Negotiations, without a doubt, ended in disagreement.

Of course, the premise is that this can be considered a "negotiation"!

After leaving the hall, Yang Yan looked at Fengyu with a re-acquainted look: "I didn't expect you to be so ruthless... What conditions did you raise, these long ears are impossible to agree to?"

Feng Yu was not in the slightest, and said calmly: "Whether you agree or not, it's up to them! With the god Jing Xing under pressure, if they don't agree, they can only regretfully be exterminated~"

Yang Yan's face became more and more strange: "Since when did you regard Jing Xing as a god? You even said "our god" in one mouthful, and said it so smoothly!"

Fengyu smiled and said: "In our concept, we don't like the concept of "god", but you have to admit that when facing other civilizations, it is very standard to bring "god" to the negotiating table! "

Yang Yan couldn't help but rolled his eyes: "Yes, "God" has become your tool!"

"No way!" Fengyu quickly explained, "I just borrowed the title of "God", and didn't really use Jing Xing... Besides, Jing Xing didn't claim to be a god either.

Yang Yan waved his hand and said: "There is no need to explain in such a hurry, Jing Xing doesn't care about this."

"Isn't it because I'm afraid that he might misunderstand." Feng Yu exaggeratedly let out a sigh of relief.

Yang Yan asked: "Then what should we do next? Is it just so stalemate?"

Feng Yu said mysteriously: "Let's fish first, and see if we can catch that so-called "Moon God"..."

Yang Yan's eyes fluctuated, his hands clenched fists uncontrollably, let go, clenched fists, let go again!

After all, Yang Yan was born in an ancient martial arts family, and there is still a belligerent factor hidden in his bones.

It's a pity that after she became an angel, only his brother Yang Ning could fight her, and after that, Yang Ning wouldn't be able to.

In addition, Ruan Man is also a good sandbag.

However, when fighting these two people, it is impossible for her to fight life and death without any scruples.

If that "Moon God" really appeared, they should be able to fight heartily, right?

The entire process of the negotiation was uploaded by Yang Yan to the database of Tianren, and all the angels have seen it.

"Sister Yan is so awesome!" You Bei said enviously in the whole channel: "It will be great if I can be like her sometime."

The other three little angels also had bright eyes, watching the negotiation process over and over again, wishing they could be there.

Ruan Man said unhappily: "What a ghost! Someone dares to slander our king, but instead of me, I will directly approve it with Lie Yan and burn their capital!"

"Wow, Sister Man is so majestic!" Yu Bei's eyes were shining.

Everyone knows that strong oppression is not good, but when the strong one is on your own side... I can only say that it smells so good!

Ruan Man said with some disappointment: "I finally came to another star field, and pointed to a good fight [in the end, I still have to negotiate... I didn't even have the chance to show the strength of the angels.

"What are you talking about?" Jing Xing suddenly appeared in the lobby of the Sky Blade.

Several angels quickly put aside the topic, and Ruan Man asked, "Wang, what's the result of the investigation?"

Walking to the throne and sitting down, Jing Xing sighed, pulled out a projection screen, and said: "The star core energy of this satellite has almost been squeezed out, there is no cultivation base on it, and even the worm gate has been abandoned... ...Probably moved to the main star."

On the projection, it is one of the eight moons on the planet Long Ears, and it is also the first one whose energy was extracted by them.

This satellite is covered with fiery red magma, and there are cracks in the earth everywhere, and tongues of fire spew out from the cracks from time to time.

The devastated planet, the only thing left is fire and heat waves.

Ruan Man frowned, and said: "That is to say, those long ears ruined their own moon like this, and then just discarded it here?"

"Yeah." Jing Xing nodded and said: "Extracting the energy of the star core will do too much damage to the planet, we must take it as a warning!"

Ruan Man said proudly: "The stars in the universe are infinite, and the light energy is infinite, but they don't know how to use it!"

"This satellite will explode at any time. The power of the explosion may endanger the nearby main star and the other seven satellites..."

Jing Xing thought for a while, and said: "Get ready, we will use the Tianren to directly destroy this satellite and drain the remaining energy of the star core."

You Bei suddenly said, "Wang, why don't you wait another day?"

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Ruan Man was stunned for a moment, then suddenly said: "That's right, take this opportunity to let those long ears know what Tianwei is!"

Jing Xing couldn't help laughing, and said: "It's fine, anyway, don't worry, you can tell me."

"I'm coming, I'm coming!" You Bei hurriedly said, and immediately contacted Yan's private channel.

"It's too much to bully!" Donahue smashed the gold wine glass in his hand on the ground heavily, angrily.

Although the others didn't show it, they all had gloomy faces, and one could imagine the anger in their hearts.

"Ah!" Monroe sighed and said, "It's useless to be angry now, let's discuss what to do!"

Harlan said directly: "Fight! We still have star beasts!"

As soon as these words came out, the others immediately looked at him with foolish eyes.

Alma covered her mouth and chuckled: "In the original unification war, our ancestors used the combination of star beasts and gates to easily eliminate other god-given forces. What happened?"

Monroe took it over and said: "We didn't lose too much in the battle of unification, but we paid a heavy price to deal with the star beast afterwards!"

Alma continued: "How many star beasts were bred at the beginning? It seems that there are only more than a thousand? Now how many star beasts have we invested in Gate No. 6?"

Harlan also knew that he had said the wrong thing in a hurry, so he gritted his teeth and said, "I mean, just open all the doors to door No. 6, and throw all the star beasts there... the big deal perish together!"

"Children's angry words!" Monroe shook his head and ignored him.

On the contrary, Alma said thoughtfully: "What Harlan said, it's not impossible to try... Let's not talk about the fourth and fifth gates, there may be one opposite to the first, second, and third gates." Our weapon of victory!"

Harlan looked at her puzzled: "Weapon? All the lives on the other side have been swallowed by the star beast. Where did you get the weapon?"

Alma chuckled coldly: "When the star beast devours all life, it will continue to devour each other... In the end, the strongest star beast is left, and it falls into a deep sleep because it has no life.. ....ten".

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