When the Skyblade passed through the wormhole and appeared in a strange galaxy, Fengyu didn't even react. She only felt that her eyes were dark for a moment, and her vision changed drastically.

This is an unfamiliar star field. If you look around, you can see a sun that is one circle larger than the earth, and surrounding this sun, nebulae filled with gas, planetary nebulae, condensed bodies of hydrogen clouds and rings. NPC breathtaking globular clusters.

At the foot of the Sky Blade, there is a dark red sphere, and there are seven more such spheres, revolving around a green planet.

And the green planet's axis is tilted four degrees more than the earth's, which is just the opposite of the earth's motion.

It can be imagined that on that planet, the sun rises from the west every day, and at the same time, eight moons form a straight line of "450" ​​in the sky!

If you don't enter the universe, you will never be able to imagine such rare wonders in the universe!

Both Fengyu and Yang Yan were immersed in this beautiful scenery, unable to extricate themselves.

Even the elf girl was dazzled and murmured: "So our world is so beautiful!"

Startled by her voice, the two came back to their senses.

Yang Yan glanced at her, and said: "You don't even have the ability to spaceflight, so you learned to invade other planets? Oh, a god-given opportunity!"

The elf girl kept silent, her eyes dimmed.

Yang Yan ignored it, but reached out and drew in front of him, projecting a green planet and its eight satellites.

After zooming in on the green planet for a while, Yang Yan murmured: "There are no mountains, no oceans, but more hills, swamps, plains, and hundreds of millions of lakes...that's fine!"

Then zoom in on the eight satellites in turn, and then I was taken aback by the densely packed petri dishes on the satellites: "Drink! It's crazy! You use the planet's geocentric energy to breed monsters, and you never thought about it. Disintegration, will cause gravitational chaos, and cause disaster to your planet?"

The elf girl looked blank, obviously not understanding.

Yang Yan is speechless, this kind of deformed civilization influenced by God-given chance, can't communicate at all in many situations!

"Yan, bring them in, let's visit their planet first."

Jing Xing's words came through the dark communication.


Yang Yan replied, and said to the two women: "Let's go, let's go to your planet."

The three returned to the building, Jing Xing pointed to the left side of the throne and said: "You two can no longer survive in space, stand here, I will protect you."

"That's troublesome!" Feng Yu nodded in thanks, and led the elf girl to the designated position.

"Angel Yuexin, Angel Youqing, and Angel Butterfly stay on the Skyblade."

Jing Xing sat on the throne in a casual posture, and the voice echoed directly in the hall: "Others come with me and visit this planet!"

After the words fell, Yining left quietly.

And Jing Xing's throne is suspended!

Not only the throne, but also the steps on which the throne is located have also been lifted from the ground——as if a sharp knife has been pulled out of its sheath!

A sword-shaped throne more than ten meters long broke away from the Skyblade in the form of "pulling out".

Jing Xing sat on the throne, while Feng Yu and the elf girl stood on his left, on the wing-like sword lattice.

Angel Yan, Angel Man, and Angel Bei carried the Flaming Sword and flapped their wings to fly into the air to keep up.

After taking off the space-time shield of Li Tianblade, take the attitude of pilot, guide the Throne of Bladeblade, and fly to the green planet.

The elf girl trembled and couldn't stand anymore, she subconsciously grabbed Fengyu's arm.

Feng Yu peeked at Jing Xing on the throne with complicated eyes.

She is too familiar with the sword-bladed throne under her feet. In her memory, Jing Xing, the king of the gods, sat on this throne and descended from the sky to tell them that the twilight of the gods has come!

Never dreamed that she would have a moment to stand here!

Jing Xing ignored their thoughts, just looked at the huge planet that was approaching, and secretly said in the communication: "Go directly to visit their main city, the king's capital they talk about!"

Angelman: "The location of the king's capital has been located! The location of the princess has been located! The positions of the three major dukes have been located!"

Angel Yan: "Just get together, save trouble!"

Angel Bei: "Would you like to say hello first?"

Jing Xing chuckled: "Then let the clouds roll up first!"

Green Planet, Elaf Civilization, Royal Capital......

The blond-haired queen, June* Rosalind sat on the throne bored, dangling her little feet, obviously not thinking about it.

Uncle Wang, who was standing next to the throne, was still arguing with the three dukes about Gate No. 6.

... Doors No. 4 and No. 5 have been opened for more than a hundred years, but there has been no result..."

"Then you can't close door number six..."

"The input is not proportional to the output. I still recommend concentrating our efforts and giving priority to attacking the fourth gate..."

"No. 4 and No. 5 are at a stalemate, maybe No. 6 will be able to reap the results soon?"

"No one can guarantee that..."

"We lost contact with Sigrid..."

Listening to the quarrel in her ears, Rosalind June just wants to get out of this hard seat as soon as possible!

Although she is the queen in name, there is still a long time before she regains her rights.

How boring!

Didn't something funny happen?

Just as he was thinking, there was a faint sound of 3.4 outside the palace.

June* Rosalind's eyes lit up, she directly interrupted the quarrel between Uncle Wang and the three dukes, and said loudly: "Stop for a moment, why is it so noisy outside?"

Uncle Wang Monroe Rosalind gave her a slightly dissatisfied look, and shouted: "Guards!"

A guard ran in in panic: "Your Majesty, Your Excellency, outside...outside..."

"What's going on outside?"

"The clouds in the sky are rolling, as if something is about to fall...

"I'll go and have a look!" June * Rosalind jumped off the throne excitedly, and hurriedly ran outside.

Monroe and the three dukes looked at each other and sighed helplessly.

"Then let's go and have a look."

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