What will happen to the future if the earth has only God-given opportunities and no subsequent invasion?

The projection in front of them told everyone the answer.

Nothing has changed on the surface!

At least from the perspective of the entire earth, in the next thirty years, the earth will not receive the influence of God-given opportunities at all... It seems that there is no such thing at all!

Several senior officials looked at each other.

Jing Xing smiled and enlarged the projection to show specific details:

Those with superpowers were either killed secretly or recruited secretly.

Most of the ultra-technical people died of various assassinations. The euphemism is that the earth still cannot accept such technology, and only a small number of them are recruited by their respective countries, and then hide them secretly.

Jing Xing dialed on the projection and brought up one of the most obvious examples.

Chu Shun has mastered the technology of controllable nuclear fusion.

After he got the opportunity, he applied for a loan from the bank and planned to start an energy company... 18 As a result, the news leaked out. Although the state tried to send people to protect him, the people who wanted him to die


Before being protected by the state, Chushun died in a man-made traffic accident.

Looking at Yang Ning, there is no invasion, this guy is full of martial arts training, he has practiced to the point where he can fly into the sky and escape from the ground, and few people know about it.

There is also Fengyu, who has superpowers and has been researched all day long, but nothing can be researched, and the outside world knows nothing about it.

Until the earth's resources are exhausted, those few technologies hidden by the country are still unwilling to take out, preferring to start a war...

After that, it was almost the same as the last calculation, the war gradually escalated, and finally ushered in a nuclear baptism!

The extrapolated projection ends.

Looking at the dead home in front of them, the senior executives and others were covered in cold sweat and turned pale.

The old man trembled his lips and said, "The earth will definitely be destroyed?"

"The development of science and technology has its inevitability!"

Jing Xing said lightly: "Technology arises from wisdom, and it also develops with wisdom. Since a civilization has chosen to evolve with wisdom, then don't give up easily...

Human beings are born with the gene of destructive impulse, because of wisdom, let us restrain this gene all the time!

And once you give up your wisdom and let the destructive impulse in your genes control your mind, it will inevitably lead to extinction in the end!"

After thinking for a while, Jing Xing said: "Do you still remember the Cuban Missile Crisis during the Cold War? It was precisely because the two captains of the two sides refused to launch nuclear bombs, and with their own wisdom, they overwhelmed the destructive impulse in the genes, thus avoiding the nuclear war of mankind .

But who can guarantee that wisdom can always overcome the genetic impulse? Genes dominate everything about people, and wisdom can only be cultivated by the day after tomorrow, which is already at a disadvantage...

Jing Xing didn't continue to say the following words, but everyone else understood what he meant.

In other words, no matter sooner or later, the impulse of genes will overwhelm wisdom and destroy everything!

Feng Yu's face turned pale, and said: "Is there no way to avoid it?"

"Two ways." Jing Xing said, immediately making everyone's eyes shine.

The old man couldn't wait to ask: "Which two kinds?"

"The first is luck! Wisdom enables the continuous development of science and technology, and the power of weapons is not short-lived. Overwhelmed by genetic urges....so just luck.

These words made everyone's faces look bad.

Jing Xing also said: "In human genes, there is an instinct to pursue survival. This instinct can overwhelm everything, and naturally includes the impulse to destroy. So when survival is threatened, the drive of instinct will forcefully enhance people's wisdom... ...Of course, the sudden increase in wisdom will also allow people to overcome their genetic survival instincts and choose to give up survival, which can be regarded as a double-edged sword."

"I see!"

Shanna Liva suddenly exclaimed, and said: "We Apocalypse people have been facing the threat of destruction, but we have never given up, so we have our unused civilization today["

Jing Xing looked at her, smiled, and said, "Your apocalyptic civilization is really admirable."

"My God!" Shanna Liva took a step back, knelt down on one knee again, and said: "Your wisdom is unfathomable, and we are eager for your guidance!"

Jing Xing shook his head and said: "I said, I'm not a god, at least not now, I can't think about things from the perspective of a god... I can't even get rid of my own concepts, just like you kneel to me, just would make me uncomfortable."

"We are willing to wait, no matter how long!" Shanna Liva said solemnly, and then got up.

Seeing this scene, several senior executives had complex expressions on their faces.

Jing Xing looked at them and said: "I also grew up in this country, and I have the same concept as you. I don't like a so-called "God" on top of my head to interfere with me, so I have never thought that I am a God, and I have never been a god. never interfered with you...

Well, the evolutionary is an exception. Although Yan reminded you, she represents my will, so it can be regarded as my interference. "

The old man opened his mouth and stopped talking.

Jing Xing waved his hand and said: "The relationship between us has always been awkward. You don't know how to get along with me, and you have a "respectful distance" approach. In fact, I don't know how to get along with you. After all, I see you Arrived differently."

Fengyu's face changed slightly, is this to clarify the relationship between the two parties?

630 As Jing Xing said, the relationship between the two parties is very rigid, and they don't know how to get along with each other.

The country naturally wants to control everything, but there is no way to control Jing Xing. Whether it is power, beauty, or wealth, it is a joke to Jing Xing... let alone force.

And what about Jing Xing? He wants to develop his own civilization, but he can’t surpass these high-level people. He has no interest in and ability to manage the country, so he is always in conflict.

How to change this situation is what both sides are thinking about.

But now the people from Apocalypse came, and they showed their chariots and horses, and they were willing to worship Jing Xing as a god. As long as Jing Xing nodded, it seemed that the deadlock had been broken.

But once the earth leaves Jing Xing, how can it resist the next invasion?

Thinking of this, Fengyu became anxious immediately, and hurriedly said: "Sir, human beings cannot do without Jing Xing!"

Of course, the old man knew that from the description of the memorizer, without Jing Xing, human beings, including the earth, would eventually lead to destruction.

And with Jing Xing, human civilization might become the overlord civilization of the universe.

On the contrary, these people, because of some old concepts, have been pushing the best symbols out... People from Tianqi are trying their best to greet them!

After a long time, the old man finally spoke, saying: "If we also worship you as a god...".

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