After the conversation, they dispersed, and even Shanna Liva returned to her spaceship, intending to return to the fleet outside the solar system.

Jing Xing also returned to Earth with Yang Yan, wandering in the street.

"After a few days of rest, everyone will be busy."

While walking, Jing Xing said in a chatty tone: "Priority is to light up the resources of the solar system, so as not to give ~ cheap to outsiders.

Yang Yan took Jing Xing's arm unceremoniously, and let out a "hmm", not knowing where he was going.

Jing Xing also has angel genes at the bottom of her genes, so she can naturally feel her bursting hormones.

But he didn't care about it, and said: "When the supplies are enough, everyone can upgrade themselves as much as possible. In the invasion nine years later, the first generation of angels may not be enough to become the main force, and even the second generation is in danger of falling."

"I know." Yang Yan squinted his eyes and said, "My brother told me that in the future, you will stand up and carry out the "God-making" project because of the huge gap between human beings and the opponent. Look down on them!"

"That's good..." Jing Xing paused, and said: "I recently developed a "secondary biological engine", and you and Ruan Man can equip it later."

"Is it very powerful?" Yang Yan tilted his head and looked at him with inexplicable eyes.

Jing Xing thought for a while, and said: "It depends on the person! The principle is based on the redefinition of matter and energy. For example, in your Thunder, you can define the voltage of Thunder as infinite through the sub-biological engine... ..of course, the premise is that you can fully understand the dark data of Thunder."

"The dark data of energy..." Yang Yan looked away guiltily.

Read the dark data of matter, the dark data of life, and the dark data of energy.... With these three layers of progressive relationship, Yang Yancai has mastered the reading of dark data of matter, and only through the eye of insight can he read the dark data of a part of life.

Jing Xing emphasized his tone, and said: "The war in the future is no longer about shooting bullets, but about energy wars...... Read the energy dark data, and you can analyze the energy to dissolve the energy. If the calculation speed is enough , Maybe the master of the warship bombards you, and you can directly resolve it!"

Yang Yan gritted his teeth: "I will work hard."

"Yeah!" Jing Xing nodded in satisfaction, paused, and said: "It's only limited to you and Ruan Man, other people don't need to know.

"Okay." Yang Yan agreed first, and then asked: "But why?"

Jing Xing pondered and said: "The "secondary biological engine" has completely subverted the law of conservation of mass and energy, and it no longer belongs to the category of physics... Just like a mathematician who knows that 1+1 is not equal to 2, there will be What consequences?"

Yang Yan suddenly said: "Understood! But you are not afraid that Ruan Man and I will get confused?"

Jing Xing smiled, and said: "Ruan Man is interested in research, but he is not obsessed... As for you, you are a scumbag, don't worry!"

"Humph!" Yang Yan snarled.

The two were walking on the street, the beauty of the man and woman naturally attracted countless eyes.

But I just watched from afar, with all kinds of envy, jealousy and hatred in my heart, but no one really stood up.

But a little girl suddenly ran out from the crowd, ran up to the two of them, and looked at them with tears in her eyes.

The little girl's parents didn't know if they were not nearby, so they didn't follow.

Yang Yan looked down at the delicate and lovely little girl in front of him, couldn't help laughing, and said, "Child, why are you blocking our way?"

"Suck..." The little girl sucked her nose, and shouted with some uncertainty on her small face, "Sister Yan? Wang?"

Yang Yan raised his brows and looked at her directly: "Child, call me sister, you can't call me sister Yan casually!"

"Wow..." The little girl burst into tears, wiped her tears and said, "It's really you, Sister Yan, my mother said I was dreaming, but the memory in the dream was too real... ..."

Yang Yan looked at Jing Xing, opened his mouth and asked silently: "Rememberer?"

Jing Xing nodded slightly, then shook his head again.

"What do you mean?" Yang Yan simply asked in the secret communication.

Jing Xing replied: "She should have memories of the future, but she is too young, her brain is underdeveloped, and her memory is also incomplete."

Yang Yan nodded slightly, and said: "So that's how it is... By the way, this kid looks only seven or eight years old, and when those aunts became angels, he was only in his twenties and thirties, right?"

Jing Xing was speechless: "I don't know, I don't have any memory...Maybe the enrollment was expanded later?"

"Go back and ask my brother."

The two were chatting in secret communication, the little girl wiped her tears, looked at this, then looked at that, and suddenly said: "Are you chatting in secret communication?"


"No, we're making eye contact!"

Yang Yan squatted down and said: "Child, go home quickly [or I will kidnap you!"

"You can't scare me!" The little girl held her head high: "I'm an angel!"

Yang Yan couldn't help laughing: "What about your wings?"

"I..." The little girl was in a dilemma immediately, thinking distressedly: "Maybe...maybe it hasn't grown yet?"

Yang Yan smiled and said, "Ha, what kind of angel is it without wings?"

"But I'm an angel, I remember it well!" exclaimed the little girl.

Jing Xing also asked, "Then what do you remember?"

The little girl tilted her head and said while thinking: "Well... I have a king, he wants to take people out, he doesn't take me, and let me look after the house... Then the bad guys came, I will lead people to fight with fight..."


While talking, the little girl cried again, choked up and said, "I didn't think about my family..."

Beside, a young mother ran over in a panic: "Xiaorong...Xiaorong, you are going to scare mom to death, don't run around anymore!"

"Mom, am I an angel?" Xiao Rong cried and threw herself into her mother's arms and asked.

"Yes, yes, of course Xiao Rong is an angel!" The young mother quickly comforted her.

Then he embarrassedly explained to Jing Xing and Yang Yan: "I'm sorry, both of you, my little Rong disturbed you."

"It's okay, he's a cute kid." Yang Yan waved his hand and said.

Jing Xing glanced at the bag in the young mother's hand and asked, "He came out of the hospital? Is there something wrong with this child?"

"Alas!" The young mother sighed, and said, "About two years ago, Xiao Rong suddenly started to suffer from headaches. She suffered from the pain all day long, and sometimes she could pass out from the pain...... No, these two years I took her all over the hospital, but I couldn't find any problems, so I could just prescribe some medicine..."

more than two years ago

Jing Xing and Yang Yan looked at each other, it really was a memoryr!

Stretching out his hand to touch Xiaorong's head, Jing Xing said with a smile: "It's a three-point medicine, so don't give it to her in the future... Her head won't hurt anymore."

Being touched by Jing Xing on the head, Xiao Rong rubbed his face full of enjoyment, and murmured: "Master

After a while, I fell asleep and went to work. .

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