspicuous, but you actually know him?"

"Well, I heard it from Yan."

Yang Ning recalled, saying: "He is a surrender faction. In the future in his memory, he cooperated with the fifth wave of invading civilizations and secretly revealed Jing Xing's whereabouts to the gods. Only then did seven gods besiege Jing Xing. But four of them were slaughtered, and after that, Jing Xing was officially declared the king of the gods."

Feng Yu was stunned: "Why don't we know about this?"

"Only Jing Xing and his left and right wings knew about this matter, and they didn't tell the outside world, but Yan mentioned it to me."

Fengyu asked suspiciously: "Jing Xing, didn't you do anything to him?"

Yang Ning shook his head and said: "What Jing Xing said is that Xiao Zhen is also looking for a way out for human beings. Although surrendering doesn't sound good, but in that case, at least the kindling of human beings can be preserved.

And he also wanted to use Xiao Zhen again, and then deliberately revealed his whereabouts to Xiao Zhen, and only took the left and right wings and twelve guardian angels, and entered the depths of the universe...you know what happened later. "

Feng Yu's expression was serious: "The gods didn't fall for him, but instead took action against the earth and destroyed it... Could it be Xiao Zhen's fault too?"

Yang Ning spread his hands and said, "I don't know!"

Feng Yu frowned tightly, and said: "Then we can't indulge him anymore! This person is too thoughtful, and has been pretending to be unknown, but he never expected to do such a thing in private..."

Just as he was talking, the door suddenly opened, and Ruan Man came out with a suspicious expression on his face: "I sensed two things, but one of them seems to be wrong..."

Fengyu asked curiously, "Where is it?"

Ruan Man swallowed, and said, "...outer space!"

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